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The political motivation is considered as one of the best ideological and political education incentives. As one of the main ideological and political education methods and approaches, it plays a very important role in the process of fulfilling the anticipations of ideological and political education, and has a great influence on completing the task of ideological and political education. Based on the fundamental principles of Marxism-Leninism and long revolution and construction practice, Comrade Mao Zedong explored a series of effective ideological and political methods, especially the political motivation method, to encourage and inspire the whole party, the army and the people's enthusiasm and creativity for revolution and construction, with people's solidarity and determination eventually Chinese people made great achievements in the great victory of the Chinese revolution and socialist construction. Along with the advance of history and academic progress, the original political motivation methods used by Comrade Mao Zedong in the long-term practice of revolution and construction has been systematic and theoretical summarized, and gradually transformed into Mao Zedong's Thoughts of Political Motivation. This idea is not only an integral part of Mao Zedong Thought, but also an important part of Mao Zedong's Political Thoughts. It is very precious that will be a long-term guidance and a strong impetus to push ideological and political education theory and practice forward. Since the18th party congress, CPC Central Committee has repeatedly stressed that the party across the country should hold high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics, take Deng Xiaoping Theory and "Three Represents" Important Thought, the Scientific Development Concept as Guidance, emancipatory thought, reforming and opening, condense force, gathering strength to tackle tough, unswervingly advance along the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and strive for building a well-off society. Hence, how to make the whole Party and the people of one mind and in the same direction concentric, concentric counterparts, strive towards a common goal:the early completion of a prosperous, democratic, civilized and harmonious modern socialist country, by using political motivation methods, especially play the contemporary value of Mao Zedong's Thoughts of Political Motivation, has become a major theoretical and practical issues which must be explored by vast ideological and political theorists and educators.
     Under the guidance of Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory,"Three Represents" Important Thought and the Scientific Concept, this paper employs the methods of Marxist philosophy and the relevant theories of Marxist-Leninist political motivation and regarded the Mao Zedong's Thoughts of Political Motivation as the study object. Based on the accurate definition of motivation and political motivation, this paper tries to systematically sort out the relevant literature about political motivation and Mao Zedong's Thoughts of Political Motivation, analyze the forming and development process of Mao Zedong's Thoughts of Political Motivation, induce the main contents of Mao Zedong's Thoughts of Political Motivation, summarize historical role of Mao Zedong's Thoughts of Political Motivation, explore the contemporary value of Mao Zedong's Thoughts of Political Motivation, and deepen the Chinese Communist Party's political motivation Thought. Consequently this paper hope to provide new inspiration and ideas for the research of Mao Zedong Thought and the ideological and political education, achieve the goal of socialist modernization and provide a new theoretical reference and guidance to "China Dream" in the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.
     The paper is divided into seven chapters, the main contents are summarized as follows:
     Chapter one:Introduction. This chapter mainly explains the background and significances of this research, and systematically summarizes the research contents and research status at home and abroad. In this chapter research ideas and methods are systematically constructed, and the difficulties, innovation and deficiency of the research are also pointed out. This research topic is selected based on the theoretical and mental thinking of Mao Zedong's Thoughts of Political Motivation and the research process of subject study. The research of Mao Zedong's Thoughts of Political Motivation is considered to have both important theoretical and practical significances. The theoretical significances are as follows:the research can be very helpful to broaden the research horizon of modern ideological and political education and promote the Marx theory research in China; the practical significances are as follows:the research can be helpful to improve the effectiveness of ideological and political education and provide a theoretical reference for the development of the great cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics. This paper systematically summarizes the research status of political motivation and Mao Zedong's Thoughts of Political Motivation at home and abroad from eight aspects, scientific connotation, main types, relevant ways, functions, background, main contents, effects, and contemporary value, and then lays the literature foundation of the research. Under the guidance of Marxism, this paper employs a variety of scientific methods to conduct research, such as dialectical materialism and historical materialism, historical analysis, literature researches, theory associated with practice, and then formed a "core concept definition-historical logic inquiry-the main content analysis-practical reference" analysis approach. After introducing the research focus and difficult, this paper raises some innovations in three aspects of research topic, research perspective and research content, and points out the deficiency of this research as well.
     Chapter two:The Basic Concepts of Mao Zedong's Thoughts of Political Motivation. This chapter focuses on the core concepts of politics, motivation, political motivation, Mao Zedong's Thoughts of Political Motivation and some relevant concepts. On the basis of two explicit concepts of politics and motivation, this paper defines the connotation of political motivation from both politics and ideological and political education perspectives, and points out that political motivation is considered as one of the best ideological and political education incentives. Mainly through theoretical study, education and political mobilization methods, political motivation can meet people's political demands, mobilize people's enthusiasm and initiative to pursue and obtain high political thought, help people correct ideological motivation, improve ideological awareness, stimulate and encourage people to set up a common political ideal, help people set up scientific world outlook, outlook on life and values, so as to achieve the common political goal. Mao Zedong's Thoughts of Political Motivation is the product based on the relevant theories of the Chinese Communist Party represented by Mao Zedong and Marxism-Leninism combined with long-term practice of the Chinese revolution and socialist construction, is about the summary of Chinese Communist Party political motivate theoretical work, and is an important part of Mao Zedong's Thoughts of Political Motivation and ideological and political education. Mao Zedong's Thoughts of Political Motivation is based on and ideological and political education.
     Chapter three:The Formation and Development of Mao Zedong's Thoughts of Political Motivation. Any great political thought is rooted in the specific historical conditions and social background. The formation and development of Mao Zedong's Thoughts of Political Motivation are bound to the twentieth century and China's unique historical background and social environment. This chapter pointed out that the background of the formation and development of Mao Zedong's Thoughts of Political Motivation are the theme of that time,"war and revolution" and the dramatic changes in the world; the theoretical origin of Mao Zedong's Thoughts of Political Motivation is Marx Lenin's important exposition about political motivation thought; the foundation of Mao Zedong's Thoughts of Political Motivation is the western and modern political thought. This chapter believes that during the new democratic revolution, socialist revolution and socialist construction practice in china, the development of Mao Zedong's Thoughts of Political Motivation can be divided into five stages:sprouting stage (1921-1927), forming stage (1927-1934), mature stage (1935-1945), continue development stage (1946-1956), and tortuous development stage (1957-1966).
     Chapter four:The Main Content of Mao Zedong's Thoughts of Political Motivation. This chapter horizontally and tentatively summarizes the main content of Mao Zedong's Thoughts of Political Motivation, they are the basic position of political motivation thought, the core idea of political motivation thought, the basic esperience of political motivation thought and political motivate motivation thought. Firstly, the basic position of political motivation thought. This thought consists of three theories:political motivation theory of seek truth from facts, political motivation theory of mass line, and political motivation theory of independent. The three theories are the basic positions of Mao Zedong's Thoughts of Political Motivation, which enable the whole party members to master the objective law of the development of Chinese revolution and establish a scientific political cognition, improve their political literacy, and motivate them towards the correct direction of Chinese revolution. Secondly, the core idea of political motivation thought. This thought also consists of three theories:ideal motivation of Marxism, ideal motivation of socialism, ideal motivation of communism. In the long and difficult process of Chinese revolution and socialist construction, Mao Zedong used political ideal motivation thought to firmly establish the whole party and people's faith in Marxism, socialism, and communism, and their common political believe. Thirdly, the basic experience of political motivation thought. This thought consists of three theories:political motivation theory of united front, political motivation theory of armed struggle and political motivation theory of party building. The three theories are also the basic experience of Mao Zedong's Thoughts of Political Motivation, which improve the party's Marxist theoretical level, guide the political direction of all Party members to the same one, stimulate their enthusiasm for political participation, and ensure the victory of Chinese revolution and socialist construction. Fourthly, political motivate motivation thought. This thought consists of three theories:political motivate motivation of new-democratic revolution, political motivate motivation of socialist revolution, and political motivate motivation of socialist construction. In the process of new-democratic revolution, socialist revolution, and socialist construction the Chinese Communist Party and the whole people attached great importance to political mobilization under the leadership of Mao Zedong. Comrade Mao Zedong elaborated the function and effect of political mobilization, especially the combination of the political motivation and political mobilization, and made many important expositions, eventually formed the important political motivate motivation thought. This chapter believes that these four aspects constitute a logic system, the basic position of political motivation thought is the logical starting point, the core idea of political motivation thought is the logical center, the basic experience of political motivation thought is the logical intermediary, and political motivate motivation thought is the logical end of this chapter.
     Chapter five:The General Characteristics of Mao Zedong's Thoughts of Political Motivation. In this chapter, four characteristics are discussed; they are unity of class and revolutionary, unity of theory and practice, unity of systematic and creative, and unity of science and value. These four aspects are closely interconnected and inseparable. On the one hand, because of the distinctive class character and revolutionary character Mao Zedong's Thoughts of Political Motivation has played an important role in guiding Chinese revolution, completed party's ideological and political education task, and achieved remarkable results for the proletariat and the fundamental interests of the majority of people. Practice is the key factor of the unity of theory and practice, practice is the basis of the theory and is also the sole criterion for testing truth. On the other hand, because of the unity of theory and practice Mao Zedong's Thoughts of Political Motivation is closely related to practice, which can continuous improve itself in the process of guiding Chinese movement and eventually prove its correctness. Overall, class and revolutionary, theory and practice are the basis of science and value. Systematic and creative is their comprehensive performance. This chapter concludes that the four characteristics of Mao Zedong's Thoughts of Political Motivation as a whole is not only an inherent unity of four characteristics, but also the intrinsic reflection of Mao Zedong's Thoughts of Political Motivation.
     Chapter six:The Historical Function of Mao Zedong's Thoughts of Political Motivation. This chapter concerns with the influence of Mao Zedong's Thoughts of Political Motivation in the process of Chinese revolution and construction. These historical functions are function of political guidance, function of political assurance, function of political mobilization, and function of political cohesion. Firstly, function of political guidance. Mao Zedong's Thoughts of Political Motivation played a very important role in the function of political guidance. Under the clear and correct political guidance, the function of political guidance ensured the Chinese revolution and construction towards a correct political direction and provided a solid political guarantee for the final victory of the Chinese revolution and socialist construction. Secondly, function of political assurance. Mao Zedong's Thoughts of Political Motivation played a very important role in the function of political assurance. The function of political assurance greatly inspired the whole Party and the people's revolutionary enthusiasm and received the good result through three ways: political consensus, unity of consistency, unity of thought action. Thirdly, function of political mobilization. This function vivid reflected in the three important periods (period of the new-democratic revolution, socialist revolution, and socialist construction) in our party, which mobilized conscious political initiative of the whole Party and people in participating Chinese revolution and construction and formed a strong political positive energy. Fourthly, function of political cohesion. Mao Zedong's Thoughts of Political Motivation played a very important role in the function of political cohesion. This function employed three ways, the leadership of the party, relying on the scientific theory, relying on the common ideal, to unite people. This function further embodied the great strength of the whole nation, the whole party, and the whole country, and formed a unified political situation to promote the Chinese revolution and construction process.
     Chapter seven:The Contemporary Value of Mao Zedong's Thoughts of Political Motivation. This chapter discusses the contemporary value of Mao Zedong's Thoughts of Political Motivation from three dimensions of history, reality and development. This chapter believes that the contemporary value of Mao Zedong's Thoughts of Political Motivation is mainly about the meaning of theory and practice. As for theory value, it enriched and improved the Chinese Communist Party ideological and political education theory, enhanced and deepened the understanding of political motivation, and promoted the ideological and political education methodology. As for practice value, it provided an ideological weapon for uniting people and meeting challenges, provided theoretical guidance for the unity of thinking and serving the overall situation, and provided the spiritual power to overcome the difficulties.
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    ⑥ 《(关于若干历史问题的决议)<关于建国以来党的若干历史问题的决议>》,中共党史出版社2010年版,第74页。
    ① 《毛泽东选集》第4卷,人民出版社1991年版,第511-512贝,第565-566页。
    ② 《毛泽东文集》第2卷,人民出版社1993年版,第467页
    ③ 《为中直军直生产展览会的题词》(1943年11月),《解放日报》1943年11月24日
    ① 《毛泽东选集》第3卷,人民出版社1991年版,第899-900页。
    ② 《<关于若干历史问题的决议><关于建国以来党的若干历史问题的决议>》,中共党史出版社2010年版,第75页。
    ③ 《毛泽东选集》第1卷,人民出版社1991年版,第222-223页。
    ④ 《毛泽东选集》第2卷,人民出版社1991年版,第394页。
    ① 《邓小平文选》第3卷,人民出版社1993年版,第3页。
    ② 习近平等:《十八大报告学习辅导百问》,学习出版社2012年版,第9页。
    ③ 张耀灿等:《现代思想政治教育学》,人民出版社2006年版,第149页。
    ① 王邦佐等:《新政治学概要》(第2版),复旦大学出版社2007年版,第278页。
    ② 《毛泽东选集》第3卷,人民出版社1991年版,第817页。
    ③ 《毛泽东选集》第3卷,人民出版社1991年版,第1093页。
    ④ 《毛洋东选集》第1卷,人民出版社1991年版,第111页。
    ① 《毛泽东选集》第3卷,人民出版1991年版.第796页。
    ② 《毛泽东选集》第2卷,人民出版,1991年版,第534页。
    ③ [美]埃德加·斯诺:《西行漫记》,三联书店1979年版,第131页。
    ④ 《毛泽东文集》第6卷,人民出版社1999年版,第350页。
    ① 《毛泽东选集》第2卷,人民出版社1991年版,第686页。
    ② 《毛泽东选集》第3卷,人民出版社1991年版,第1059页。
    ③ 《建国以来毛泽东文稿》第7册,中央文献出版社1992年版,第360页。
    4 同①。
    ⑤ 《毛泽东选集》第1卷,人民出版社1991年版,第259贝。
    ⑥ 《邓小平文选》第3卷,人民出版社1993年版,第137页。
    ⑦ 高放等:《科学社会主义的理论与实践》(第4版),中国人民大学出版社2006年版,第11页。
    ① 《毛泽东选集》第2卷,人民出版社1991年版,第651页。
    ② 《毛泽东选集》第2卷,人民出版社1991年版,第665页。
    ① 《毛泽东选集》第4卷,人民出版社1991年版,第1437页。
    ② 《建国以来重要文献选编》第4期,中央文献出版社1993年版,第700-701页。
    ③ 《毛泽东文集》第7卷,人民出版社1999年版,第23、42页。
    ① 《毛洋东选集》第2卷,人民出版社1991年版,第605-606页。
    ② 《马克思恩格斯选集》第1卷,人民出版社1995年版,第252贝。
    ① 《毛泽东选集》第2卷,人民出版社1991年版,第610页。
    ② 《毛泽东选集》第3卷,人民出版社1991年版,第875页。
    ① 《毛洋东选集》第3卷,人民出版社1991年版,第1094页。
    ② 张平等:《20世纪90年代以来国内政治动员问题研究述评》,《燕山大学学报》(哲学社会科学版),2007年第3期。
    ① 《毛泽东选集》第2卷,人民出版社1991年版,第552页。
    ① 《毛泽东选集》第2卷,人民出版社1991年版,第481贝。
    ② 《毛泽东选集》第2卷,人民出版社1991年版,第513页。
    ③ 同①。
    ④ 中共中央党史研究室:《中国共产党简史》,中共党史出版社2001年版,第64-65页。
    ⑤ 《毛洋东文集》第3卷,人民出版社1996年版,第112页。
    ⑥ 《毛泽东文集》第1卷,人民出版社1993年版,第99页。
    ① 《(关于若干历史问题的决议)(关于建国以来党的若干历史问题的决议>》,中共党史出版社2010年版,第69页。
    ① 《毛泽东文集》第6卷,人民出版社1999年版,第71页。
    ② 《毛泽东文集》第6卷,人民出版社1999年版,第75页。
    ③ 同①。
    ④ 《毛泽东文集》第6卷,人民出版社1999年版,第449贝。
    ① 同①。
    ② 《毛泽东文集》第6卷,人民出版社1999年版,第490页。
    ③ 《毛泽东文集》第6卷,人民出版社1999年版,第498页。
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    ⑤ 《毛泽东文集》第7卷,人民出版社1999年版,第23-24页。
    ⑥ 《毛泽东文集》第7卷,人民出版社1999年版,第88页。
    ① 《毛泽东文集》第7卷,人民出版社1999年版,第204-205页。
    ② 《毛泽东文集》第7卷,人民出版社1999年版,第226页。
    ③ 《毛泽东文集》第7卷,人民出版社1999年版,第351页。
    ① 《毛洋东著作选读》下册,人民出版社1986年版,第804页。
    ② 朱育和等:《毛泽东与20世纪中国》,清华大学出版社2000年版,第254页。
    ① 《马克思恩格斯选璇》第4卷,人民出版社1995年版,第258页。
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    ① 《列宁全集》第6卷,人民出版社1986年版,第23页
    ① 《毛泽东文集》第1卷,人民出版社1993年版,第74页。
    ② 《毛洋东选集》第1卷,人民出版社1991年版,第116页。
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    ① 张耀灿等:《现代思想政治教育学》,人民出版社2006年版,第133页。
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    ③ 《毛洋东文集》第6卷,人民出版社1999年版,第350页。
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    1 李秀林等:《辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义原理》,中国人民大学出版社2004年版,第312-313页。
    2 《彭真传》编写组:《彭真复出后谈毛洋东》,《百年潮》,2012年第12期。
    3 《马克思思格斯选集》第4卷,人民出版社1995年版,第284页。
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    ② 李捷:《毛泽东探索中国特色社会主义道路的成绩不容抹杀》,《中国社会科学报》,2013年9月16日。
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