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With the arrival of the era of knowledge economy, the competition of the market and the talents has been increasingly fierce, and the key employee has become the core competitiveness of enterprises.Meanwhile, In the high dynamic society environment formed by the China reform and open policy and the economical high speed development, the key employee s' competition and adaptive faculty faces with enormous challenge.How to explore the growth of core employees in the process of in-depth scientific evaluation of laws and key employees and business matching degree, is the important topic which the strategic management, the human resources management faces with.
     In view of the flaw in the traditional career management, this article inducts the Niche theory and the construction theory which pass through the evolution to tend to the mature, it can use the unique advantage which Niche appraisal can effective descript the species competition and harmonious coexistence relations. use the unique advantage which Niche appraisal can effective descript the species competition and harmonious coexistence relations. Through quantitative research to build a core staff niche-fitness evaluation model.
     The paper divides into three major parts:the background research, the Qualitative Research and the empirical studies. The paper's first part elaborated the selected topic significance, the technical way and the logical frame problem; the fundamental research part mainly utilize literature investigation method to research synthetically on thethe key employee studies, the niche construction theory and the Niche correlation theories. The second part of the paper through the qualitative research method, based on interviews and decoding key employees to build a theoretical model of niche construction, analysis of the core staff niche construction mechanism. Subsequently, in the eco-factor model based on the core staff niche-fitness evaluation indicators, and conducted case studies on the core staff niche-fitness evaluation carried out. Finally, according to key employees to build the dynamic characteristics of the niche is proposed for the dynamic management of key employees response.
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