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As the renewing of knowledge becomes faster, and the amount of information becomes larger at present time, learners should master some learning ways with high-efficiency at high levels to adapt this complex and volatile environment. It shows great importance to acquire and apply knowledge efficiently. As to learners, learning process not only includes the acquisition of knowledge, behavior and skills, but also includes the application of knowledge, behavior and skills in problem situations and problem solving procedures. It is the very process how knowledge constructs and transfers.
     Based on the computer, the development of Information Technology will provides positive conditions for learners' knowledge acquisition, construction and transfer. The Desktop Virtual Experiment Technology help learners get a simulation experience and creative inspiration, such as virtual experiments, imaginary trips, virtual tour, virtual training with model-building and simulating reality scenes on the computer. In the whole teaching process, Experimental Teaching plays an increasingly important role in fostering experimental operation skills, problem solving abilities and the innovation capabilities of learners. Along with the rapid development of computer and Internet, Desktop Virtual Experiment Technology emerges fast and becomes more mature. It certainly will plays an increasingly important role in practice. As an information and network environment which integrates various techniques and tools, desktop virtual experiment holds great promise in its development and application. At present, virtual experiment can assist or partly replace traditional experimental teaching. It can help to relieve the pressure of experimental teaching, and then improve its quality. This article focuses on the process of knowledge construction and transfer in desktop virtual experiment.
     At the beginning of the paper, the author states the research background and significance. Based on the investigation of literature and further analysis of current research domestic and overseas, the aspects and dimensions of research is determined; then the connotation and characteristics of desktop virtual experiment is also related, and the necessity of its application in teaching is analyzed. The statement also includes general process, principles and general evaluation method of knowledge construction in desktop virtual experiment. Meanwhile, the author explores the content such as the level and the happening conditions of knowledge transfer; Thirdly, this dissertation illuminates the practical guidance significance of related theories to desktop virtual experiment applied in teaching and the role of desktop virtual experiment in experiment teaching. Through analysis of the characteristics of desktop virtual experiment in application and analysis of its relevance to knowledge construction, knowledge transfer, and analysis of application of virtual experiment. The author excavates the problems existing in desktop virtual experiment and learning process, and according to this situation, the author puts forward the research assumptions according to former analysis. Chapter four is based on the study of relevant theories, the author submits the questionnaire survey and data statistics combined with the experimental case "virtual circuit experiment of middle school". Based on the research dimensions, quantitative analysis and explore the affecting factors of the knowledge construction and transfer in desktop virtual experiment. Then, draws the initial research conclusion, with the purpose of providing the necessary suggestions and promotion strategies to the knowledge construction and transfer of learners. Finally, combining with the analysis of the desktop virtual experimental case and the investigation of the desktop virtual experiment teaching effectiveness, this dissertation generalizes the promotion strategies of knowledge construction and transfer. And points out the deficiency and further effort throughout this research work, establish directions for the later study.
     The desktop virtual experiment of this research mainly focuses on the inquiry physics experiment. Next, the research will transfer to the teaching applications of desktop virtual experiment in different fields and validity analysis of knowledge construction and transfer promotion strategies, so as to make this study more scientific and perfect.
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