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ShiPing mei was one of woman writers who were active hi Chinese literature hi the 1920s.Her short life and whole literary creative period of no more than seven years fail her in leaving a lot of works to the later ages. Therefore, compared with her contemporaneous woman writers (e.g.LuYin and BingXin), she was little mentioned in the literature history. With regard to ShiPing mei's achievement at that time, she created a great number of works, involving poetry, prose, novel and play ect. with over thirty thousand words left to Chinese literature. However, so far few people can understand her works comprehensively and study them further, so the author of this paper made a detailed study on ShiPing mei's biography, collection of works and some comments about her and her works (especially after the 1990s), so as to help people know this woman writer better.
    After a further study, the author finds that ShiPing mei's unfortunate life and sentimental love experience cover her works with a miserable and plaintive veil, so that most people come to a general recognition - "words of her works are lucid and plaintive enough to move people"- it was this aspect, for a long time, that most people's comments on her works focused on. As for the positive factors of her works, in general, were scarcely mentioned. Even though there are really sentimental elements in ShiPing mei's works, having made a comprehensive study on her all works and uncovered the miserable and plaintive veil, we can find that in her short life easily, she was a active adherent and expresser for the spirit of the times. Moreover, her works have unique value not only on the ideological character, but also on the art expression.
    This paper tries to start with literary creative practice, emphatically observes and studies the positive elements of ShiPing mei's works, so as to display the ideological taste and art pursuit in her works. The whole paper is divided into two parts. In the first part, to take it as a starting point that ShiPing mei's initiative in
    pursuing the general trend of history development, her calm keeping for bearing unfortunate life experience and rational contemplation on what is life, the author expounds ShiPing mei's noble ideological taste by the following four aspects showed clearly in her works - her persistence in pursuing brightness and ideal; strong anti-feudal consciousness; sincere expression of patriotic feelings and persistence in pursuing her true love. In the second part, ShiPing mei's art pursuit is
    emphatically studied which is expounded by the following three aspects-her bold
    attempt in various creations; efforts to create works with all kinds of themes and subject matters; full development of the function of literature's emotive expression. In this paper, the author affirms ShiPing mei's diligence in creation as well as her leading position in female literary creation, even in other fields as in the case of travels, free verse written in the vernacular ect.. In addition, she was superior to her contemporaneous woman writers in word expression and narrating ability, especially in the choice of various themes and subject matters, and development of the function of literature's emotive expression, ShiPing mei made good use of as many ways as possible to attain the utmost artistic effect. Furthermore, she formed her unique style in creation, such as literary forms' flexible mutual permeation, peculiarly clear and magnificent word style and a perfect command of various rhetoric techniques, which invariably show her creative talent.
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    [35] 尤敏、屈毓秀 编《石评梅选集·编后》第468页,山西人民出版社,1983年
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    [41] 庐隐《石评梅略传》,见《石评梅选集》第425页,山西人民出版社,1983年,
    [42] 乔以钢《中国女性的文学世界》第60页,湖北教育出版社,1993年
    [43] 作品原文均引自北京燕山出版社1998年出版的《中国现代才女经典文丛——石评梅文集》,及山西人民出版社1983年出版的《石评梅选集》。
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    [2] 尤敏、屈毓秀 编《石评梅选集》,山西人民出版社,1983年9月
    [3] 盛英、乔以钢 编《二十世纪中国女性文学史》,天津人民出版社,1995年6月
    [4] 邵伯周 著《人道主义与中国现代文学》,上海远东出版社,1993年12月
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    [6] 林丹娅 著《当代中国女性文学史论》,厦门大学出版社,1995年8月
    [7] 佘树森 编《石评梅散文选集·序》,百花文艺出版社,1992年1月
    [8] 陈平原 著《中国小说叙事模式的转变》,上海文艺出版社,1988年3月
    [9] 曹正文 著《女性文学与文学女性》,上海书店出版,1991年9月
    [10] 刘思谦 著《“娜拉”言说——国现代女作家的心路历程》,上海文艺出版社,1993年5月
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