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College students belong to a social public group of particular characters, and their political socialization directly influences the future political development and social stability. Therefore, the political socialization of the college students becomes a key point of study on the political socialization. By defining the related concepts concerning political socialization process of the college students, analysis of present situation, sorting out of the influencing factors, and probe into the core variables that influence the political socialization of the college students, this thesis provides a systematic understanding of the political socialization of the college students, and constitutes a theoretic system to realize the subjective values for the political socialization of the college students.
     This thesis expounds the political socialization of the college students in seven parts.
     The Introduction mainly describes the origin and necessity of the study topics of this thesis. It points out the necessity and inevitability for study of the political socialization of the college students during the current social conversion. By defining the related concepts, a theoretic framework is constructed on content and some specific issues to be discussed by this thesis so as to lay a way for the future study.
     Part II mainly introduces the basic theory of the political socialization and related information. As a theoretic part, it firstly probes into the research fields and values of the political socialization. Through introduction to the historic evolution and development by phases of the political socialization study abroad, it gives us some knowledge about the development of the political socialization in the Western countries. Then, by comparison with it, we are led to the present situations of development of our country in this field. With a clear understanding of basic theory, our focus with be changed onto the college students by expounding the theoretic theory of the political socialization of the college students, and constitute the theoretic foundation for the political socialization of the college students from the pool of the Western theory, Marxism and traditional Chinese political theory.
     Part III main focus on the political socialization of the college students, which is divided into three Sections. Section I studies the present situation and substantial tendency of the political socialization of the college students. In this Section, we use the data and information obtained from the questionnaire accomplished and a lot of evidences to reflect the present situations of the political socialization of the modern college students, which can be used for reference to further study. Section II mainly studies the issues found in the study specified in the previous Section, through which, we observe both the achievements and problems occurred during the political socialization process of the college students. This Section makes study to the existing issues, and it tries to provide an explicit understanding on the existing issues concerning the political socialization of the college students. Section III analyzes the factors that influence the political socialization of the college students based on the conclusions achieved in the previous two Sections. Through analysis of both subjective and objective concerns that influence the political socialization of the college students, it tries to find out the factors that promote and constrain the political socialization of the college students.
     Part IV focus on the relation between the political culture and the political socialization of the college student. The core content of the political socialization is the political culture, however, the level of the political culture decides the level of the political socialization of the college students. Therefore, the internal relation between the two sectors must be investigated. This Part is divided into three Sections. Section I provides an introduction to the political culture, including its connotations and functions. While introducing the connotations and functions of the political culture, we also expounds the challenge in front of us faced by the political culture during the period of social conversion. Since the political culture has the nature of times, any introduction made at certain times must need realistic contact between the political culture and the times, and the challenges encountered by the political culture during its own development for adapting to the development of times. Section II mainly expounds the relation between the political culture and the political psychology during the social conversion period. Based on introduction to relation between the political culture and the political psychology, it timely analyzes the political psychology of the modern college students, where, it finds out some issues and raises some practical countermeasures. Section III mainly discuses the relation between the political culture and the political socialization. The purpose of this Section is not the discussion of relation between the political socialization and the political culture of normal social members; instead, it is a study of the relation between the political socialization and the political culture of the modern college students. Through analysis, we believe that the political socialization of the college students is an important and effective way for heritage and development of the political culture, and it is significant for the heritage and development of the political culture. Simultaneously, it points out that the college students play a very important role as the carrier for spreading the political culture, however, the exertion of their functions and roles will depend on the subjective exertion of the college students. Therefore, at last, we point out that the subjective exertion of the college students will play an important role for heritage and development of the political culture.
     Part V focus mainly on relation between the mental and political education in the colleges and the political socialization, and it probes into the relation between influence of the mental and political education to the college students and the political socialization. This Part is divided into two Sections to discus the relation between the mental and political education and the political socialization. Section I mainly introduces the connotations and functions of the mental and political education, and its similarities and differences with the political socialization, which is very necessary since they may be confused due to so many similarities between them. Since this Section wants to get the political consciousness of the students by mental and political education, Section II emphasizes the effective means on how to use the mental and political education to train the college students in the aspect of the politics. It mends up the hole in training the college students in the aspect of the politics mainly by political consciousness and political participation of the college students themselves and the public citizen education to the college students. This Section in also the body appear a textual innovation to order, that be put forward joining in the thought the political content of course politics learn of foundation knowledge, carry out politics to learn knowledge from"the nobility turn" arrive the change of "the civilian turn". When forwarding the countermeasures, it continuously emphasizes the subjective function of the students that should be fully exerted during the training process, and points out that the training to the college students in the aspects of politics can be realized only when the college students actively and positively receive the education and convert their ideology.
     Part VI focuses on the relation between the ideology and the political socialization of the college students. The political socialization develops under the guidance of certain ideology, and its realization must conform to special ideology of certain social system. Therefore, this Section discusses the relation between the two sectors in three Sections. Section I provides the necessary discussion and expounding of connotations and special features of ideology so as to obtain clear understanding of the ideology. Section II is the highlight of this Section, i.e. the work done by the Chinese Communist Party to ideological construction after it has become the party in power; the mainstream and predominant ideological mode in China today; the particularity of the ideological construction of China during the special era of social transformation; and the challenges in front of us concerning construction of the mainstream ideology. Through certain analysis, we believe that the political socialization of the college students is not only the effective means for heritage of the political culture, but also the effective means for heritage and development of the ideology. The viewing angle of this thesis is the subjective matters of the college students, and therefore, we still believe that the exertion degree of the subjective matter of the college students will influence the exertion of the college students’role for heritage and development of ideology. So, we must give full play to the enthusiasm and initiative of the college students so as to realize more reasonable spread of ideology.
     Part VII makes a discussion on how to realize the political socialization of the college students from theory to practice. In this Part, we provide five main methods and they are: improving the political acknowledgement of the college students; optimizing the ideological and political education modes; strengthening construction of political culture to the students in campus; conducting necessary education on psychological health to the college students; and developing the practical activities participated by the college students.
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