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The special climate changed punctually, presented seasonal rhythm, as a result ofparticular geographical position and hypsography in our country. There are manycorrelative dissertation in ancient works of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) about theinfluence of geographical, climatic and environmental factors on occurrence of disease andconstitution of human body. The modern research also conformed this thought by molecularbiology, immunology, biochemistry and genomics etc. The qualitative relationship betweenthe prevalence and distribution of epidemic disease and the diversity of climatic conditionbecame gist when some doctors of TCM giving their diagnosis. It's important that thediversity of climatic condition affected the course of exogenous febrile disease duringtreatment and selecting preseription..
     Most of acute infectious diseases belong to the category of epidemic febrile diseases.And it is universally knowledge that the seasonal periodicity of febrile disease relies onclimate and environment. Recently due to pollution, deterioration of entironment and globalwarming, the prevalence of infectious diseases take on new featuers. Especially winterwarming not only lowered the adaptibility that human being has adapted well to cold winterclimes, but also increased the chances that microorganism and some host live thought thecold winter. Soupy weather affected the diffusion of pollution, increasing the infection ofrespiratory disease .El Nino phenomenon induced calefactive ocean and abnormalatmospheric circulation. With drought and floods bringing on E1 Nino, pestilential pathogenbecame widely spread easily. Biological vector developed abnormally. The upgrowth andaberrance of pathogens and propagates brought new infectious diseases (such as SevereAcute Respiratory Syndrome, Avian Influenza A/H_5N_1) to break out more frequently.
     The theory of six exopathogen is the etiology of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Itcomes from the six climatic factors, including wind, cold, summer-heat, dampness, drynessand fire .During the course of the theory of six exopathogen developing, the theory of sixexopathogen has different connotation and extension. The six exopathogen contains not only climatic and environmental factors, but also biologic and chemical and physicalfactors. It contains three aspects: the first is seasonal natural circumstances. The second isbiologic Pathogens. The third is ascertained pathogen by syndrome differentiation. Normaland abnormal climatic condition all affecting human body is meteorological nature ofdisease caused by six exopathogen. Extreme meteorological conditions are related closelywith eliminating the exopathogen from the interior to the superficies. The action of chiefmeteorological factors is the basis of exopathic disease, due to activating physiological andpathological direct reaction swiftly or being in effect for a long time. The conclusion aboutabnormal climate induced diseases imputed unpunctual for climate.
     The theory of seasonal epidemic febrile diseases developed from the cognition ofancient medical scholars about meteorological and environmental factors inducedexogenous febrile diseases in China. There is a original thesis that environmental coldpathogens in winter brought on pathogenic and febrile diseases in NeiJing(Canon ofInternal Medicine). That means invasion of cold pathogen or insidious pathogen due toinvasion of cold pathogen. From then on, there are many theories about exogenous factorsof epidemic febrile diseases, such as the theory about six climatic factors transform intoheat, the theory of seasonal pathogen, the theory of pestilential pathogen. Till Wu Youkeraised a point of pestilential pathogen, most of medical scholars realized exogenous factorsof epidemic febrile disease contains meteorological factors and biologic factors, somephysical and chemical efficient amse.
     Natural fresh air is one of the basic materials that maintain postnatal life. And nowwith the developing of modern industry, deteriorating of environment, more and moregranule, gaseous nocuousness spreaded out in the air. Aerosol of microorganism andradicalization resulted new febrile diseases. Fuchou is the original cognition aboutenvironmental pollution induced diseases. In ancient works, mephitis has different names,contains biologic putrefaction and gaseous contamination. Atmospheric infection is thesame way with warm-heat pathogen usually invades the upper from the mouth and noseinto the lung and the defensive Qi. And the dominating carriers of atmospheric infection aregranules. Microorganism aerosol is the main pattern of warm-heat pathogen spreading out.Especially acute radiation sickness took on interior heat syndrome of excess type, just likeseasonal febrile diseases which caused by insidious pathogenic factors. So radicalizationshould belong to the category of pestilential pathogen.
     The cognition in TCM about the relationship between meteorological and environmental factors and diseases mainly includes three aspects. The first ismeteorological and environmental factors activating physiological and pathologicalreaction. The second is diseases coming on seasonally. The third is the change of climateand weather influence clinical presentations. Epidemic febrile disease is also calledseasonal disease. Due to different climatic conditions in one year, different warm-heatpathogen represented different characteristic and brought on different diseases.Meteorological and environmental factors affected every sticking point, includingpathogenic routes, growth, reproduction and spread of microorganism , and pollutantgranule diffusing and diluting. Meteorological and environmental factors impacted humanphysiological and pathological process, changed susceptibility of human body to febrilediseases, presented typical seasonal features. Meteorological and environmental factors stillaffected distribution, clinical presentations, transference of infectious diseases. Withclimate and environment changed in history, the prevalence of seasonal febrile diseasesexhibited different characteristics of the epoch. To deal with new febrile diseases breakingout more frequently, it is important to make clear the capability of meteorological andenvironmental factors causing disease by breaking down protective mechanisms of thehost, the correlation between meteorological and environmental factors and seasonal febrilediseases.
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