木立芦荟(Aloe arborescens Mill.)离体快速繁殖技术的研究
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    义。本研究以木立芦荟(Aloe arborescens Mill)为材料,研究了组织培养的全过程,探讨了影响
     和 1/3MS的低浓度的无机盐也有利于根的诱导。光照对生根不利,培养基中添加 0.2%的活性炭
In this study, the whole process of micropropagation of Aloe arborescens Mill in vitro was
     conducted .The main results shows as follows:
     There lay differences in differention among different explants . Adventitious buds were induced
     directly from both meristem and stem segments ,but not induced from leaves and roots . About I 9?0
     and 8? buds were obtained from each meristem and stem segments , respectively. Calli formed from
     meristems , stem segments and leaf base ,but not from roots.
     MS , B5 , modified MS (MS macro salts and B5 micro salts and vitamins) ,fertilizer for nutrient
     solution and potato juice instead of MS inoganic salts were used . Results showed that modified MS had
     the best effects on differention of adventitious buds , each shoot achieving 12 buds ; MS were the
     secondly best medium ; 2105mg.l?fertilizer plus 44 mg.r?CaCI2 also facilitated bud multiplication , so
     this is of commercial importance in micro propagetion of Aloe in vitro. B5 and potato juice instead of
     MS inoganic salts were not suitable to growth and differentiation of shoots.
     The concentration of sucrose less than 1.5% resulted more serious vitrification , only 3.O0/o挆4.S%
     was optimal to differentiation and growth of adventitious buds . Appropriate Agar concentration was
     Different cytokinins exhibited different effects on differentitiation of cultures . High concentration
     of 6-BA induced the formation of adventitious buds greatly, but inhibited shoots elongation . 3.Omg.r
     6-BA was most suitable to meristem differentitiation and multiplication of adventitious buds , but
     induction of buds from stem segments needed 4.Omg.U?-BA . Kinetin had no obvious effects on the
     induction of buds , but promoted bud growth . Low concentration of auxins were necessary to the
     induction of adventitious buds , 0.2mg.r NAA and 0.3 mg.UAA were optimal , respectively.
     Calli induced from explants cultred in media supplemented with 2.0 mg.[扤AA or 3.0 mg.r?,4-O
     alone couldn't differentiated shoots, only those calli formed in MS + 2,4-D0.5 + 6.-BAO.S + NAAO.4 +
     ABAO.5 + CH400 + 0.2%G were induced adventitious buds , but only 5% of thse calli differentiated
     Plant growth regulators I OOmg.V?B9 promoted multiplication of shoots greatly and 11.5 buds were
     obtained from each shoot . Shoots growed faster in medium containing 500 mg.l?CC (choline
     chloride) . 3.0 mg.1 PP333 stopped shoots growing and made them turn to white calli , but when
     subcultured in media with high concentration of cytokinins , shoots could continue to grow and
     Addition of 88 mgfI 32 mg.raCI2 to media and sealing bottles with micropore embranes
     allieviated vitrification significantly . lSnigY?AgNO3 inhibited brown effectively , but at the same
     time made shoots grow slowly.
     Both 1.0 mg.[AA and 2.Omg.UBA induced 4--S pieces of roots . Low concentration of MS
     inorganic salts such as 1/2 MS and l/3MS had better effects on root formation than higher concentration
     of MS inorganic salts . Addition of activated charcoal to media promoted the differentitiation of root
     even without auxins in media.
     Shoots cultured in media solidified with sands growed vigiously and rooted , So sands could replace
     agar as supporter of shoots . This can reduce the cost of shoots multiplicated in vitro.
     Transplanting rooted shoots to medium composed with 2 manure : I soil or 2 vermiculite : I soil and
     covering pots with micropore embranes not only greatly increased survival rate of shoots to 95%, but
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