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Axel Honneth attempts to connect experience with norm in order to overcome the transcedence of communicative action. He aims to make a critical theory of society progressed by resorting to the latest development of recognition theory and digging deeply the moral implications of the concept of recognition. Therefore, he constructs the system of ethics of recognition by drawing on the early 'Jena Period' work of Hegel, the social psychology of George Herbert Mead.
     First, Honneth reflects on Aristotle and Kant's ethics, Habermas's discourse ethics, and postmodern ethics, discusses the necessity and availability of constructing the ethics of recognition, and interprets the implications of the ethics of recognition which is including three forms.
     Second, in the sphere of social philosophy, Honneth reflects on the discipline's history, locates it as social pathology and emphases to specify the situation of social pathologies from the perspective of ethics. He analyses the moral motivation of social conflicts and assumes 'formal conception of ethical life' as norm which leads us to connect the right of individual with the good of communities. So, the ethics of recognition can be seen as a social ethics which clarifies social misdevelopment, especially social conflicts.
     The third, in the sphere of political philosophy, Honneth and Nancy Fraser debates on the justice of redistribution and recognition. Fraser insists on the perspective of dualism, but Honneth insists on plural justice based on three forms of recognition because he thinks that the problem of redistribution belongs to recognition. What's more, Honneth discusses the moral implications of work from the perspective of recognition. He thinks the reasons that the discontent of workers is not caused by maldistribution, but by disrespect that self-worth and contribution of workers has not got social esteem. Honneth thinks that the task of political philosophy is to build the good social order which is bases on the recognition order. Therefore, in the sphere of political philosophy, the ethics of recognition as a form of the social ethics offers the support to establish a just social order.
     So, Honneth interprets the concept of recognition from the perspective of ethics, constructs the moral point view of recognition based on love, law rights and solidarity, and assumes the theory of recognition as a social ethics and a political ethics, which is advantage to develop the research of the theory of recognition, a critical theory of society, and analyses of paradoxes of capitalist society. However, there are some disadvantages in the theory of recognition, for examples, on the one hand, it resorts to social moral psychology, which offers experience to critical theory of society, but thick experience makes the power of critique blunted. On another hand, he assumes a formal conception of ethical life, but it makes the normative power weakened. At last but not least, although Honneth take social and political ethics into account, the thick ethics hardly covers the importance of social and political dimensions in practices.
     In all, Honneth's ethics of recognition begins with the moral philosophy, and extends to social and political philosophy in order to diagnosis social pathologies and construct a just social order. This attempt what he made exists some flaws, but there has no doubt that it has positive significances in the development of theory and practices.
    2Dieter Freundliebren.Rethinking Critical Theory: Weaknesses and New Directions. Constellations,Volume7,No1,2000,P80-89
    1Christopher EZurn.Recognition, Redistribution, and Democracy: Dilemmas of Honneth's CriticalSocial Theory.European Journal of Philosophv13(1),2005,P89-126
    2Andreas Kalyvas. Critical Theory at the Crossroads: Comments on Axel Honneth's Theory of Recognition. European Journal of Social Theory2(1),1999, P 101
    3Jean-philippe Deranty and Emmanuel Renault. Politicizing Honneth's Ethics of Recognition, Thesis Eleven,number88, 2007,P92
    1Axel Honneth. Grounding Recognition: A Rejoinder to Critical Questions. Inquiry, volume45:499-520,2002, P505
    2Michael Inwood. Recognition. inAHegel Dictinary. Oxford:Blackwell, 1992, P245
    3Axel Honneth. Recognition and Moral Obligation. Social Research. New York: Spring 1997,Vol.64,Iss1; p.16
    1Ideas: general introduction to pure phenomenology, trans. by W.R. Boyce Gibson. New York: Collier,1962, P50-51
    1Jurgen Habermas. “Justice and Solidarity: On the Discussion Concerning Stage 6”. in The Moral Domain: Essays in the Ongoing Discussion between Philosophy and the Social Science.Thomas E.Wren(ed.).Cambridge, MIT Press, 1990:224-251,P243-244,
    1Axel Honneth. Integrity and Disrespect: Principles of A Conception of Morality Based on A Theory of Recognition.in The Fragmented World of The Social: Essays in Social and Political Philosophy.edited by Charles W. Wright, State University of New York Press, Albany, P250
    1Axel Honneth, Integrity and Disrespect: Principles of A Conception of Morality Based on A Theory of Recognition, The Fragmented World of The Social: Essays in Social and Political Philosophy, edited by Charles W. Wright, State University of New York Press, Albany, P251
    3Axel Honneth, Integrity and Disrespect: Principles of A Conception of Morality Based on A Theory of Recognition, The Fragmented World of The Social: Essays in Social and Political Philosophy, edited by Charles W. Wright, State University of New York Press, Albany, P252
    2Axel Honneth. The Struggle for Recognition: The Moral Grammar of Social Conflicts.trans by Joel Aderson.Cambridge, The MIT Press,1996,P5
    1Axel Honneth. The Struggle for Recognition: The Moral Grammar of Social Conflicts.trans by Joel Aderson.Cambridge, The MIT Press,1996,P15
    2马尔库塞.理性与革命:黑格尔和社会理论的兴起.程志民译.上海:上海人民出版社,2007, P62
    3注释:《伦理体系》德文原著为System der Sittlichkeit, eds.Georg Lasson, Hamburg:Meiner,1967,英译为System of Ethical Life(1802/1803)and First Philiosophy of Spirit(PartⅢ of the System of Speculative Philosophyl 803/1804,eds.And trs.H.S.Harris and T.M.knox,Albany,NY:SUNY Press, 1979
    1注释:System der spekulativenPhilosophie(Hamburg:Meiner, 1986),partⅢ,指《第一精神哲学》,原指 《实在哲学Ⅰ》
    2注释:德文原著为:Jenaer Realphilosophie,Hamburg:Meiner, 1969.原指实在哲学Ⅱ
    3注释:乔治·H·米德(George Herbert Mead, 1863-1931年)是哲学家、社会学家以及社会心 理学家,符号互动理论的奠基人。他认为生理冲动与反应性理智间的互动是心灵的本质;主我与客我的互动是自我的本质,自我与他人的互动是社会的本质。他反对仅仅只重视纯客观的“刺激一反应”研究方式的行为主义,坚持从“社会”的角度研究行为,改变传统把心理学等同于个体的自我与心灵的研究,而把“社会”与“心理学”连接起来进行考察;也反对只坚持个人内在经验的人文主义心理学,认为心灵与自我完全是在社会过程中产生的,经验具有社会性,对心理学的考察不应该忽视“社会”的视角,所以,他对心灵、自我与社会的本性的洞察不但为心理学研究开辟了别样的路径,也为哲学研究提供了新的视角,尤其对霍耐特重构黑格尔的思想提供了基础。
    1Axel Honneth.Grounding Recognition: A Rejoinder to Critical Questions.Inquiry,45,P503
    1童世骏先生认为,德语Handeln或英语action翻译为“行为”是不恰当的,一方面,现代西方哲学有一个专门领域,叫做行动哲学(philosophy of action),而行动哲学的前提就在于把“行动”与“行为”相区分。在研究此领域的学者看来,“行动”(action)与“行为”(behavior)的区别在于有没有“意向性”。行动当然是行为,而行为,如果没有意向性,就是行动。另一方面,如果把Handeln或英语action翻译为行为,那么对“Verhalten”或英语“behavior”将无法翻译。参见童世骏,《批判与实践:论哈贝马斯的批判理论》北京:生活·读书·新知三联书店,2007,p53-54。虽然童世骏先生的观点存在一定的合理性,但是考虑到国内学术界对“交往行为”的翻译和使用已经认可,所以在下文中,我们依然用“交往行为”这一术语。
    2J(u|¨)rgen Habermas :Communication and the Evolution of Society, translated by Thomas McCarthy,London, Heinemann Educational Books Ltd, 1979,P 1
    3J(u|¨)rgen Habermas :Communication and the Evolution of Society, translated by Thomas McCarthy,London, Heinemann Educational Books Ltd, 1979,P6
    4J(u|¨)rgen Habermas :Communication and the Evolution of Society, translated by Thomas McCarthy,London, Heinemann Educational Books Ltd, 1979,P6
    1J(u|¨)rgen Habermas :Communication and the Evolution of Society, translated by Thomas McCarthy,London, Heinemann Educational Books Ltd, 1979, P3
    2Habermas. Moral Consciousness and Communication Action.Cambridge, MIT Press, 1993, P195
    1Habermas. Moral Consciousness and Communication Action. Cambridge, MIT Press, 1993,P197
    1Habermas.Moral Consciousness and Communication Action.Cambridge, MIT Press, 1993, P65
    2Habermas.Moral Consciousness and Communication Action.Cambridge, MIT Press, 1993, P64
    3Habermas.Moral Consciousness and Communication Action.Cambridge, MIT Press, 1993, P89
    4Habermas.Moral Consciousness and Communication Action.Cambridge, MIT Press, 1993, P89
    5Habermas.Moral Consciousness and Communication Action.Cambridge, MIT Press, 1993, P65-66
    1Jean-Francois Lyotard. The Postmodern Condition:A Report on Knowledge.trs.Geoff Bennington andBrian Massumi.Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press, 1984,pⅩⅩⅣ
    2Jean-Francois Lyotard. The Postmodern Condition:A Report on Knowledge.trs.Geoff Bennington andBrian Massumi.Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press, 1984,P66
    1Axel Honneth. Disrespect: The Normative Foundations of Critical Theory. Cambridge, Polity Press.2007, P103
    1Axel Honneth. Disrespect: The Normative Foundations of Critical Theory.Cambridge, Polity Press.2007, P105
    1Axel Honneth. Disrespect: The Normative Foundations of Critical Theory. Cambridge, Polity Press.2007,P117
    2Axel Honneth. Disrespect: The Normative Foundations of Critical Theory. Cambridge, Polity Press.2007, P117
    1Axel Honneth. Disrespect: The Normative Foundations of Critical Theory. Cambridge, Polity Press.2007, P117
    2Axel Honneth. Disrespect: The Normative Foundations of Critical Theory . Cambridge, Polity Press.2007, P121
    1Axel Honneth. Disrespect: The Normative Foundations of Critical Theory.Cambridge, Polity Press.2007, P121
    2Axel Honneth. Disrespect: The Normative Foundations of Critical Theory. Cambridge, Polity Press.2007, P122
    1Jurgen Habermas, “Justice and Solidarity: On the Discussion Concerning Stage 6”, in The Moral Domain: Essays in the Ongoing Discussion between Philosophy and the Social Science.Thomas E.Wren(ed.).Cambridge, MIT Press, 1990:224-251, P244
    2注释:元伦理学一般被认为是研究伦理学本身的问题,其主要包括对伦理学性质的研究,对于 关键性的道德词汇进行概念分析,以及对于回答道德问题的方法的研究。参见:尼古拉斯·布宁,余纪元编著.西方哲学英汉对照辞典.北京:人民出版社,2001年,第609页
    2Scheler.Ordo Amoris. Gesammelte Werke Bd.10.s.356.转引自.张汝伦.二十世纪德国哲学.北京:人民出版社,2008年,第213页
    3Axel Honneth.Love and Morality: On the Moral Content of Emotional Ties.in Disrespect: The Normative Foundations of Critical Theory, Axel Honneth, Polity Press,2007, P164
    1The Moral Domain: Essays in the Ongoing Discussion between Philosophy and the Social Science.edited by Thomas Wren. Cambridge, The MIT Press, 1990, P244
    2The Moral Domain: Essays in the Ongoing Discussion between Philosophy and the Social Science.edited by Thomas Wren.Cambridge, The MIT Press, 1990, P247
    1J(u|¨)gen Habermas.Justification and Application: Remarks on Discourse Ethics.Cambridge,Polity Press,1993, Preface
    1Axel Honneth. Disrespect: The Normative Foundations of Critical Theory.Cambridge, Polity Press,2007, P3
    1Axel Honneth. Disrespect: The Normative Foundations of Critical Theory.Cambridge, Polity Press,2007, P4
    2Axel Honneth. Disrespect: The Normative Foundations of Critical Theory.Cambridge, Polity Press,2007, P4
    1Axel Honneth.Disrespect: The Normative Foundations of Critical Theory.Cambridge, Polity Press,2007, P6
    2Axel Honneth.Disrespect: The Normative Foundations of Critical Theory.Cambridge, Polity Press,2007, P12
    1Axel Honneth.Disrespect: The Normative Foundations of Critical Theory. Cambridge, Polity Press,2007. P 13
    1Axel Honneth.Disrespect: The Normative Foundations of Critical Theory.Cambridge, Polity Press,2007, P 15
    2Axel Honneth.Disrespect: The Normative Foundations of Critical Theory, Cambridge. Polity Press,2007, P 17
    1Axel Honneth.Disrespect: The Normative Foundations of Critical Theory.Cambridge, Polity Press,2007, P17
    1Axel Honneth. Disrespect: The Normative Foundations of Critical Theory. Cambridge, Polity Press,2007, P18
    1Axel Honneth.Disrespect: The Normative Foundations of Critical Theory. Cambridge, Polity Press,2007,P31
    2Axel Honneth.Disrespect: The Normative Foundations of CriticalTheory.Cambridge, Polity Press,2007. P32
    1Axel Honneth.Disrespect: The Normative Foundations of Critical Theory.Cambridge, Polity Press,2007, P32
    2Axel Honneth.Disrespect: The Normative Foundations of Critical Theory.Cambridge, Polity Press,2007, P34
    1Axel Honneth.Disrespect: The Normative Foundations of Critical Theory.Cambridge, Polity Press,2007, P35
    2Axel Honneth.Disrespect: The Normative Foundations of Critical Theory.Cambridge, Polity Press,2007, P41
    1Axel Honneth. The Fragmented World of the Social: Essays in Social and Political Philosophy. ed.Charles W Wright, Albany,SUNY Press,1995, P216
    2Axel Honneth. The Fragmented World of the Social: Essays in Social and Political Philosophy. ed Charles W Wright, Albany,SUNY Press,1995, P218
    1Axel Honneth and Nancy Fraser. Redistribution or Recognition? A Political-Philosophical Exchange.trans by Joel Golb, James Ingram and Christiane Wilke.Verso,2003, P1
    1注释:南希·弗雷泽是美国纽约新社会研究学校研究生院哲学与政治科学系(The Graduate Faculty of the New School for Social Research)的教授,被认为是20世纪承认理论转向的领军人物之一。她的思想被定位于女权主义理论、批判理论以及后结构主义的交叉点。其主要著作为:《正义的打断:“后社会主义”条件下的批判反思》(Justice Interruptus: Critical Reflections on the'Postsocialist'Condition)(1997年),《难驾驭的实践:当代社会理论中的权力、话语和性别》( Unruly Practices: Power, Discourse and Gender in Contemporary Social Theory) (1989),《再分配或者承认? 政治—哲学的交流》(Redistribution or Recognition? A Political-Philosophical Exchange) (2003年)
    2Axel Honneth and Nancy Fraser. Redistribution or Recognition?APolitical-Philosophical Exchange. trans by Joel Golb, James Ingram and Christiane Wilke.Verso,2003, P4
    1Axel Honneth and Nancy Fraser. Redistribution or Recognition? A Political-Philosophical Exchange.trans by Joel Golb, James Ingram and Christiane Wilke.Verso,2003, P2-3
    1Axel Honneth and Nancy Fraser. Redistribution or Recognition? A Political-Philosophical Exchange.trans by Joel Golb, James Ingram and Christiane Wilke.Verso,2003, P125-126
    1Axel Honneth and Nancy Fraser. Redistribution or Recognition? A Political-Philosophical Exchange.trans by Joel Golb. James Ingram and Christiane Wilke.Verso.2003, P134
    2Axel Honneth and Nancy Fraser. Redistribution or Recognition? A Political-Philosophical Exchange.trans by Joel Golb, James Ingram and Christiane Wilke.Verso,2003, P204
    1Axel Honneth and Nancy Fraser. Redistribution or Recognition? A Political-Philosophical Exchange.trans by Joel Golb, James Ingram and Christiane Wilke.Verso,2003, P213
    2Axel Honneth and Nancy Fraser. Redistribution or Recognition? A Political-Philosophical Exchange.trans by Joel Golb, James Ingram and Christiane Wilke.Verso,2003, P218
    1Axel Honneth and Nancy Fraser. Redistribution or Recognition? A Political-Philosophical Exchange.trans by Joel Golb, James Ingram and Christiane Wilke.Verso,2003, P218
    2Axel Honneth and Nancy Fraser. Redistribution or Recognition? A Political-Philosophical Exchange.trans by Joel Golb, James Ingram and Christiane Wilke.Verso,2003, P228-229
    1Axel Honneth and Nancy Fraser. Redistribution or Recognition? A Political-Philosophical Exchange.trans by Joel Golb, James Ingram and Christiane Wilke.Verso,2003, P248
    2Axel Honneth and Nancy Fraser. Redistribution or Recognition? A Political-Philosophical Exchange.trans by Joel Golb, James Ingram and Christiane Wilke.Verso,2003, P256
    1Axel Honneth and Nancy Fraser. Redistribution or Recognition? A Political-Philosophical Exchange.trans by Joel Golb, James Ingram and Christiane Wilke.Verso,2003, P262
    2Axel Honneth and Nancy Fraser. Redistribution or Recognition? A Political-Philosophical Exchange.trans by Joel Golb, James Ingram and Christiane Wilke.Verso,2003, P265
    2Habermas.Knowledge and Human Interests. Cambridge: Polity Press, 1987, P25-63
    1Thomas McCarthy.The Critical Theory of Jurgen Habermas.Cambridge,The MIT Press, 1978, P30
    1Axel Honneth. The Fragmented World of the Social: Essays in Social and Political Philosophy. ed.Charles W Wright, Albany, SUNY Press,1995, P40
    2Axel Honneth. The Fragmented World of the Social: Essays in Social and Political Philosophy. ed.Charles W Wright, Albany SUNY Press,1995, P44
    3Axel Honneth. The Fragmented world of me Social: Essays in Social and Political Philosophy. ed.Charles W Wright, Albany,SUNY Press, 1995, P47
    1Axel Honneth. Disrespect: The Normative Foundations of Critical Theory. Cambridge, Polity Press.2007,P76
    4Axel Honneth.Disrespect: The Normative Foundations of Critical Theory.Cambridge, Polity Press,2007, P5
    1Axel Honneth.Recognition and Justice: Outline of a Plural Theory of Justice. Acta Sociologica,vol47(4):351-364,2004, P351
    1Kojeve. Introduction to the Reading of Hegel. New York and London. Basic Books, 1969, P20
    2Axel Honneth. Disrespect: The Normative Foundations of Critical Theory. Cambridge, Polity Press.2007, P72
    3Axel Honneth. Disrespect: The Normative Foundations of Critical Theory . Cambridge, Polity Press.2007,P72
    1Axel Honneth. Disrespect: The Normative Foundations of Critical Theory. Cambridge, Polity Press.2007, P73
    1Axel Honneth. Disrespect: The Normative Foundations of Critical Theory. Cambridge, Polity Press.2007, P74
    1Martin Hartmann and Axel Honneth. Paradoxes of Capitalism.Constellations Volumel3,Nol,2006,P42
    1Martin Hartmann and Axel Honneth.Paradoxes of Capitalism.Constellations,Volume13,No1,2006,P49
    2Martin Hartmann and Axel Honneth.Paradoxes of Capitalism.Constellations,Volume13,No1,2006,P52
    3Martin Hartmann and Axel Honneth.Paradoxes of apita]ism.Constellations,Volume13,No1,2006,P53
    1Andreas Kalyvas. Critical Theory at the Crossroads: Comments on Axel Honneth's Theory of Recognition. European Journal of Social Theory2(1),1999, P 101
    2Andreas Kalyvas. Criticai Theory at the Crossroads: Comments on Axel Honneth's Theory of Recognition. European Journal of Social Theory2(1),1999, P 103
    3Jean-philippe Deranty and Emmanuel Renault.Politicizing Honneth's Ethics of Recognition, ThesisEleven,number88, 2007:92-111,P92
    1Jean-philippe Deranty and Emmanuel Renault. Politicizing Honneth's Ethics of Recognition, Thesis Eleven,number88, 2007:92-111,P92
    1Andreas Kalyvas. Critical Theory at the Crossroads: Comments on Axel Honneth's Theory of Recognition. European Journal of Social Theorv2(1), 1999, P104
    2Christopher Zurn. Anthropology and Normativity:a Critique of Axel Honneth's'Formal Conception of Ethical Life'.Philosophy &Social Criticism,volume26(1):PP.115-124, P119
    1Christopher Zurn. Anthropology and Normativity:a Critique of Axel Honneth's 'Formal Conception of Ethical Life '.Philosophy &Social Criticism,volume26(1):PP.115-124, P119
    [1]Axel Honneth. A Critique of Power: Reflective Stages in a Critical Social Theory.trans. Kenneth Baynes.Cambridge, The MIT Press, 1985
    [2]Axel Honneth. The Fragmented World of the Social: Essays in Social and Political Philosophy. ed. Charles W Wright. Albany ,SUNY Press, 1995
    [3]Axel Honneth and Nancy Fraser. Redistribution or Recognition? A Political-Philosophical Exchange. trans by Joel Golb, James Ingram and Christiane Wilke.Verso,2003
    [4]Axel Honneth. The Morality of Recognition. Cambridge, UK Polity Press,2004
    [5]Axel Honneth. Disrespect: The Normative Foundations of Critical Theory .Cambridge, Polity Press, 2007
    [6]Axel Honneth .The Struggles for Recognition: The Moral Grammar of Social Conflict. trans. Joel Anderson .Cambridge , The MIT Press, 1995
    [7]Axel Honneth. "The Social Dynamics of Disrespect: On the Location of Critical Theory Today" in Habermas: A Critical Reader. ed. Peter Dews, Maiden.Blackwell Publishers Ltd,1999
    [8]J(?)rgen Habermas.Communication and the Evolution of Society, trans. Thomas McCarthy. Heinemann Educational Books Ltd. London, 1979
    [9]J(?)rgen Habermas. On the Logic of the Social Sciences. trans. Shierry Weber Nicholsen and Jerry A.Stark.Cambridge, The MIT Press, 1988
    [10]J(?)rgen Habermas. Moral Consciousness and Communication Action. Trans.Christian Lenhardt and Shierry Weber Nicholsen. Cambridge, The MIT Press, 1993
    [11]J(?)rgen Habermas. Justification and Application: Remarks on Discourse Ethics.Trans. Ciaran Cronin. Cambridge, Polity press, 1993
    [12]Jurgen Habernas. The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere: an Inquiry into a Category of Bourgeois Society. Cambridge, The MIT Press, 1989
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    [14] Jurgen Habernas. The Postnational Constellation: Political Essays. Cambridge,theMIT Press, 2001.
    [15] Jurgen Habernas. Truth and Justification. Cambridge, Polity Press,2003
    [16] Jurgen Habernas. Autonomy and Solidarity: Interviews. London :Verso,1986
    [17] Jurgen Habernas. The Philosophical Discourse of Modernity: Twelve Lectures.Cambridge, MIT Press, 1987
    [18] Jurgen Habernas. Between Facts and Norms: Contributions to a Discourse Theory of Law and Democracy. Cambridge, MIT Press, 1996
    [19] Jurgen Habermas. Knowledge and Human Interests. Cambridge, Polity Press,1987
    [20] Thomas McCarthy.The Critical Theory of Jurgen Habermas.Cambridge, The MIT Press, 1978
    [21] Steuerman. The Bounds of Reason: Habermas, Lyotard, and Melanie Klein on Rationality. New York, Routledge,1999
    [22] Bob Cannon. Rethinking the Normative Content of Critical Theory. Marx,Habermas and beyond. New York, Palgrave, 2001
    [23] David Held. Introduction to Critical Theory: Horkheimer to Habermas. Berkeley,University of California Press, 1980
    [24] Russell Keat. The Politics of Social Theory: Habermas, Freud, and the critique of positivism. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1981
    [25] Raymond Geuss. The Idea of a Critical Theory: Habermas and the Frankfurt school. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1981
    [26] Jerald Wallulis. The Hermeneutics of Life History: Personal Achievement and History in Gadamer, Habermas, and Erikson. Evanston, Ⅲ. Northwestern University Press, 1990
    [27] Marie leming. Emancipation and Illusion: Rationality and Gender in Habermas's Theory of Modernity. University Park, Pennsylvania State University Press, 1997
    [28] Mathieu Deflem. Habermas, Modernity, and Law. California, Sage Publications,1996
    [29] Samantha Ashenden. Samantha. Foucault contra Habermas: Recasting the Dialogue between Genealogy and Critical Theory. California, SAGE, 1999
    [30] Ricardo Blaug. Democracy, Real and Ideal: Discourse Ethics and Radical Politics. Albany, State University of New York Press, 1999
    [31] William Rehg. Insight and Solidarity: a Study in the Discourse Ethics of Habermas. Berkeley, University of California Press, 1994
    [32] Kojeve. Introduction to the Reading of Hegel. New York and London, Basic Books, 1969.
    [33] The Moral Domain: Essays in the Ongoing Discussion between Philosophy and the Social Science. ed. Thomas E. Wren. Cambridge, The MIT Press, 1990
    [34] Axel Honneth. Organized Self-Realization: Some Paradoxes of Individualization.European Journal of Social Theory, volume7(4):463-478,2004
    [35] Axel Honneth. Grounding Recognition: A Rejoinder to Critical Questions.Inquiry, volume45:499-520, 2002
    [36] Axel Honneth. Invisibility: On the Epistemology of 'Recognition'. The Aristotelian Society, Supplementary Vol.Lxxv, 2001
    [37] Axel Honneth. A Physiognomy of the Capitalist Form of Life: A Sketch of Adorno's Social Theory. Constellations, Volume 12, No.1, 2005
    [38] Martin Hartmann and Axel Honneth. Paradoxes of Capitalism. Constellations,Volume 13(1), 2006
    [39] Axel Honneth. Reconstructive Social Critique with a Genealogical Reservation:On the Idea of Critique in the Frankfurt School. Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 22(2), 2001
    [40] Axel Honneth. The Possibility of a Disclosing Critique of Society: The Dialectic of the Enlightenment in Light of Current Debates in Social Criticism.Constellations, Volume 7(1), 2000
    [41] Axel Honneth. 'Anxiety and Politics' : The Strengths and Weaknesses of Franz Neumann's Diagnosis of a Social Pathology. Constellations, Volume 10(2), 2003
    [42] Axel Honneth. Recognition or Redistribution? Changing Perspectives on the Moral Order of Society. Theory, Culture and Society, Volume 18, 2001
    [43] Axel Honneth. On the Destructive Power of the Third: Gadamer and Heidegger's Doctrine of Intersubjectivity. Philosophy and Social Criticism, volume29(1):5-21, 2003
    [44]Axel Honneth. Postmodern Identity and Object-Relations Theory: On the Supposed Obsolence of Psychoanalysis. Philosophical Explorations, volumel:225-242, 1999
    [45]Axel Honneth. Artist of Dissonance:Albrecht Wellmer and Critical Theory.Constellations, Volume 14(3), 2007
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