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The negative externality of urban transport is the related to consumption of the environmental resources which are characterized by common property right. In the paper, environmental resources can be divided into two categories: The first category is taken from nature, as non-exclusive and non-exchageable and makes private property almost impossible to define. These environmental resources include the atmosphere, sunlight, common pool water, biodiversity and other items which are purely public goods. Second category is the quasi-public goods which is not strictly characteristics of non-competitive and non-exclusive——land and the urban transport infrastructure building on the urban land. At different stages of urban and urban transport development, , the characterization of urban transport negative externality is different. At the same time, both the property features of two kinds of environmental resources are changing.
     Because of the common property right, the environmental resources lack of two important rights——exclusive right and tradable right. From the property right perspective, Key issue is to find out the efficient property rights mechanisms and institutional arrangements which make it easily to define property rights and make property rights trading has become feasible. The operational property rights mechanism for environmental resources is mixed property rights mechanism. This mixed property rights mechanism is a balance structure of "public property rights and private property rights", and integrates the advantages of the two kinds of property rights: (1) transaction's subjects: enterprises, the people, government and all stakeholders who consume environmental resources; (2) transaction's objects: environmental common pool resources; (3) contract type: mixed public and private rights contract; (4) the price mechanism is the mixed price mechanism including price, taxes and fees.
     The specific institutional arrangements of mixed property rights mechanism are:
     (1) Property rights restrictions: If the government controls the degree of implementation of property rights, we used to call it restricted property rights. Property rights are generally restricted by the environmental regulation through government's direct ordering policies. The restrictions on the property rights will influence people's choice by controlling the extent of the exercise of property rights.
     (2) Property rights division. This institution arrangement is not only refers to separate ownership, using right, operating right, disposition, but also to certain property items were further broken down into more specific empowerment. In practice, property rights division is mainly manifested in two levels: separating operation right of certain environmental resources (such as land, forests, water, etc.) through a certain price mechanism to allow production in marginal benefit equal to the marginal cost, this can make market-oriented supply possible. Second, separating the usage right of certain environmental resources (such as air, water, etc.) through the price mechanism reflecting its social costs.
     (3) Creation of new property rights. Under the premise of the public demand for environmental quality, separate the pollution into a number of standard units, establishing a new legal right that allow people discharge pollution according to pollution rights. Many nations also allow firms to trade pollution right in order to carry out the aggregated control of pollutant emission.
     (4) Perceived property rights adjustment: There is no authoritative organization's intervention, but on the basis of fairness, parties are able to implement a bargaining rule which takes into account some fairness attribute (as that of 'reciprocal concessions' with respect to their perceived default options), than they may reach the standard Coasian bargaining area and thus solve their externality by market exchange.
     When mankind's economic and social activities have not affected the environment quality and quantity, from the point of property rights characteristics environmental resources remain pure public goods. For people, there are market demands for environmental resources but without demand revelation (no price signals). At this time, internalized policies and measures play a substitute role for the pricing mechanism, through the ownership restrictions to achieve internalization of negative externalities. With the growth of mankind's economic and social activities, the characteristics of the property rights of environmental resources changed——competition in quality and quantity. Efficient system of property rights arrangements should discovery price mechanism and creates demand revelation. Because of lacking of exclusive and tradable rights, transactions can not be fulfilled in the full bundles of property rights, then separation of property rights, creation of new property rights and perceived property rights adjusting to be introduced to reflect the social costs become inevitable.
     Empirical research and the application of theory, the main conclusion of the study are as follows:
     1 Institutional reason of China's urban transportation negative externalities
     China's urban transport externalities are caused by the disharmony of urban development stage and transportation development stage; lacking of effective property rights arrangement for environmental resources I and environmental resources II.
     2 The suggestions of governance policies
     (1) The fundamental cause of transportation problem is the poor match of urbanization stage and transport stage. Therefore, it is necessary to coordinate them, recommend the TOD, and guarantee the priority of public transportation when they need the land resources.
     (2) In the special developing period in China, it is important to restrict private property rights and re-organize public property rights toward public transportation and non-automobile transportation by administrative orders.
     (3) It is significant to take advantage of combined market in multi-level, achieve transaction of property rights of environmental resources through separation and creation of property rights.
     (4) It is needed to enhance the ability of public transportation to provide intact transportation products. The intact transportation products demonstrate how to transfer people and goods from the beginning to the terminal in terms of time, price and service.
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    1 所有权的残缺可以被理解为是对那些用来确定“完整的”所有制的权利束中的一些私有权的删除。
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    3 本文对于混合产权机制的论述参考了王万山的《自然资源混合市场运行机制》(载于广东商学院学报,2004/5)中的相关阐述并对其理论框架进行了突破。主要表现在:①公共产权市场中的税和私有产权市场中的税的概念不同:②说明了环境资源这类公域品由公共产权市场进入私有产权市场的具体实现方式:产权限制、产权分割、创建新产权、调整认知产权。在本章的后续内容中,将具体介绍上述四种制度安排。在论文的第五章和第六章中,将通过对于发达国家城市交通负外部性治理政策的考察,来分析保障环境资源混合产权机制有效运行的这四种制度安排是如何在城市交通领域发挥作用的。
    1 排他性可以保证自己的财产不沦为共同财产,转让权以及收益权则使自己从交换中得到收入。
    2 参见[美]Y.巴泽尔,费方域、段毅才译:《产权的经济学分析》,上海三联书店、上海人民出版社,2006,p87
    1 “给予”的根据可能是经济上的考虑,如促使生产成本降低、区域发展的要求;也可能是非经济方面的,如对平等的关注。
    2 参见陈德湖:《排污权交易理论及其研究综述》,外国经济与管理,2004/5,p45-50
    1 参见刘世定:《科斯悖论和当事者对产权的认知》,社会科学研究,1998,2,p26-28
    1 参见曹钟勇:《城市交通论》,中国铁道出版社,1996,p39-76
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    1 参见 Urban Transportation and the Environment:an international perspective 中数据分析。
    2 参见WBCSD报告:The Sustainable Mobility project(2002),p10-15
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    1 参见Hollie M.Lund & Robert Cervero,Travel Characteristics of Transit-Oriented Development in California,Statewide Planning Studies,FTA Section 5313(b)
    2 本论文中关于荷兰ABC规划内容参见朱嘉广、李伟:《北京城市交通发展战略研究(之二)》,北京规划建设,2004/1,p47-54
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    2 匹兹堡有三条公共汽车专用道从中央商务区向南、向西和向东方向延伸,并都绝对拥有专用道路路权。美国其他发展快速公交系统的城市还有俄勒冈州的尤金、佛罗里达州的奥兰多和俄亥俄州的克利夫兰等。
    1 参见Urban Transportation and the Environment:an international perspective,Elsevier Science(July 1,2004),p302-310
    1 参见Urban Transportation and the Environment:an international perspective,Elsevier Science(July 1,2004),p302-310
    2 参见Georgina Santos,Road Pricing on the basis of Congestion Costs:Consistent Results from Two Historic UK Towns,为私人机动化的通勤提供的便利措施包括共乘信息、非机动车辆停车位、公交通勤补贴等。
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    2 参见姚志勇等编著:《环境经济学》,中国发展出版社,2002年,p102
    1 内部固定成本主要是购车的一次性投入,比如车辆的所有权费用;内部可变成本是在私人机动车出行过程中,随出行里程和私人机动车的拥有时间而变化的成本,比如车辆的运营费用、旅行时间以及需驾车者自行承担的停车成本等。
    2 参见Litman,Transportation Cost and Benefit Analysis-Transportation Cost Implications,Victoria Transport Policy Institute,www.vtpi.org
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    1 德姆塞茨具体地指出,在欧洲人到达拉布朗多之前,海狸皮的价值很低,海狸聚集地被视作共同财产。当欧洲市场能够进入后,海狸皮的价值上升,海狸聚地也转变为私人财产。
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    3 这里的公共交通包括地铁和地面常规公共交通。
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