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     第一部分 探讨正义感的涵义、特征以及功能。在现代民主社会中,正义感是指社会成员对正义理念、正义原则、正义制度的尊重以及在维护正义制度、做出正义行为时所产生的情感体验,是一种按照正义原则来采取有效行动的能力。正义感具有三个方面的特征:从正义感的形成来看,它是自识与共识的统一;从正义感的最终目的来看,它是为己与为人的统一;从正义感的制约力来看,它是自制与制人的统一。正义感具有内在功能和外在功能。其对个人的内在功能表现为调整、矫正个人价值观念,促使个人以合理方式求利;其对公共生活的外在功能表现为建立和完善正义制度、促进社会合作、维护社会秩序。
     第二部分 描述当代中国社会正义感的缺失现状并探讨其成因。在当代中国社会生活中,社会成员在内心深处缺乏应有的正义感。这主要表现在:个体功利价值取向相对突出,精神追求受到轻视:渴望正义的愿望与实践正义的行为不一致;社会各领域非义行为普遍存在。究其原因,主要在于:社会转型期间正义观念模糊,人们难以产生正义共识;人际交往中情感的淡化和实利化;制度的不公正;教育、赏罚、舆论等社会控制机制弱化。
     第三部分 探讨当代中国社会正义感培育的必要性、可能性,分析正义感培育的影响因素及其培育方式。正义感培育之所以必要,是因为正义感对个人和社会都具有重要的意义和独特的作用;正义感并不是与生俱来的,而是社会习得和培养的结果;正义感不易保持,需要得到强化。正义感培育之所以可能,是因为正义感是达到个人合理目的的手段;它表达了我们作为道德人的欲望;每个人都欲求秩序良好的社会。正义感培育的影响因素有个人内在因素和社会外在因素。前者如个体内在道德心理因素和个体的道德实践活动
The problem of sense of justice is an important aspect of the research on the theory of justice. From the angle of institutional ethics to approach the deficiency and cultivation of sense of justice in the contemporary society of China has very important meanings for building the orderly morality, maintaining the steady society and realizing the social justice. This essay is divided into three parts:
    Part one An approach on the connotation, features and functions of sense of justice. In modern democratic society the sense of justice is the social members' respect for the idea of justice, the principle of justice and the just institutions as well their sentimental experiences that emerge from maintaining the just institutions and doing just behaviors, also it is an ability of the social members to take effective act according to the principle of justice. The sense of justice has three features: from its formation it unifies the own cognition and the common cognition, from its ultimate end it integrates self-care with others-care, from its power of restraint it unites self-restraint and others-restraint. The sense of justice has interior and exterior functions. Its interior functions to the individual lie in modulating and adjusting the individual concept of value and actuating the individual to seek interest in a rational way. Its exterior functions to the public life show to build and improve the just in
    stitutions, promote the social cooperation and maintain the social order.
    Part Two The description of deficient present situation of sense of justice in the contemporary society of China and an inquiring into the cause. In the contemporary social life of China the social members want sense of justice in their deep hearts. Its primary manifestation is that the value orientation of individual utility is relatively projecting but the individual pursuit is despised and the desire for handing after justice differs from the behavior of practicing justice and many unjust
    behaviors generally exist in every field of the society. Approaching its grounds there are primarily some points: the conception of justice is vague in the transformation of society and people have difficulty in generating the common cognition of justice and there is a insipid and profitable tendency towards feelings of human association and some institutions are unjust and the mechanisms of social control such as education, reward and punishment and public opinion are week.
    Part Three An approach on the necessity and probability and an analyses of influential factors and ways of cultivation of sense of justice in the contemporary society of China. The cultivation of sense of justice is necessary because that the sense of justice has important meanings and particular functions to the individual and the society and it isn't inherent but is the result form the social study and cultivation and it isn't liable to keep but to intensify. The cultivation of sense of justice is probable because that it is means of reaching individual rational purposes and it expresses our desires as moral persons and everyone all want a well-ordered society. The influential factors of the cultivation of sense of justice have individual interior factors and social exterior factors. The former are the factors of individual interior psychology of morality and the factors of individual practical activity of morality. The latter are whether the principle of justice self is true, clear and attractive, how the
     government's attitude towards the problem of justice is and whether the social circumstance of morality is good or bad. The cultivation of sense of justice should develop from the individual dimension at microscopic level and the social dimension at macroscopic level at the same time.
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