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Answering how normal and various abnormal ECGs generate from the electrical
     activities of cardiac cells and investigating how various arrhythmias form and sustain have
     been questions of great significance to the diagnosis of heart diseases. Restricted by the
     limited means of clinical and experimental investigation, quite a few of unclear and
     debatable questions in cardioelectricity still exist and modeling and simulation has been
     valued as an important research approach. So far, most cardioelectrical models have been
     built based on the classical Miller-Geselowitz model that employs a dipole to represent the
     electrical activity of each abstract cardiac cell. Other kinds of models include the
     electrophysiological models and the models employing the Fitzhugh-Nagumo equation to
     investigate the dynamic behavior of arrhythmia. The reported electrophysiological models
     are one- or two-dimensional multicellular models, aiming at investigating the intercellular
     connection and communication, but lacking an imbedded ECG computing algorithm to link
     the cardioelectrical activity with the recordings of ECG. The massive parallel computing has
     been the main obstacle to develop a whole-heart electrophysiological model. Difficulties
     come from two aspects: the efficiency of executing and the convenience of describing
     thousands to millions groups of nonlinear action potential equations of cardiac cells.
     As a computation mode with intrinsic parallel features, cellular automata have received
     increasing attentions in recent years as the tool of discrete dynamic system simulation.
     Although the standard defined cellular automata are rule-based, they can be implemented as
     languages, with much flexibility in computation describing. As the basis of our work, we
     made extensions to both the language compiler and the viewing facility of Celltilae3.O, a
     language-based cellular automata system, and made it applicable to describe the massive
     parallel numerical computing.
     To investigate the ECG generation and the arrhythmia formation problems
     quantitatively and visibly at cellular and subcellular level, taking the extended cellular3.O as
     tool, we designed and implemented a whole-heart electrophysiological model. The two key
     components of this model are the cellular automata style massive parallel computing and the
     action potential models of cardiac cells. The included cardiac tissues are sinoatiial node,
     atrioventricular node, atrium, ventricle, intra-atrial conduction bundle, and intra-ventricular
     conduction bundle (Purkinje fiber). Restricted by the power of computer we equip now, the
     current model is two-dimensional now and consists of about more than four thousand
     cardiac cells. According to the fact that the walls of ventricles are layered and cells at
     different layer have different electrical properties, we developed a resolution- nd geometry-
     independent run-time make-layer algorithm to layer the was of ventricles, linking the
     electrical property of cardiac ll with its layer position. The excitation propagation among
     cells of same layer is end-to-end conduction along longitudinal direction and the
     propagation among cells of different layer is side-to-side conduction along radial direction.
     Twenty-four kinds of intercellular gap junctions are designed to describe the intercellular
     excitation propagation among cells of different kinds and cells along different direction. By
     parallely solving thousands groups of action potential equations of cardiac cells and
     computing the trans-junctional excitation propagation between every cell pairs, the
     spatiotemporal process of ca
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