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     1) 提出面向遥感图像处理软件的体系结构:以遥感图像应用领域软件体系结构风格为主,兼有层次结构风格和数据抽象与面向对象组织风格的特点。
     2) 在详细讨论图像数据表示方式的基础上,通过深入分析遥感图像数据在显示过程中所遇到的问题及其相应的技术解决方案,为图像显示库设计了图像显示模型、坐标变换模型和透明图像的显示模型。
     3) 提出了以分块分层结构来加快海量图像数据处理的方法,并针对海量图像数据变换域算法的速度问题,提出以分块处理策略、优化读写操作和并行处理相结合的方法。
     4) 建立了栅格图像数据处理和矢量图形处理的一体化框架,为RS软件和GIS软件的一体化处理找出了一条可行之路,并将其成功应用到工程实践中;提出了一种新的undo与redo机制,为具有复杂功能的人机交互系统建立了一种可以借鉴的设计模式。
The system of remote sensing applications is primarily formed and pervades in our country, but one of the key problems in technique aspect is lacking excellent home-produced remote sensing image processing software. This situation not only hampers the production of remote sensing data on a large scale, but also impedes the applications of observation on earth and information technique. The research is based on the technique in developing remote sensing image processing software system, aims at solving the key problem in developing its platform software and relevant industry software, offers strong technique support to research and development on homemade remote sensing image processing and applications software.This thesis includes the following parts: the architecture of remote sensing image processing software; the representing method of image data in computer; image data input/output library and viewing library; rapid massive image data processing and an real sample which combines remote sensing techniques and industry applications ℃ the design and realization of interpretation and mapping system.This dissertation includes the following research products and originalities:1) Brings forward architecture for the remote sensing image processing software ℃ this system focuses on the remote sensing image application domain software architecture style, and has the features on style of hierarchical layers and style of data abstraction and object-oriented organization.2) Designs the image viewing model and coordinates transforming model and image transparent viewing model, after analyzing the main problems in the process of viewing remote sensing image data and its solutions, based on
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