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This dissertation deviates from common interpretative norms focusing on ideology and writing method such as race, politics, gender, religion, ethics and narrative strategy that are prevailing in interpreting Morrison's fiction within contemporary literary circles. Instead, subversive interpretation is conducted based on her five representative works from the perspective of Freudian psychoanalysis in exposing human nature.
     The dissertation first discusses Morrison's interest in Freudian complexes which began at the time of her studies, and was later revealed through her interviews after her rise to fame. Her keen interest in Freudian complexes is naturally applied to her own novels.
     Chapter One aims to apply psychoanalysis to a group of spiritually-broken characters. Freudian subconscious theory is used to analyze the black girl Pecola's desires on the level of consciousness, pre-consciousness and sub-consciousness. Freudian instinct theory is applied to analyzing the puzzling National Suicide Day created by Shadrack. Freudian spiritual defense theory is applied to probing Baby Sucks' unusual endurance. Violet stubbornly resists the "cracks" in her brain, which embodies Freudian theory comprehensively, illustrating that the spiritually-broken characters in Morrison's novels make great effort to pursue a better life in spite of their brokenness.
     Chapter Two aims to explore the characters changes in Morrison's novels. Nel's "quiet" life is not inferior to Sula's colorful and experimental life. Freud's theories on children and the latent inhibition theory are manifested in Nel's complicated course of growth in character. Milkman's transition from id, ego to superego proves Freud's three phases in the theory of personality structure. Sethe's reappearance to the past memory proves the possibility to cause traumatic hysteria. Finally, Joe's attachment to women indicates his inclination to Oedipus Complex.
     The description about sexual repression and sexual indifference in Chapter Three illustrates Freudian Libido theory. Polly's and Ruth's depression are not only caused by the discrimination of race and gender, rather, sexual depression is one of the important causes of their inner depression. Eva and Pilate are indulged in colorful life beyond sex, showing that their libido give rise to dynamic transformation, thus further proving the characteristic of energetic balance of Freudian libido theory.
     The description about dream in Chapter Four indicates that dreams arise from consciousness and unconsciousness. By analyzing Poly's and Eva's dreams coming from consciousness and Milkman's dreams coming from unconsciousness, and according to the Freudian dream interpretation theory, we find it apparent that dreams is the ultimate realization of desires.
     The originality of this dissertation lies in its new approach to the spiritual phenomenon of the characters in Morrison's novels, and the application of Freudian psychoanalytic theory in character analysis. By applying such theories in analyzing the spiritual phenomenon of the characters in Morrison's novels, we can not only better understand Freudian psychoanalytic theory, but also shed light on the puzzling spiritual phenomena in Morrison's fiction. In doing so, we can reach the dual aims of acknowledging theory and understanding psychological workings of the characters in Morrison's fiction.
     The significance of the dissertation lies in the fact that African Americans not only have their own cultural and ethic nature heatedly discussed by critics, but they also share the common human nature. This is demonstrated through the application of Freudian theory to the analysis of the character's emotional and psychological states in Morrison's novels. The viewpoint seems to reveal that, for the African Americans, introspection is more powerful than denouncement itself, while we critics have to be alert that in the situation of prevailing ecological criticism, people's spiritual ecology is worth more concern.
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