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Since reform and opening up, our country has entered the new transforming period of economy and society. At the same time, the market economy and multiculturalism also brought some passive influence. The problems caused by emergency give great influence on college students in many aspects such as thoughts and behaviors. General secretary Hu Jintao pointed out in the convention for celebrating the90th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China:"Young people represent the future of both China and its people. They also represent the future and hope of our Party." The young college students in the crucial stage of growth belong to immature group on the psychological quality and political quality. They have certain blindness in focusing on emergency, and have a tendency to allow themselves to be used by the reactionary forces. The young college students without timely education and guide easily lead to very serious consequences for school management and social stability. Universities shoulder the task to train the builders and successor of motherland, and emergencies have highlighted the new tasks and new challenges of university ideological and political education work. Thus, this research investigated the new period of college ideological and political education theory and practice based on emergencies, summed up the experience, analyzed the problems, explored the reasons, and proposed the construction strategy, based on the combination of emergencies and the theory and practice of college ideological and political education, to provide some useful reference for the practical work and operational guidance, to provide more direct and abundant case support for the theory of ideological and political education to respond to emergencies in the future, to enhance the predictability and effectiveness of ideological and political education work, and to maintain social and campus security and stability.
     This research will be undertaken from the theory and practice aspects, focusing on the investigating the present situation and problems of the ideological and political education to deal with emergencies in colleges, making clear the connotation, development, enlightenments, present situation, problems, element, goal setting, content, form, method innovation, the process of running and implementing ways of the college ideological and political education based on emergencies. Based on the domestic and international experience, it constructed the emergency education system in colleges and universities. This paper will take further research on the emergency and theory of college ideological and political education, according to the related Marxism theory, the crisis management theory, psychology, and ideological and political education, it analyzed the relationship between emergency and college ideological and political education, then on the basis of practical research, selected the sample area in universities in Wuhan to survey of a small scale. Through investigation to understand contemporary college students' awareness of social hot issues, analyzed the change of their world view, society outlook, view of life, values and the problems in dealing with emergencies in colleges. The relevant conclusions are drawn on the basis of historical study and international comparison. On the basis of theoretical research and the present situation analysis, this paper has presented the emergency education system, and finally puts forward the mode and realization path of the ideological and political education based on the emergency.
     The whole article is divided into eight chapters to discuss the above issues, the specific content can be summarized as follows:
     The first chapter introduces the topic source, purpose and significance of this article, the current situation and existing problems in the foreign research, the research content, the key points and difficulties and innovative points, in order to pave the way for the subsequent research. The selected topic source of this article mainly comes from the thinking and deepening of two projects initiated by China association for science and technology research for PhD students. The theoretical significance of this study is based on emergency ideological and political education research, trying to perfect emergency and the theoretical system of ideological and political education, and to promote the theoretical innovation and development of ideological and political education. The practical significance of this study mainly lies in:first, help colleges and universities deal with the current of all kinds of emergencies, and strengthen the public crisis management in our country; Second, improve the party's ideological and political work and build a harmonious socialist society; Third, analyze the influence of college students'ideological caused by emergency, and strengthen ideological and political education practice.
     The second chapter introduces the emergency and the college students' ideological and political education. First of all, from the analysis on the concept of emergency, the general characteristics of emergency and new characteristics of unexpected events in the new period are summarized. In general, the emergency has the features of sudden, unpredictable, complex associated, common concerned, urgent, damaging, lagged effect, in new period, the emergency also presents the new features of having a large number, spreading rapidly, closely linking to people's livelihood problem, accompanying rumors, jeopardizing the prestige and authority of the local government. At present, the emergency reveals a trend of high frequency, especially the outbreak of disasters, accidents disasters, food safety issues, etc. The great casualties, huge social loss, serious psychological impact, and government image damage caused by emergency have serious impact on social stability, which also endanger the college students' political beliefs, values, and mental health. Then, this article analyzes the background and reasons of emergency, at the same time, the social events and campus emergencies are classified. Under the background of the impact of system reform and social transformation, the new changes brought by the network media, the influence of multi-culture and western dominant culture, the formation reason of the emergency are various. The external reasons are the changes in the natural environment, the imbalance of economic development, the diversification of value views, the relative backwardness of law supervision; The internal reasons are the unscientific transforming nature, the low citizens scientific quality, the feudal superstition, the advocating false authority, rumor spread in network platform, the evolution of social psychology and media inaccurate reports, etc. At the same time, the penetration and destruction of foreign hostile forces, the social hot issues, the failures and difficulties in reform and development, the violation of college students'interests, and the students own vulnerabilities are all the cause of leading emergency to affect college students thoughts and actions. Under the background of the emergency, the ideological and political education is an important part of ideological and political work of our party. Our party has always attached great importance to educating and guiding the college students to grow healthy from ideological and political aspects. In the new period, college students present the contradiction, diversity, utilitarian, and autonomy blend. The challenges of globalization, marketization, informationization, and the lags of traditional education ideas and methods all put forward new challenges for college students'ideological and political education based on emergency.
     The third chapter expounds the relationship between the emergency and the college students'ideological and political education. This chapter mainly analyzes the relationship between emergencies and college students' ideological and political education. In Marxist philosophy, the principle of relationship between inevitability and contingency, the law of mutual change of quality and quantity, the theory on nature of human beings, the principle of dialectical relationship between material and consciousness, and the principle of social existence determines social consciousness provide the scientific world outlook and methodology foundation for the research of college students'ideological and political education intervened in emergency, Marxist political economics theory and scientific socialism theory also provide the related theoretical guidance. Meanwhile, the representative theories in western countries are the psychological crisis intervention theory, the crisis management theory, the theory of education environmental, social adaptability, self-discipline personality in the pedagogic of ideological politics. In addition, the work of emergency system in our country also provides the theory support to this research in psychology, management, ideological and political education, and law. By analyzing the relationship between the emergency and the college students' ideological and political education, the college students' ideological and political education can stabilize society, mobilize the social strength, provide the spirit support for undergraduates. It is the effective means to resolve the emergency. In the meantime, emergency provides the suitable environment, opportunity and rich material for college students' ideological and political education. It could effectively promote the upgrade of the effect of the ideological and political education, and provide new insights.
     The fourth chapter introduces the history and present situation and the problems of the college students'ideological and political education based on emergency. First, the type of social hot issues, the way to spread, and the basic views of social hot issues are found out through the questionnaire survey. Then the basic situation of responding to emergencies in colleges and universities are analyzed. In general, the urgency sense of colleges to respond to emergencies is enhanced. The emergency program is generally increased. The temporary emergency disposal organization usually be set up, and colleges pay attention to cut off the spread of bad information. At the same time there are also many problems, such as the tendency towards conflict resolution rather than prevention, lack of the fast and timely information communication system, the systematic emergency education system has not been established, especially the lack of education content for ideological and political education in the process of emergency response. Then, this chapter analyzes the experiences and lessons of our party to carry out the ideological and political education based on emergency, and the relevant experience of campus emergency management in the United States, providing some inspirations and references for the improvement of our college students'ideological and political education to respond to the emergency incidents.
     The fifth chapter focus on the emergency education in colleges. First of all, the urgency of carrying out the emergency education in colleges is analyzed in the following aspects: multicultural impact on college students' core values, unknown truth and media panic impede college students' science cognition, social negative influence shake college students' political identity, emergency easy to cause the group incidents of college students, and the college students'sense of self-identity is decreased under the background of popularization of higher education. The college students need to be guided and educated from ideology, politics, and management, giving full play to the students' leading and active role in the public. Second, according to the social reality and The Demand Theory by Maslow, this article divides the contents of emergency education in colleges into five categories:emergency life education, emergency science education, emergency mental health education, emergency ideological and political education, and dedication education. The emergency education is carried out by improving the predictability, normalizing system, coping in many ways, cultivating the reserve force. The position of ideological and political education which should be throughout the whole process of emergency education in colleges is established by analyzing the function of ideological and political education in colleges emergency education system.
     The sixth chapter expounds the system of college students'ideological and political education based on emergency. This chapter focuses on the target, content, and method system of college students'ideological and political education based on emergency, for the particularity of college students'ideological and political education based on emergency, an more in-depth theoretical analysis of its system construction is adopted. This chapter analyzes the overall objectives and the process-oriented targets of college students'ideological and political education based on emergency. The college students'ideological and political education follows the principles of human nature, striving for realism, efficiency, science, and coordination during the process. The main contents of education are the socialist core value system education, mental health education, laws and regulations education, safety education, network ideological and political education, and the main educational methods are the theory education method, case-study method, psychological counseling method, example inspired method, practical experience method, promoting the implementation effect of college students' ideological and political education in the background of emergency.
     The seventh chapter focus on the path analysis of college students'ideological and political education based on emergency. According to the theory and practice analysis of front six chapters, this chapter from the school level and social level proposes the train of thought for path construction. In terms of colleges, first, continue to strengthen the construction of harmonious campus, and to establish contingency plans; Second, give full play to the role of classroom teaching as a main avenue, and strengthen the complementary case updates; Third, according to the characteristics of colleges and scientific advantage, actively use Party and League organization, and student groups to carry out the experiential learning; Fourth, strengthen the monitor and guide of the network public opinion, and strengthen students'recognition and block ability to the false, inciting, and reactionary information; Fifth, deepen college students'mental health education, and strengthen the staged psychological intervention; Sixth, construct sharing platform for college students'ideological and political education resources, and improve the resource utilization, update and evaluation mechanism; Seventh, strengthen the team construction of ideological and political education, and improve the level of theory, innovative work methods and means. In terms of society, give play to the role of the government management, mass media, laws and regulations construction, and social forces in the college students'ideological and political education based on emergency to improve the citizens' scientific literacy, create a good public opinion atmosphere, protect government image, and promote social harmony.
     The eighth chapter is the conclusion.This chapter makes a summary for the main point,the innovations and the limitations of this paper.
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