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     1.本研究运用浸提法和水蒸汽蒸馏法提取并分析了5种五倍子蚜虫冬寄主藓类植物的101种挥发性化学成分,涵盖了醇、醛、烯萜类等七大化合物。其中,湿地匐灯藓(Plagiomnium acutum (Lindb.) T. Kop.)获得了81种化学成分,侧枝匐灯藓(Plagiomnium maximoviczii (Lindb.) T. Kop.)测得55种,二者化学成分中含量较高的是1-辛烯-3醇、β-柏木烯和布黎醇,体现二者作为同属植物具有共同的化学特征。大羽藓(Thuidium cymbifolium (Dozy et Molk.) Dozy et Molk.)40种,含量较高的是庚醛,1-辛烯-3-醇,壬醛等。大灰藓(Hypnum plumaeforme wils.)和褶叶青藓(Brachythecium salebrosum (Web. et Mohr.)B. S. G.)分别测得化学成分37和34种,前者成分中含量较高的是1-辛烯-3醇,棕榈酸甲酯和二十九烷;后者成分中含量较高的主要是1-辛烯-3醇、二十四烷、庚醛等化合物。1-辛烯-3醇是所测藓类植物的共同成分,属于脂肪族不饱和醇,可用于调味香精和昆虫引诱剂。
     3.101种成分中有40种萜类成分,包括9种单萜和32种倍半萜,其中β-elemene,β-H-cedran-8-ol,β-cedren-9-a-ol, Di-epi-α-cedrene, y-elemene和trans-1,10-dimethyl-trans-9-ol等化合物在以往的藓类植物化学成分研究中未有报道,本研究在一定程度上丰富了藓类植物(Musci)萜类化学成分的研究资料。
Gall is an economical raw material, whose winter host plant are mosses. These plant have an important influence on the quantity production of gall. Previous studies have rarely involved the relationship between aphids and their host plants. So several experiments were adopted to extract the volatile organic compounds from mosses. The compounds in these mosses have been separated and identified by gas chromatography and mass spectrometry. This study focused on finding out the particular chemical compositions which can be used by gall aphids to find their host plants, in order to providing the theory basis for technological innovation of gall's artificially propagated.
     The conclusions are as follows:
     1. A total of 101 essential oil compounds from the five mosses have been identified, including seven categories like ketones、alcohols、aldehydes、esters、alkyls、terpenoid and some other constituents. Among these compositions, there were 81 constituents were observed in P. acutum,55 in P. maximoviczii. And the major components of essential oils in P. acutum and P. maximoviczii were 1-octen-3-ol, bulnesol, andβ-cedrene, which showed the same chemical characters of one genus。40 kinds of chemical compounds in T. cymbifolium, its major components of essential oil were heptana 1-octen-3-ol and nonanal. 37 constituents were observed in H. plumaeforme included the major components like 1-octen-3-ol、palmitic acid, methyl ester and nonacosane.34 compositions in B. salebrosum., and the major components were 1-octen-3-ol、tetracosane and heptanal. We found 1-octen-3-ol was very commom in these five mosses, and this kind of componets can be used as essence and insectival attrahent.
     2. The major components of essential oils in P. acutum and P. maximoviczii were 1-octen-3-ol, bulnesol, andβ-cedrene. Both they also have some other terpenes like (+)-(R)-limonene、acoradiene、germacrene B、α-selinene、(+)-a-longipinene、verticillol and so on. Those compostions were created by plant for insectival sitmulate. So, we concluded that those compounds stand a good chance as the constituents of chemical infromation to help Schlechtendalia chinensis found its food plants.
     3.101 kinds of compounds including 40 terpenes (8 kinds of monoterpenoids and 32 sesquiterpenoids belong to 19 types) (3-elemene,β-H-cedran-8-ol,β-cedren-9-a-ol, Di-epi-a-cedrene, y-elemene and trans-1,10-dimethyl-trans-9-ol haven't been reported ago. So our research enriched the study of terpenes in mosses.
     4. Current research showed that the mainly positive chains were C23-C33 odd chain alkanes in higher plants (including ferns), and we found mosses have more C23-C33 odd number alkanes, so we could see that mosses might be closer than liverworts to ferns and seed plants.
     5. Fatty acids like arachidonate, linoleic acid ethyl ester and linolenic acid ethyl ester and so on. The arachidonate is a kind of long-chain insoluble polymer fatty acid in mosses, which is one of the precursors of prostaglandin with high activity. It is significant to search for this natural ingredient by detecting the chemical composition of bryophytes for this fatty acid which does not exist in higher plants
     6. This study reported a number of common volatile compounds of mosses. Some of them were green leaf volatiles and have been reported in the higher plants widely, such as hexanol and hexanal. And also found considerable ketones、alcohols and adehydes, enriched the research of volatiles organic compounds in mosses.
     7. It is discovered in the experiment that steam-distilled combined n-hexane can got a good extraction effect.
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