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The trend of flat organizations triggered the emergence of boundless management in the modern enterprise. New types of organizations arose like mushrooms as a result of the variety of transactional employment relationships. The system of lifetime employment and long-term employment gradually faded out of the stage of enterprise development. Under such circumstances, the safe employment mode characterized by the employees'loyalty to the employer is not trustworthy any more. In order to explore the source of power that supports the career development of the employees, this thesis studies the connotation of employability, the factors that influence career success and the relation between employability and career success with on-the-job employers as the subjects from the perspective of boundless career development.
     The thesis includes the following eight parts:
     1. Introduction section of this article from the background of the topic, the research questions and research methods, technology roadmap and structural arrangements of the full text writing ideas system.
     2.Part two reviews the related literature and theories of employability and career, and the employability and career success relationship Research Commentary.
     3. Part third design and revision the scales of employability and career success, and tested reliability and validity, descriptive statistical analysis of the survey results.
     4. In part four, the connotation of employability is redefined from the perspective of career development and a feasibility analysis is conducted on taking working life and years of service as the standard dividing career development phases with investigation statistics, and a dynamic change model of employability is built, and a regression analysis with logistic model is made to get a satisfactory fitting. It is concluded that the employability is in the trend of an s-shaped curve with the dynamic development of career.
     5. In part five, describes the the career boundary of the background connotation, characteristics and tendency analysis, and makes an analysis of variance on the distinctiveness of relevant factors that influence career success with SPSS.
     6. In part six, the relation between employability and career success is particularly studied. This dissertation is analyzed the direct effect and mediating effect on employability and career success using SPSS and AMOS, to verify the employability is the conclusion of the antecedents of career success.
     7. Part seven is about policy suggestions. This dissertation establish on the basis of the concept of scientific career success, and makes some policy suggestions to responsibility subjects about two different stages from career growth and career development.
     8. Part eight is the conclusion, in which the limitations of the study and the future research are also pointed out.
     In this thesis, a variety of methodology are employed, which includes literature review, logic reasoning, factor analysis, regression analysis, variance analysis and structure method. And statistical softwares of EXCELL, SPSS and AMOS are also used in data processing.
     The main innovation of the dissertation:(1) This thesis is taking working life and years of service as the dividing standard, and they are verified through theoretical analysis and investigation analysis;(2)The dynamic employability, which through the whole career life, includes the three categories of employment capacity, competence and occupational ability;(3) It is found through demonstration that career success is the result variable of employability, which provides theoretical support for study on success-oriented employability development.
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