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Psychological contract consist of believes about the obligation and incumbencybetween the employee and his organization which are not delivered in evidence buthas been implied. Because psychological contract is a determinant factor whichaffecting the attitude and obligation of the employee and its unbalancing is adeep-seated reason which making for the employees’ demission, therefore,psychological contract is one of the important research topic in the field of humanresource management.
     Based on the investigation of the point to the problems in research, this dissertationresearch the relation between the apperceive value and the psychological contract, thedynamic development process of the psychological contract, and the effection of theenvironment factors. The major contents including the following:
     The first, this dissertation researches the relation between the perceptive value andpsychological contract. Through the investigating questionnaire, this dissertationobtains the data and analyzes the relation between the apperceive value and thepsychological contract, this dissertation points out that the employee’s perceptivevalue is one of the foundations of the psychological contract.
     The second is the research of the dynamic development process of the psychologicalcontract. This dissertation designs an inadequacy information game model betweenthe employee and the organization, then discusses the dynamic development processof the psychological contract and the action of the employee and the organization,and brings forward that how to inspire the employee.
     The third, this dissertation researches the influence of circumstance. This dissertationlooks the circumstance as disturbing factor, and discusses the affections of thecircumstance factors act on the employee’s expectation and the organization’s offer.This dissertation discusses that when the circumstance factor is taken into account,how the psychological contract can achieve balance, and can the organization rebuilda balanceable psychological contract through adjusting the organization payment andinterfering the employee’s expectation.
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