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This thesis examines the study of a Chinese vernacular novel Honglou meng{The Dream of the Red Chamber) in the English world, focusing on three topics:growing-up, the Grand View Garden, and women, with the aim of summarizing the characteristics of the study of Honglou meng in the English world. Since the1960s, the study of Honglou meng in the English world took a new start, and became more systematic. This thesis examines the three topics in chronological order, and discovers the common trend of this study, that is, the progressively in-depth understanding, the active adoption of Western literary theories as well as theories and methods in other humanities and social science, and the increasingly obvious feature of comparative literature and interdisciplinary approaches.
     This thesis consists of four chapters. The first chapter looks at the topic of growing-up in the study of Honglou meng in the English world, by reviewing the writings in the1970s,1980s,1990s, and the first decade of21st centuries related to that topic. In the1970s, one scholar viewed Jia Baoyu as a character resembles the pursuer of life meaning in Western literature, and compared him with characters like Hamlet and Romeo. And another scholar adopted a kind of narrative structure based on the story of Parsifal's searching for the Holy Cup to analyze Baoyu's experience in the human world. In the1980s, there are writings that analyzing Honglou meng from the perspective of wisdom literature and novel of initiation. In the1990s, one paper examines the value of Honglou meng by taking it as a piece of children's literature, and another paper discusses the reluctance to grow up in the novel. After2000, writings related to the topic of growing-up in Honglou meng take more diversified perspectives. One paper analyzes various images in Baoyu's life related to his enlightenment, one book chapter examines Baoyu's growth from the perspective of Buddhist enlightenment, one paper adopts spatial criticism to discuss the different kinds of space in Baoyu's childhood life which affect his behavior. Such examination presents English scholars'increasingly diversified and in-depth approaches in the study of this topic.
     The second chapter examines the writings on the Grand View Garden in Honglou meng study in the English world from the1960s till present. The1960s's study on the Garden basically followed the traditional way of fiction writing and textual criticism. Since1970s English Sinologists actively employed various Western literature theories, such as Structuralism, New Criticism, Narratology, New Marxism etc. With these approaches, the study of the Grand View Garden has been largely enriched. After2000, various approaches such as architectural aesthetics, spatial narration, and gender study are adopted, contributing to the more obvious features of comparative literature and interdisciplinary study of the novel.
     Chapter three focuses on the study related to women in Honglou meng. There are only limited number of writings on this topic in the1960s and1970s. C.T. Hsia and Angela Palandri both adopted psychologist theories, while Andrew Plaks and Jeanne Knoerle claimed in their books that they used structuralist and comparative approaches. From1980s, more scholars attempted to apply Feminist literary theories to the novel. The Feminist study on this novel well presents the reflective and critical features of English Sinology. There are also some scholars discussed the female figures and women's life from the prospective of painting in Qing dynasty and women's history in imperial China.
     Chapter four summarizes the characteristics, merits and shortcomings of Honglou meng study in the English world, and proposes some tentative suggestions. The study of Honglou meng in the English world has been influenced by English Sinology in general, Western literary criticism, Sino-foreign relationship, international outlook, Western academic conventions and norms. The merits of Honglou meng study in the English world include comparative literature scope and interdisciplinary approaches, self-reflective and critical evaluation. Some typical shortcomings are the mechanical application of Western theories to the novel, over-interpretation, mis-interpretation of the text and Chinese culture, lack of translations of Chinese Honglou meng study material. Considering the above situation, intensive and extensive communication and cooperation should be enhanced between China and the English world. Among all the tasks awaiting to be done, to translate and introduce more good works and papers is one of the very crucial and basic tasks. Besides, annotated bibliography of Honglou meng study will also greatly facilitate English scholar's research work.
     A large percentage of English materials used in this thesis has not been introduced by Chinese scholars before. The author of this paper quoted and translated the important ideas in the English writings which are for the first time translated into Chinese. The methods adopted in this thesis are also innovative and appropriate:the choice of three topics that are both productive and able to reflect the characteristics of Honglou meng study in the English world, the analysis conducted in chronological order. Besides, the author also situates the study of Honglou meng in the context of Western Sinology and the development of Western literary theory, as well as other factors that may affect the study of Honglou meng such as the international political situations, Western academic conventions. Such examination results in the discoveries of the distinct characteristics of the study of Honglou meng and their contributing factors, and enables the author to put forward some tentative suggestions for the shortcomings of the study of Honglou meng in the English world.
1 林以亮:《新红学的发展方向》选自《中国古典小说论集》第一辑,幼狮文化公司期刊部,1975年,第284页。吴晓南:《钗黛合一新论——<红楼梦>主要人物结构关系研究》,香港:三联书店香港分店,1985年,第3-4页转引。另见,宋淇:《红楼梦识要——宋淇红学论集》,北京:中国书店,2000年,第7页。
    1 朱政惠主编:《美国学者论美国中国学》,上海辞书出版社,2009年,第5页。
    1 Hwang, Mei-shu. "Chia Pao-yu: The Reluctant Quester." Tamkang Review 1.1(1970), pp.211-222.
    1 "The story of Chia Pao-yii is, in a sense, a story of initiation." Hwang, Mei-shu. "Chia Pao-yii:The Reluctant Quester.' Tamkang Review 1.1(1970), p.216.笔者注:本论文在脚注中注出相对短小的英文原文,在正文中仅放入个别重要的英文原文和需要指明之前学者误译的英文原文。
    4 "[A]n unfinished history of a soul that is seeking for the meaning of its existence." Hwang, Mei-shu. "Chia Pao-yii:The Reluctant Quester.'Tamkang Review 1.1(1970), p.220.
    3 横线为笔者所加,黄美序的这个观点与后来黄卫总提出的不愿成长的观点有相似之处。
    4 Hwang, Mei-shu. "Chia Pao-yu: The Reluctant Quester.'Tamkang Review 1.1(1970), p.218.笔者注:目前国内尚未有学者介绍和翻译皇美序的这篇论文。
    5 Hwang, Mei-shu. "Chia Pao-yu: The Reluctant Quester.'Tamkang Review 1.1(1970), p.219.
    1 周江泓:《哈姆莱特和贾宝玉悲剧性格的比较》,《武汉教育学院学报》,1991年,第3期,第44页。
    2 笔者注:值得指出的一点是,周江泓的文章并不一定代表中国优秀的文学研究者存比较贾宝玉和哈姆雷特时的观点。本文选取了中国90年代的这篇论文,主要是因为改革开放以来中国比较文学才有较快发展,中国比较文学从1986年开始进入稳步发展时期,也是从这一时间开始,这种将中西文学作品进行比较的论文在数量匕才有了比较大的增加。由于西方学者分析《红楼梦》时使用的许多思路和方法并不是中国学者从事《红楼梦》研究所使用的主流思路和方法,所以在进行中西比较时,在中国的《红楼梦》研究中比较难于找到合适的例子,在此权且使用周江泓的文章作为比较对象。通过周江泓的文章可以出 20世纪80年代一些使用比较文学方法的论文存在的典型问题。
    3 Hwang, Mei-shu. "Chia Pao-yu:The Reluctant Quester.'Tamkang Review 1.1(1970), p.219.
    1 黄卫总谈及不愿成长的著述有1997年的著作Literati and Self-Re/Presentation: Autobiographical Sensibility in the Eighteenth Century Chinese Novel 中的"The Self Displaced: Women and Growing Up in the Dream of the Red Chamber."以及 2001 年的著作 Desire and Fictional Narrative in Late Imperial China 中的"Qing and the Reluctance to Grow Up in Honglou meng."
    2 Lewis S. Robinson. "Pao-yu and Parsifal:Personal Growth as a Literary Substructure." Tamkang Review 9.4 (1979). p. 413.
    3 Lewis S. Robinson. "Pao-yu and Parsifal:Personal Growth as a Literary Substructure." Tamkang Review 9.4 (1979), pp. 407-426.
    4 代丽丹:《圣杯追寻中的意义选择》,《外国文学》,2007年第3期,第140页。
    1 Robinson. Lewis S. "Pao-yu and Parsifal:Personal Growth as a Literary Substructure." Tamkang Review 9.4 (1979), p. 408.
    1 Robinson, Lewis S. "Pao-yu and Parsifal:Personal Growth as a Literary Substructure." Tamkang Review 9.4 (1979), p. 412.
    2 Huang, Martin. Literati and Self-Re/Presentation: Autobiographical Sensibility in the Eighteenth Century Chinese Novel. Stanford:Stanford University Press,1997.
    1 梅新林:《红楼梦哲学精神——石头的生命循环与悲剧指归》,学林出版社,1995年,第153页。这部著作经过扩充修改于2007年由华东师范大学再版。
    1 [美]克利福德著,祝贺帅译:《智慧文学》,上海:华东师范大学出版社,2010年,第78页。
    1 Miller, Lucien. "Naming the Whirlwind: Cao Xueqin and Heidegger." Tamkang Review 12.2 (1981). p.145.
    2 Miller, Lucien. "Naming the Whirlwind: Cao Xueqin and Heidegger." Tamkang Review 12.2 (1981), p.145.3 “沉沦”的基本样式是闲谈、好奇和两可,不是道德问题,不含道德评价。陈嘉映:《海德格尔哲学概论》,北京:生活、读书、新知三联书店,1995年,第84页。
    1 Miller, Lucien. "Naming the Whirlwind:Cao Xueqin and Heidegger." Tamkang Review 12.2 (1981), p.147.
    2 陈嘉映:《海德格尔哲学概论》,北京:生活、读书、新知三联书店,1995年,第71页。笔者注:陈嘉映在此书中将澄明译作疏明。3 "Generally speaking, there are a series of'clearings'throughout the novel in which, as it were, Bao-yu walks into an open space and an insight is revealed." Miller, Lucien. "Naming the Whirlwind:Cao Xueqin and Heidegger." Tamkang Review 12.2 (1981), p.156.
    4 Miller, Lucien. "Naming the Whirlwind:Cao Xueqin and Heidegger." Tamkang Review 12.2 (1981), p.157.
    1 Miller, Lucien. "Naming the Whirlwind:Cao Xueqin and Heidegger." Tamkang Review 12.2 (1981). p.157.
    2 Miller, Lucien. "Naming the Whirlwind:Cao Xueqin and Heidegger." Tamkang Review 12.2 (1981), p.158.
    3 邵宁宁:《命名的意义及其敞开的世界——<红楼梦>人生解读之二》,《红楼梦学刊》,2004年第2辑,第328页。
    1 刘再复:《红楼哲学笔记》,北京:生活·读书·新知三联书店,2009年,第193页。
    2 Marcus, Mordecai. "What Is an Initiation Story?", The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, Vol.19, No.2 (Winter, 1960), p.222.
    11 芮渝萍:《美国成长小说研究》,中国社会科学出版社,2004年,第7页。
    1 Berry, Margaret. "The Apprenticeship Novel in China: Hung lou meng." Proceedings of the International Symposium on Asian Studies, Volume One, China (1986), p.13.
    2 "Pao's personality does, in fact, bring on most of his suffering." Berry, Margaret. "The Apprenticeship Novel in China: Hung lou meng." Proceedings of the International Symposium on Asian Studies, Volume One, China (1986), p.14.
    1 关于黄卫总的这一观点详见本论文第一章第三节的介绍和分析。
    2 Berry, Margaret. The Chinese Classical Novels: An Annotated Bibliography of Chiefly English-language Studies. Carland Publishing, Inc.1988.
    3 Liao, Hsien-hao. "Tai-yu or Po-ch'ai:The Paradox of Existence as Manifested in Pao-yu's Existential Struggle.' Tamkang Review 15.1-4 (Autumn 1984-Summer 1985), pp.485-493.
    1 Miller, Lucien. "Children of the Dreams: The Adolescent World In Cao Xueqin's Honglou meng." In Anne Kinney, ed., Chinese Views of Childhood. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press,1995. p.219.
    1 笔者注Self-continuity自我延续性是心理学术语,指的是一个人知道自己的过去、现在、未来,都是自己,有其一致性。这一术语出现在美国心理学家威廉·詹姆斯(William James)的理论中。
    2 Miller, Lucien. "Children of the Dreams:The Adolescent World in Cao Xueqin's Honglou meng" In Anne Kinney, ed., Chinese Views of Childhood. Honolulu:University of Hawaii Press,1995, pp.224-225.
    1 阿瑟·克莱曼又名凯博文,是国际医学人类学的领军人物。
    2 [美]阿瑟·克莱曼著,方筱丽译:《疾痛的故事——苦难、治愈与人的境况》,上海译文出版社,2010年,第54-55页。
    3 Identity crisis是埃里克森创造的一个术语。
    4 Miller, Lucien. "Children of the Dreams: The Adolescent World in Cao Xueqin's Honglou meng." In Anne Kinney. ed., Chinese Views of Childhood. Honolulu:University of Hawaii Press,1995. p.241.
    1 陈昌娟:《顺人之天,以致其性——<红楼梦>与少儿教育管窥》,《红楼梦学刊》,1999年第一辑,第72页.
    2 陈昌娟:《顺人之天,以致其性——<红楼梦>与少儿教育管窥》,《红楼梦学刊》,1999年第一辑,第72页。
    3 Levy, Dore. "Why Bao-yu Can't Concentrate: Attention Deficit Disorder in The Story of the Stone". Literature and Medicine 13.2 (1994), p.256.
    1 "In the Oing dynasty there is no culturally recognized period of adolescence or ritual marking of transitions from infancy to adulthood"(Miller, Lucien. "Children of the Dreams: The Adolescent World In Cao Xueqin's Honglou meng." In Anne Kinney, ed., Chinese Views of Childhood. Honolulu:University of Hawaii Press,1995, p.219)
    2 甲戌本作“文龙”。《红楼梦》初次提及薛蟠的名和字时,薛蟠15岁。
    3 曹雪芹著,无名氏续:《红楼梦》,北京:人民文学出版社,2008年,第190页.
    4 李路阳,畏冬:《中国清代习俗史》,选自史仲文,胡晓林主编:《中国全史》第18卷,第一册,北京:人民出版社,1994年,第168页。
    5 资料来源:内蒙古出版社网站文章,网址http://www.im-eph.com/gb/slwh/2008-01/25/content_2804.htm《悠车摇呀摇——满洲族人的诞生礼和成人礼》,网页编辑:邵宝华,内容把关:白嘎达。
    1 Martin Huang,"The Self Displaced:Women and Growing Up in the Dream of the Red Chamber."In Literati and Self-Re/Presentation: Autobiographical Sensibility in the Eighteenth Century Chinese Novel. Stanford:Stanford University Press,1997, p.75.
    1 Huang, Martin. "The Self Displaced:Women and Growing Up in the Dream of the Red Chamber." In Literati and Self-Re/Presentation: Autobiographical Sensibility in the Eighteenth Century Chinese Novel. Stanford:Stanford University Press,1997, pp.77-78.
    2 Huang, Martin. "The Self Displaced:Women and Growing Up in the Dream of the Red Chamber." In Literati and Self-Re/Presentation: Autobiographical Sensibility in the Eighteenth Century Chinese Novel. Stanford:Stanford University Press,1997, p.95.
    3 Huang, Martin. "The Self Displaced:Women and Growing Up in the Dream of the Red Chamber." In Literati and Self-Re/Presentation: Autobiographical Sensibility in the Eighteenth Century Chinese Novel. Stanford:Stanford University Press,1997, p.97.
    1 Huang, Martin. "The Self Displaced: Women and Growing Up in the Dream of the Red Chamber."In Literati and Self-Re/Presentation: Autobiographical Sensibility in the Eighteenth Century Chinese Novel. Stanford:Stanford University Press,1997, p.98.
    1 Martin Huang, "The Self Displaced:Women and Growing Up in the Dream of the Red Chamber." In Literati and Self-Re/Presentation: Autobiographical Sensibility in the Eighteenth Century Chinese Novel. Stanford:Stanford University Press,1997, pp.101-102.笔者译:中英文段落中的下划线为笔者所加的标记,目的在于帮助读者查找张惠译文中错译词语的位置。
    2 "It is reluctance to move beyond the age of thirteen on the author's part that resulted in the splitting of Baoyu's personality into two persons, the young and the old." Martin Huang, "The Self Displaced:Women and Growing Up in the Dream of the Red Chamber." In Literati and Self-Re/Presentation: Autobiographical Sensibility in the Eighteenth Century Chinese Novel. Stanford:Stanford University Press.1997. p.101.
    'Martin Huang, "The Self Displaced:Women and Growing Up in the Dream of the Red Chamber." In Literati and Self-Re/Presentation: Autobiographical Sensibility in the Eighteenth Century Chinese Novel. Stanford:Stanford University Press,1997, p.103. 2 "Dream of the Red Chamber was nevertheless the first Chinese novel to utilize autobiographical experience on a large scale." Hsia, C.T. "Dream of the Red Chamber." In The Classic Chinese Novel: A Critical Introduction. New York: Columbia University Press,1968, p.247此书中文译本《中国古典小说》,由凤凰出版传媒集团2008年出版。
    1 原文出自《诗学》,1452b.中文选自[法]茨维坦·托多罗夫著,王国卿译,《象征理论》,北京:商务印书馆,2005年,第155页。
    2 原文出自《狄德罗全集》,第十五卷,第168至169页。中文出自[法]茨维坦·托多罗夫著,王国卿译,《象征理论》,北京:商务印书馆,2005年,第155页。
    3 朱学勤:《迷失存成年社会门槛之前的贾宝玉——对于《红楼梦》的一个“主题学”和“文体学”的研究》,《红楼梦学刊》,1991年第1辑,第50页。
    1 Huang, Martin W. "Qing and the Reluctance to Grow Up in Honglou meng." In Desire and Fictional Narrative in Late Imperial China. Harvard East Asian Monographs 202. Cambridge:Harvard University Press,2001, p.292.
    2 Huang, Martin W. "Qing and the Reluctance to Grow Up in Honglou meng." In Desire and Fictional Narrative in Late Imperial China. Harvard East Asian Monographs 202. Cambridge: Harvard University Press,2001, p.293.
    2 "Baoyu views everything aesthetically" Huang, Martin W."Qing and the Reluctance to Grow Up in Honglou meng.' Desire and Fictional Narrative in Late Imperial China. Harvard East Asian Monographs 202. Cambridge: Harvard University Press,2001, p.275. J "Uaiyu is one of the most overtly narcissistic characters in the novel" Huang, Martin W. "Qing and the Reluctance to Grow Up in Honglou meng." In Desire and Fictional Narrative in Late Imperial China. Harvard East Asian Monographs 202. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.2001, p.277.
    1 Bech, Lene. "Fiction That Leads to Truth:The Story of the Stone as Skillful Means." Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews 26 (2004), pp.1-21此文章是丹麦人文研究委员会资助的项目“中国古典小说中的虚构与现实’的一部分。2 Bech, Lene. "Flowers in the Mirror, Moonlight on the Water: Images of a Deluded Mind." Chinese Literature:Essays,
    Articles, Reviews 24 (2002), pp.99-100.
    1 奚如谷和伊维德的《西厢记》英文译本(The Moon and the Zither:Story of the Western Wing)中有关于剧中花朵的含义研究。
    2 Walfram Eberhad, A Dictionary of Chinese Symbols: Hidden Symbols in Chinese Life and Thought.
    1 Haun Saussy, Writing Women in Late Imperial China.
    2 陈家生:《妙笔生花花中见人》,《红楼梦学刊》,1997年S1期。俞晓红:《红楼梦花园意象解读》,《红楼梦学刊》,1997年S1期。雷广平:《那堪风雨助凄清——谈红楼梦是如何通过花来表现悲剧主题的》,《红楼梦学刊》,1998年第1期。
    3 Bech, Lene. "Flowers in the Mirror, Moonlight on the Water: Images of a Deluded Mind." Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews 24 (2002), p.124.
    1 蔡义江:《红楼梦诗词曲赋鉴赏》,中华书局,2004年,第49页。
    3 Li, Qiancheng. Fictions of Enlightenment: Journey to the West, Tower of the Myriad Mirrors, and Dream of the Red Chamber. Honolulu:University of Hawaii Press,2004. p.127.
    3 笔者注:括号中的内容为笔者所加。
    4 Li, Qiancheng. Fictions of Enlightenment: Journey to the West, Tower of the Myriad Mirrors, and Dream of the Red Chamber. Honolulu:University of Hawaii Press,2004, p.128-129.
    1 Li, Qiancheng. Fictions of Enlightenment: Journey to the West. Tower of the Myriad Mirrors, and Dream of the Red Chamber. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press,2004, p.130.
    2 "[T]hey are also agents that facilitate Baoyu's enlightenment and liberation."Li, Qiancheng.Fictions of Enlighte Journey to the West. Tower of the Myriad Mirrors, and Dream of the Red Chamber. Honolulu:University of Hawaii Press, 2004, p.131.
    3 "Honglou meng is essentially a Bildungsroman in which the protagonists embark on a pilgrimage, a cosmic grand tour--or'a little trip' in the Buddhist mahasattva's understatement--of learning and development". Li.Qiancheng. Fictions of Enlightenment: Journey to the West. Tower of the Myriad Mirrors, and Dream of the Red Chamber. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press,2004, p.134.
    1 Li Qiancheng,2004, pp.134-135笔者注attachment指情感上的依恋,依附detachment意思是冷漠超脱,在这里笔者奖这两个词分别译作“入情”和“弃情”。refelction译为“反思”,reflexivity译为“自反性”。
    2 蔡义江:《<红楼梦>是怎样写成的》,北京:北京图书馆出版社,2004年,第115页。
    1 关于浦安迪著述中的一些偏颇将存《大观园话题》一章有较为详细的分析。
    2 "Kongkong is presented as a Daoist" Bech, Lene. "Fiction That Leads to Truth:The Story of the Stone as Skillful Means.'"Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews 26 (2004), p.20. 3 "The case of Kongkong Daoren, however, demonstrates that Cao's'secret message'is best interpreted from a Chan Buddhist perspective." Ferrara, Mark.'Emptying Emptiness: Kongkong daoren in Honglou meng.'Tamkang Review 26:1-2(2005), p.111.
    4 曹雪芹:《红楼梦》,人民文学出版社,2008年,第4页。
    5 曹雪芹:《红楼梦》,人民文学出版社,2008年,第6页。
    1 刘勇强:《一僧一道一术士——明清小说超情节人物的叙事学意义》,《文学遗产》,2009年第2期,第109页。
    2 [澳]雷金(Kam Louie)著,刘霓摘译:《澳大利亚中国文学研究50年》,《国外社会科学》2004年第4期,第55页。
    1 Farquhar, Mary and Edwards. Louise. "Jia Baoyu in Honglou meng: Boyhood, Adolescence, and Adulthood in Pre-Modern China". Tamkang Review 36.1-2 (2005), p.37.
    2 Farquhar, Mary and Edwards, Louise. Jia Baoyu in Honglou meng: Boyhood, Adolescence, and Adulthood in Pre-Modern China". Tamkang Review 36.1-2 (2005), pp.40-41.
    1 蔡义江:《<红楼梦>与莫言》,《红楼梦学刊》,2013年第4辑,第9页。
    2 [美]菲利普·E.魏格纳:《空间批评:地理、空间、地点和文本性批评》,选自[英]沃尔弗雷斯编,张琼,张冲译:《21实际批评述介》,南京:南京大学出版社,2009年,第242,243页。3 [美]菲利普·E.魏格纳:《空间批评:地理、空间、地点和文本性批评》,选自[英]沃尔弗雷斯编, 张琼,张冲译:《21世纪批评述介》,南京:南京大学出版社,2009年,第244页。
    4 [法]加斯东·巴什拉著,张逸婧译,《空间的诗学》,上海:上海译文出版社,2009年,第23页。
    5 [法]加斯东·巴什拉著,张逸婧译,《空间的诗学》,上海:上海译文出版社,2009年,第147页。
    1 Farquhar, Mary and Edwards, Louise. "Jia Baoyu in Honglou meng: Boyhood, Adolescence, and Adulthood in Pre-Modern China". Tamkang Review 36.1-2 (2005). pp.59-60.
    2 此文后来收录在李晓东、杨茳善合著的《中国空间》一书中。(《中国空间》,北京:中国建筑工业出版社,2007年。)
    1 "[A] commentary upon, as well as an allegory of, the stages of Daoist enlightenment."Gray, Ronald.'Returning to the Unpolished:Jia Baoyu and Zhuang-zi in Honglou meng.'Tamkang Review 36:1-2 (2005), p.188.
    2 "In view of its penetrating portrayal of the budding consciousness of a sensitive young artist/ hero, this Chinese work provides a perfect illustration of the Bildungsroman model of European fiction." Plaks, Andrew. "'Leaving the Garden: Reflections on China's Literary Masterpiece". New Left Review 47 (2007), p.114.
    3 Yu, Anthony. "The Quest of Brother Amor: Buddhist Intimations in the Story of the Stone." Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies 49.1 (1989), pp.55-92余国藩在文中对《红楼梦》中出现的一些源自佛教典籍的词语如境、境界、情、梦、幻、镜等进行了详细解释。余国藩重点讨论的是小说的艺术手法,并且辩证地看待小说所体现的佛教思想,认为“坚持认为佛教关于现实的观点只是红楼梦的一个侧面。只看到这一面就会错过曹雪芹的艺术中更深刻的一面,即作者如何成功地将人生世事如梦的观念放入一个复杂而强大的小说理论中,他不断使用这一理论来扰乱读者们的现实感。”[T]he affirmation of the Buddhist view of reality is but one side of Hongloumeng. To perceive only that affirmation is to miss a more profound aspect of Cao Xueqin's art, namely, how the author has succeeded in turning the concept of world and life as dream into a subtle but powerful theory of fiction that he uses constantly to confound his reader's sense of reality"(p.84)
    1 夏志清在20世纪60年代重要的著作还有《中国古典小说》(The Classic Chinese Novel: A Critical Introduction),其中有一章名为《红楼梦》。
    2 吴世昌:《红楼梦探源》,北京出版社,2000年,第233页。
    3 吴世昌:《红楼梦探源》,北京出版社,2000年,第233页。
    1 [美]史景迁著,陈引驰、郭茜、赵颖之、丁旻译:《曹寅与康熙:一个皇室宠臣的生涯揭秘》,上海远东出版社,2005年,第164页。
    2 [美]史景迁著,陈引驰、郭茜、赵颖之、丁旻译:《曹寅与康熙:一个皇室宠臣的生涯揭秘》,上海远东出版社,2005年,第334页。
    3 张惠:《史景迁的曹寅研究》,《红楼梦学刊》,2012年第一辑,第104页。
    1 陈维昭:《实录观念:一股贯穿红学史的洪流》,《河南教育学院学报》,2005年第1期,第8页。
    2 Martin Huang, "The Self Displaced:Women and Growing Up in the Dream of the Red Chamber." In Literati and Self-Re/Presentation: Autobiographical Sensibility in the Eighteenth Century Chinese Novel. Stanford:Stanford University Press,1997, p.75.
    3 张惠:《史景迁的曹寅研究》,《红楼梦学刊》,2012年第一辑,第109页.
    4 此话是何谷理教授在圣路易斯华盛顿大学2012年春季学期开设的《明代小说研讨课》上所说的话。
    1 尹慧珉:《近年英美<红楼梦>论著评介》,《红楼梦研究集刊》,1980年,第3辑。
    2 缪尔认为,如果人物在相对不变的地点活动是以时间为主要结构的,将人物放置在许多场景中,则足以空间为主要结构的。
    1 Knoerle, Jeanne. The Dream of the Red Chamber: A Critical Study. Bloomington:Indiana University Press,1972. p.93
    2 笔者注:关于浦安迪对大观园的论述,详见本节第二部分。
    3 注:笔者认为,黄卫总的博士论文《中国抒情性和文人小说的困境》(1991)中将大观园和贾府的关系看做是依附的与被依附的关系是比较合理的。详见本章第四节的相关内容。
    4 再版书名为《<红楼梦>中的建筑与园林》,天津:百花文艺出版社,2008年。
    5 李晓东、杨茳善的论文和玛丽·法夸尔、路易斯·爱德华兹的论文将在本章第五节做详细分析。6 "This narrow setting is obviously symbolic of the narrow outlook and homogeneous influences which are characteristic of the Chinese family life of the time." Knoerle, Jeanne. The Dream of the Red Chamber: A Critical Study. Bloomington: Indiana University Press,1972, p.90.
    7 尹慧珉:《近年英美<红楼梦>论著评介》,《红楼梦研究集刊》,第三辑,上海古籍出版社:1980年,第470页。
    1 John Kawn-Terry, review. "The Dream of the Red Chamber: A Critical Study by Jeanne Knoerle", Books Abroad, Vol. 48, No.1 (Winter,1974), p.209. "In addition, the attempt to unravel the novel's complex design according to preconceived critical criteria has an emasculative effect, so much so that by the end of the study, the novel seems to have shrunk appreciably in size and stature."
    2 Sailey, Jay. Review of The Dream of the Red Chamber: A Critical Study by Jeanne Knoerle. Journal of Asian Studies 33.2(1974), pp.298-300. "In terms of what the authoress has claimed to set out to do, and perhaps more importantly, in terms of the standards of modern Sinology and those of modern literary criticism as well, this book has to be judged a failure."(p.298)
    3 详见乐黛云、陈跃红、王宇根、张辉著,《比较文学原理新编》,北京大学出版社,2007年,第二章《历史、现状与学科定位》。
    4 20世纪七十年代发表关于此书的书评的学者有Frederick P. Brandauer (1977), D. E. Pollard (1977), James M. Hargett(1977), John C.Y.Wang (1979), 夏志清 (1979).
    1 Allan, Sarah, review, "Archetype and Allegory in the Dream of the Red Chamber by Andrew H. Plaks", Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, No.2 (1978), p.198.
    2 笔者注:如80年代美国学者玛丽·司各特,90年代美国华裔学者裔锦声关于大观园的论述。
    3 Total Vision直译为全景、全部视野。浦安迪对大观园的英译名称也被后来多为学者所使用。
    4 [I]t is the idea of vast vision within enclosed space, and not a literal panorama, to which the author refers." Plaks, Andrew. Archetype and Allegory in the 'Dream of the Red Chamber. Princeton:Princeton University Press,1976, p.181.
    5 "[A] broad, if not total, vision of existence." Plaks, Andrew. "Allegory in Hsi-yu Chi and Hung-lou Meng" In Andrew Plaks, ed., Chinese Narrative: Critical and Theoretical Essays. Princeton: Princeton University Press,1977, p.198.迪存这篇文章中关于大观园的论述部分基本上取自1976年《红楼梦中的原型与寓意》,所以笔者将具体内容略过。在1993年出版的《中国叙事学》一书第163页,浦安迪对“大观”一词的定义与1976年的定义完全相同。
    1 Plaks, Andrew. Archetype and Allegory in the Dream of the Red Chamber. Princeton:Princeton University Press,1976, p.201. 2 Plaks, Andrew. Archetype and Allegory in the Dream of the Red Chamber. Princeton:Princeton University Press.1976. p.206.
    3 Plaks, Andrew. Archetype and Allegory in the 'Dream of the Red Chamber. Princeton:Princeton University Press,1976, p.208. "Instead, what we are talking about is his consistent reluctance to accept the fact of emergence from self-contained innocence to social maturity. If Pao-yU's position here is somewhat ambiguous, or explainable as a common psychological phenomenon, we may see in the Chia compounds as a whole range of more extreme examples of willful self-enclosure--from Chia Ching's drug-induced introversion and Chia She's desire to surround himself with more immediate consolations."
    1 姜其煌:《欧美红学》,郑州:大象出版社,2005年,第85页。
    2 "His bold hypothesis and the wid-ranging implications involved call for further careful examination." Brandauer, Frederick P., review, Masks of Fiction in Dream of the Red Chamber by Lucien Miller; Archetype and Allegory in the Dream of the Red Chamber by Andrew H. Plaks, Journal of Asian Studies, Vol.36, No.3 (May,1977), p.556.
    3 "allegory becomes a rather loose and all-encompassing term indistinguishable from symbolism or metaphor". Wang, Y. John C., review. Masks of Fiction in Dream of the Red Chamber: Myth, Mimesis, and Persona by Lucien Miller; Archetype and Allegory in the Dream of the Red Chamber by Andrew H. Plaks. Journal of the American Oriental Society, Vol.99, No.1 (Jan.-Mar,.1979), p.130.
    4 "[G]ardens are designed to be pleasant and do not deliberately encompass filth and ugliness[...]Then if the dissolution of the ideal landscape is 'rooted in the very nature of things', it should indeed take the form of death or exit as Plaks describes, these things too being in the nature of things. To add to this ineluctable dissolution the episode of the forcible confiscation of the property is then not only unneeded, but, as Chao Kang has pointed out, is to 'paint legs on a snake'(Ming Pao Yiteh K'an, no.126,1976). If Ts'ao Hsuieh-ch'in felt compelled to represent the true downfall of his family, then the confiscation must have its place, but in the framework of allegory it can only distract and distort." Pollard, D. E. "Archetype and Allegory in the Dream of the Red Chamber by Andrew H. Plaks". Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, Vol.40, No.2(1977), p.421.
    1 牟复礼(Frederick W. Mote,1922年-2005年),美国儒学学者、汉学家,曾任教于普林斯顿大学。
    1 Hargett, James M. "Archetype and Allegory in the Dream of Red Chamber by Andrew H. Plaks", World Literature Today, Vol.51, No.1, Homage to Elizabeth Bishop, Our 1976 Laureate(Winter,1977), p.159.
    2 "he spoke of his'youthful enthusiasm and scholarly hubris which dominate the book [Archetype and Allegory in the Dream of the Red Chamber]'and indicated that some of his arguments were 'half-baked'." Wang Jing, review, "The Poetics of Chinese Narrative: An Analysis of Andrew Plaks' "Archetype and Allegory in the Dream of the Red Chamber" Comparative Literature Studies, Vol.26, No.3, East-West Issue (1989), pp.252-270.
    1 关于这三位学者的著述将在本章稍后的章节中进行介绍。
    2 关华山:《红楼梦中的建筑与园林》,天津:百花文艺出版社,2008年,第219页。
    3 Li, Xiaodong and Yeo Kang-shua. "The Propensity of Chinese Space: Architecture in the Novel Dream of the Red Chamber.''Traditional Dwellings and Settlements Review 13.2 (2002). p.58.
    4 关于张新之批本对浦安迪的影响将在本章第五节进行详细闸释。
    1 Fu, James S. "Liu Lao-Lao and the Garden of Takuanyuan." Literature East and West 17:2.3.4 (1973), p.305.
    2 姜其煌:《欧美红学》,郑州:大象出版社,2005年,第84页。
    3 Wong, Kam-ming,"Points of View, Norms, and Structure: Hung-lou Meng and Lyrical Fiction." in Andrew Plaks, ed., Chinese Narrative: Critical and Theoretical Essays, Princeton:Princeton University Press,1977.___"Point of View and Feminism: Images of Women in Honglou meng." In Anna Gerstlacher et al. eds., Women and Literature in China. Bochum:Brockmeyer,1985.
    1 郭树文:《文化的冲突与融合——论刘姥姥和曹雪芹的文化观念》,《红楼梦学刊》,1988年第4期。
    2 许杰,《论刘姥姥——兼谈<红楼梦>作者的世界观和他的艺术构思》,《红楼梦学刊》,1980年第1期。
    3 李晓东、杨茳善的英文论文《中国空间的倾向:<红楼梦>中的建筑》的尾注中表明他们参考的是余英时1973年的论文《红楼梦的两个世界》,并指明余英时的这篇文章收入在其1976年出版的《历史与思想》一书中。详见Li, Xiaodong and Yeo Kang-shua. "The Propensity of Chinese Space: Architecture in the Novel Dream of the Red Chamber." Traditional Dwellings and Settlements Review 13.2 (2002). endnote 27, p.61.
    4 余英时在《<红楼梦>的两个世界》(台湾:经联出版公司,1978年版)的《自序》中指出自己没有使用西方文学理论。
    1 "The Garden with its exclusive femininity had always meant for Bao-yu a self-contained world of feeling where he could freely roam." Yee, Angelina C. Sympathy, Counterpoise and Symbolism:Aspects of Structure in Dream of the Red Chamber. Harvard University,1986, p.226.
    1 Yee, Angelina C. Sympathy, Counterpoise and Symbolism: Aspects of Structure in Dream of the Red Chamber. Harvard University,1986, p.229. 1 "My study takes a different approach, namely a structuralist and semiotic one." Shickman, Cecilia Tzvia. "True Value and False Value in Dream of the Red Chamber." University of Toronto,1986. p.21.
    2 "Each building in the garden reflects the character of its inhabitant. Its location, trees and flowers in the courtyard--all have a symbolic meaning." Shickman, Cecilia Tzvia. "True Value and False Value in Dream of the Red Chamber" University of Toronto,1986, p.51.
    1 "Hence, the butterfly not only symbolizes longevity and eternity, but also symbolizes the eternal succession of reality and dream." Shickman, Cecilia Tzvia. "True Value and False Value in Dream of the Red Chamber", University of Toronto, 1986, p.67.
    1 Scott, Mary Elizabeth. "Azure to Indigo: Honglou meng's Debt to Jing P'ing mei." Princeton University,1989, p.183.
    2 Scott, Mary Elizabeth. "Azure to Indigo: Honglou meng's Debt to Jing P'ing mei." Princeton University,1989, p.184.
    7 司各特引用的是顾平坦编写的《大观园》一书第130页,戴志昂的《谈红楼梦大观园花园》一文所引用的钱泳《履园从话》中的句子。
    4 Scott, Mary Elizabeth. "Azure to Indigo: Honglou meng's Debt to Jing P'ing mei." Princeton University,1989, p.185.
    1 Scott, Mary Elizabeth. "Azure to Indigo:Honglou meng's Debt to Jing P'ing mei." Princeton University.1989. p.213.
    2 Scott, Mary. "The Image of the Garden in Jing Ping Mei and Honglou meng." Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews 8 (1986). p.94.
    1 ”[T]he qing of the present moment" Scott, Mary Elizabeth. "Azure to Indigo:Honglou meng's Debt to Jing P'ing mei.' Princeton University,1989, p.227.
    2 张新之:《红楼梦读法》,朱一玄编,《红楼梦资料汇编》,南开大学出版社,2012年,第701页。
    3 张庆善:《张新之<红楼梦>评点得失浅析》,《红楼梦学刊》,1997年增刊(第S1期),第140页。
    4 "a wish to take the'grand view,'rather than any partial or limited one." Scott. Mary Elizabeth. "Azure to Indigo: Honglou meng's Debt to Jing P'ing mei."Princeton University,1989, p.205.
    1 "Qingwen 晴雯 catches cold because she tires herself mending Baoyu's peacock-feather cape" Scott, Mary Elizabeth. "Azure to Indigo: Honglou meng's Debt to Jing P'ing mei." Princeton University,1989. p.206.
    2 赵毅衡:《重访新批评》,天津:百花文艺出版社,2009年,第7页。
    1 比如第一章中提到的1995年斯坦福大学出版礼出版的《文人和自我的再呈现:十八世纪中国长篇小说中的自传倾向》以及2001年哈佛大学出版社出版的《欲望与中华帝国晚期的小说》两部著作中的一部分观点即是黄卫总的这篇博士论文的某些观点基础上的深入阐发。
    2 Kao, Yu-kung. "Lyric vision in the Chinese Narrative Tradition:A Reading of Hung-lou-Men g and Ju-lin Wai-shih." In Andrew Plaks, ed.. Chinese Narrative: Critical and Theoretical Essays. Princeton:Princeton University Press,1977.
    3 高友工:《中国叙述传统中的抒情境界——<红楼梦>与<儒林外史>读法》,出自浦安迪,《中国叙事学》中的附录,北京大学出版社,1998年,第201页。
    1 高友工:《中国叙述传统中的抒情境界——<红楼梦>与<儒林外史>读法》,出自浦安迪,《中国叙事学》中的附录,北京大学出版社,1998年,第215页。
    2 括号和其中的内容为笔者所注。
    3 "It is a hybrid genre that uses the novel to approach the function of a poem." Huang, Martin. The Dilemma of Chinese Lyricism and the Qing Literati Novel, Washington University,1991, p.213. Freedman, The Lyrical Novel, Princeton: Princeton University Press,1963, p.1.
    4 Huang, Martin. The Dilemma of Chinese Lyricism and the Qing Literati Novel, Washington University,1991, p.218.
    1 Huane, Martin. The Dilemma of Chinese Lvricism and the Oing Literati Novel. Washington University.1991. 57-58.
    1 [美]弗雷德里克·詹姆逊著,王逢振,陈永国译:《政治无意识》,中国社会科学出版社,1999年,第8页。
    2 [美]弗雷德里克·詹姆逊著,王逢振,陈永国译:《政治无意识》,中国社会科学出版社,1999年,第11页。
    3 [英]拉曼·塞尔登,彼得·维德森,彼得·布鲁克著,刘象愚译:《当代文学理论导读》(第5版),北京大学出版社,2006年,第130页。
    1 [英]拉曼·塞尔登,彼得·维德森,彼得·布鲁克著,刘象愚译:《当代文学理论导读(第5版),北京大学出版社,2006年,第131页。
    2 Huang, Martin. "The Self Displaced: Women and Growing Up in the Dream of the Red Chamber." Literati and Self-Re/Presentation; Autobiographical Sensibility in the Eighteenth Century Chinese Novel. Stanford:Stanford University Press.1997, p.99.
    3 Huang, Martin. "The Self Displaced:Women and Growing Up in the Dream of the Red Chamber." Literati and Self-Re/Presentation: Autobiographical Sensibility in the Eighteenth Century Chinese Novel. Stanford:Stanford University Press,1997, pp.99-100.
    1 英文著作名称稍异为The Chinese Garden as Lyric Enclave: A Generic Study of the Story of the Stone. Ann Arbor, Center for Chinese Studies: University of Michigan Press,2001.
    2 "his garden is not a retreat but both his starting-point and ultimate destination." Xiao Chi, "The Garden as Ly Enclave: A Generic Study of The Dream of the Red Chamber." Washington University,1994, p.123.
    1 "Through her visualization, this world of elegant art is vulgarized." Xiao Chi, "The Garden as Lyric Enclave: A Generic Study of The Dream of the Red Chamber." Washington University,1994. p.227.
    2 "The laughter largely becomes a laughter at those who are laughing and therefore destroys 'any hierarchical (distancing and valorized) distance.'" Xiao Chi, "The Garden as Lyric Enclave:A Generic Study of The Dream of the Red Chamber." Washington University,1994, p.230.
    'Xiao Chi, "The Garden as Lyric Enclave:A Generic Study of The Dream of the Red Chamber" Washington University. 1994, p.102.
    1 Plaks, Andrew. "The Problem of Incest in Jing Pins Mei and Honglou meng." In Eva Hung, ed., Paradoxes of Traditional Chinese Literature. Hong Kong: Chinese University Press,1994, p.124.
    2 Plaks, Andrew. "The Problem of Incest in Jing Ping Mei and Honglou meng." In Eva Hung, ed., Pa Traditional Chinese Literature. Hong Kong: Chinese University Press,1994, p.126.
    'Plaks, Andrew. "The Problem of Incest in Jing Ping Mei and Honglou meng." In Eva Hung, ed., Paradoxes of Traditional Chinese Literature. Hong Kong: Chinese University Press,1994, pp.126-127.
    4 "As soon as I apply the inelegant term'incest'to this most elegant of books, it is obvious that what I have in mind is the vaguely incestuous quality of Jia Baoyu's overly intimate relations with his'sisiters' in the enclosed garden of Daguan Yuan.大觀園." Plaks, Andrew."The Problem of Incest in Jing Ping Mei and Honglou meng." In Eva Hung, ed., Paradoxes of Traditional Chinese Literature. Hong Kong: Chinese University Press.1994, p.131.
    1 Plaks, Andrew. "The Problem of Incest in Jing Ping Mei and Honglou meng." In Eva Hung, ed., Paradoxes of Traditional Chinese Literature. Hong Kong: Chinese University Press.1994, p.139.
    1 Plaks, Andrew. "Self-enclosure and Self-absorption in the Classic Chinese Novel." In Halvor Eifring, ed.. Minds and Mentalities in Traditional Chinese Literature. Beijing: Culture and Art Publishing House,1999, p.32.
    2 闫德亮:《中国古代神话的文化关照》,北京:人民出版社,2008年,第317页。
    1 "a self-affirming private space". Epstein, Maram. Beauty is the Beast:The Dual Face of Woman in Four Ching Novels. Princeton University,1992, p.184.
    1 杨茳善现为新加坡科技设计大学教授,新加坡古迹保存局建筑顾问兼古迹督察处处长。
    2 李晓东,杨茳善:《中国建筑空间》(中英文对照),中国建筑工业出版社,2007年。
    3 "a text like Dream of the Red Chamber may be used to reveal the unseen workings of Chinese architecture, and so shed light on the way Chinese culture in general conceives of space." Li, Xiaodong and Yeo Kang-shua. "The Propensity of Chinese Space: Architecture in the "Novel Dream of the Red Chamber." Traditional Dwellings and Settlements Review 13.2(2002), p.49.
    4 李晓东,杨茳善:《中国建筑空间》(中英文对照),中国建筑工业出版社,2007年,第154页。(Li, Xiaodong and Yeo Kang-shua. "The Propensity of Chinese Space: Architecture in the Novel Dream of the Red Chamber." Traditional Dwellings and Settlements Review 13.2 (2002), p.52.)
    1 李晓东,杨茳善:《中国建筑空间》(中英文对照),中国建筑工业出版社,2097年,第154页。(Li, Xiaodong and Yeo Kang-shua."The Propensity of Chinese Space: Architecture in the Novel Dream of the Red Chamber." Traditional Dwellings and Settlements Review 13.2 (2002), p.52.)
    1 "It implies a criticism of Jia Zheng's excessively literal interpretation as 'somehow not in keeping with the broader view'", Li Xiaodong, Yeo Kang Shua, "The Propensity of Chinese Space:Architecture in the Novel Dream of the Red Chamber."Traditional Dwellings and Settlements Review 13.2 (2002), p.58.
    2 Huang, Martin W. "'Qing and the Reluctance to Grow Up in Honglou meng" In Desire and Fictional Narrative in Late-Imperial China. Harvard East Asian Monographs 202. Cambridge: Harvard University Press,2001. p.293.
    3 Huang, Martin W. "Qing and the Reluctance to Grow Up in Honglou meng." In Desire and Fictional Narrative in Late Imperial China. Harvard East Asian Monographs 202. Cambridge: Harvard University Press,2001, p.293.
    4 "This type of indulgent space is a romanticised vision of youth." Farquhar, Mary, and Louise Edwards. "Jia Baoyu in Honglou meng: Boyhood, Adolescence, and Adulthood in Pre-Modern China". Tamkang Review 36.1-2 (2005), p.52.
    1 笔者注:这一中文专著是裔锦声根据其1992年在美国平路易斯华盛顿大学完成的博士论文《红楼梦:爱的寓言》(The Dream of the Red Chamber: The Allegory of Love) 修订而成。
    2 Li, Xiaodong and Yeo Kang-shua. "The Propensity of Chinese Space: Architecture in the Novel Dream of the Red Chamber." Traditional Dwellings and Settlements Review 13.2 (2002)
    1 "The entire plot of the narrative can be summed up as recounting, first, how the central characters come to take up residence in this enclosed world, and then, the circumstances under which each of them must eventually leave its sheltered precincts." Plaks, Andrew. "Leaving the Garden:Reflections on China's Literary Masterpiece". New Left Review 47(2007),p.124.
    2 "The most elaborate metaphor for the notion of self-contained wholeness in the novel is, of course, the great Garden of Total Vision itself." Andrew Plaks, "Leaving the Garden:Reflections on China's Literary Masterpiece". New Left Review 47(2007), p.126.
    3 张洪波:《<中庸>之诚范畴考辨》,《武汉大学学报》,2007年第4期,第615页。
    4 浦安迪:《中国叙事学》,北京大学出版社,1993年,第170页。
    5 姚新中:《自我构建与统一性——儒家的自我与一些西方自我观念之比较》,《哲学译从》,1999年第2期,(焦国成、刘余莉摘译)。
    1 [美]浦安迪,《晚清儒教与张新之批本红楼梦》,《红楼梦学刊》1986年第四辑,第232页。
    2 [美]浦安迪,《晚清儒教与张新之批本红楼梦》,《红楼梦学刊》1986年第四辑,第233页。
    3 [美]浦安迪,《晚清儒教与张新之批本红楼梦》,《红楼梦学刊》1986年第四辑,第233页。
    4 [美]浦安迪,《晚清儒教与张新之批本红楼梦》,《红楼梦学刊》1986年第四辑,第233页。
    5 [美]浦安迪,《晚清儒教与张新之批本红楼梦》,《红楼梦学刊》1986年第四辑,第234页。
    6 [美]浦安迪,《晚清儒教与张新之批本红楼梦》,《红楼梦学刊》1986年第四辑,第234页。
    1 [英]拉曼·塞尔登,彼得·威德森,彼得·布鲁克 著,刘象愚 译:《当代文学理论导读》,北京大学出版社,2006年,第35页。
    2 Zhou, Zuyan. "The Dream of the Red Chamber. A Shattered Dream of Androgyny." In Androgyny in Late Ming and Early Qing Literature. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press,2003, p.4.
    1 Zhou, Zuyan."The Dream of the Red Chamber: A Shattered Dream of Androgyny." In Androgyny in Late Ming and Early Qing Literature. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press,2003, p.5.
    2 谭琼琳:《西方绘画诗学:一门新兴的人文学科》,《英美文学研究论丛》,2010年01期,第301页。
    1 出自苏轼《书鄢陵王主簿所画折枝二首》。
    2 出自清代才子戴远山送友人赴云南上任时所赠对联:“诗堪入画方称妙,官到能贫乃是清。
    3 出自宋代画家郭熙的l画论《林泉高致》。
    4 [美]艾梅兰著,罗琳译:《竞争的话语:明清小说中的正统性、本真性及所生成之意义》,南京:江苏人民出版社,2005年,第124页。
    1 [美]罗伯特·波格·哈里森(Robert Pogue Harrison)著,苏薇星译:《花园:谈人之为人》,北京:生活·读书·新知三联书店,2011年,第51-52页。
    1 何红梅2006年编写的《红楼女性》就汇集了两百年间中国学者们对《红楼梦》中的女性人物的评说。
    2 江帆:《<红楼梦>在英语世界的女性主义解读》,《广西教育学院学报》,2007年,第5期。
    1 该学者的简要信息可在一些网上资源,如陈才智的《当代华裔汉学家一览》中找到。北京大学图书馆工具书阅览室所藏的《美国中国学手册》一书中注明该学者的名字为“容芷英”,1926年出生,1946年北京辅仁大学学士,在美国货得硕士和博士学位并在美国高校从事中文教学工作。详见:《美国中国学手册》,中国社会科学出版社,1993年,第336页
    2 Palandri, Angela C. Y. Jung. Ezra Pound and China.University of Washington,1955.______The Taoist Vision: A Study of Tao Yuan-ming's Nature Poetry, Journal of Chinese Philosophy, V.15 (1988), pp.97-121.______Yuan Chen, Boston: Twayne Publishers,1977.
    3 Palandri, Angela Jung. "Women in Dream of the Red Chamber." Literature East and West 12.2-4 (1968), p.227.
    1 Palandri. Angela Jung. "Women in Dream of the Red Chamber." Literature East and West 12.2-4 (1968), p.233.
    2 曹雪芹著,无名氏续:《红楼梦》,人民文学出版社,2008年,第199页。
    3 Palandri, Angela Jung. "Women in Dream of the Red Chamber." Literature East and West 12.2-4 (1968), p.233-234.
    1 Palandri, Angela Jung. "Women in Dream of the Red Chamber." Literature East and West 12.2-4 (1968), p.234. 2 "Although she is poorer than the lowest servant in the Chia household, she bears no grudge against the rich. She is endowed with health, honesty, decency, folk wisdom, and generosity of spirit." Palandri, Angela Jung. "Women in Dream of the Red Chamber." Literature East and West 12.2-4 (1968), p.236.
    1 夏志清著,胡益民等译:《中国古典小说》,江苏文艺出版社,2008年,第263页。
    2 夏志清著,胡益民等译:《中国古典小说》,江苏文艺出版社,2008年,第271-272页。
    3 夏志清著,胡益民等译:《中国古典小说》,江苏文艺出版社,2008年,第272页。
    4 余国藩著,李爽学编译:《<红楼梦>、<西游记>与其他:余国藩论学文选》,北京:生活·读书·新知三联书店,2006年,第122页。
    1 Yu, Anthony. "Self and Family in the Hung-lou Meng: A New Look at Lin Tai-yu as Tragic Heroine." Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews 2.2 (1980). p.204.
    2 夏志清著,胡益民等译:《中国古典小说》,江苏文艺出版社,2008年,第261页。3 "This idealistic pursuit of love is what makes Bao-yu's character stand out:he is. above all else, a great lover." Wong, Timothy C. "Bao-yu as Lover: An Exercise in Cultural Translation." Journal of the Chinese Language Teaching Association 14.1 (1979), p.15.
    1 "Her whole idea of love stems from the mother-child relationship". Knoerle. Jeanne. The Dream of the Red Chamber: A Critical Study. Bloomington:Indiana University Press,1972, p.60.
    1 余国藩这篇论文内容与他1997年由普林斯顿大学出版社出版的著作Rereading the Stone: Desire and the Making of Fiction in Dream of the Red Chamber (此书译本《重读石头记:<红楼梦>里的情欲与虚构》于2004年由台北麦田版社出版)以及2006年北京三联出版社出版的《<红楼梦>、<西游记>与其他:余国藩论学文学》中关于黛玉的专论基本相同。余国藩的这两部著作中关于《红楼梦》的部分也基本相同。
    1 "longing to be known, to be wanted, and to be affirmed" Yu, Anthony. "Self and Family in the Hung-lou Meng: A New-Look at Lin Tai-yu as Tragic Heroine." Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews 2.2 (1980), p.210.
    2 "Tai-yu's love of Pao-yii reflects her unconditional affirmation of him as an individual." Yu, Anthony. "Self and Family in the Hung-lou Meng: A New Look at Lin Tai-yu as Tragic Heroine." Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews 2.2 (1980). p.213.
    4 "In this sense, Tai-yii's death is indeed the saddest of all the deaths of women portrayed in the narrative."Yu, Anthony. "Self and Family in the Hung-lou Meng: A New Look at Lin Tai-yu as Tragic Heroine." Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles. Reviews 2.2 (1980). p.222.
    4 "she is no match for the fateful working of ill health, human deceit, and mythic beliefs. " Yu, Anthony. "Self and Family in the Hung-lou Meng: A New Look at Lin Tai-yu as Tragic Heroine." Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews 2.2 (1980). p.222.
    5 安·沃特纳(Ann Waltner,又名王安)是美国明尼苏达大学历史系、亚洲语言文明系教授,明清社会史、文化史专家。
    1 Waltner, Ann. "On Not Becoming a Heroine:Lin Dai-yu and Cui Ying-ying." Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 15.1 (1989), p.62,
    2 "It is no wonder that Lin Dai-yu sought refuge in the reading of romances...Dai-yu uses fiction to interpret her emotional life." Waltner, Ann. "On Not Becoming a Heroine: Lin Dai-yu and Cui Ying-ying." Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 15.1 (1989), p.63. 3 "Ying-ying enables Dai-yu to put a name on fears that might otherwise remain formless: she is afraid of becoming the heroine in a scandalous romance." Waltner, Ann. "On Not Becoming a Heroine:Lin Dai-yu and Cui Ying-ying." Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 15.1 (1989), p.78.
    4 [英]安德鲁·本尼特,尼古拉·罗伊尔著,汪正龙,李永新译:《关键词:文学批评与理论导论》,桂林:广西师范大学出版社,2007年,第65页。
    5 [英]安德鲁·本尼特,尼古拉·罗伊尔著,汪正龙,李水新译:《关键词:文学批评与理论导论》。桂林: 广西师范大学出版社,2007年,第13页。
    1 夏志清著,胡益民等译:《中国古典小说》,江苏文艺出版社,2008年,第259页。
    2 "What is new in Hongloumeng is the way Cao Xueqin uses the romance of the hero and the heroine as a means of challenging norms and values which are dominant in a patriachal society.",Wong Kam-ming, "Point of View and Feminism:Images of Women in Honglou meng." In Anna Gerstlacher et al. eds.. Women and Literature in China. Bochum:Brockmeyer,1985, p.29.
    3 "by attributing the source of his book to the myth of Nuwa, the author has subverted the institution of sexual subordination in the interest of women." Wong Kam-ming, "Point of View and Feminism: Images of Women in Honglou meng." In Anna Gerstlacher et al. eds.. Women and Literature in China. Bochum: Brockmeyer,1985, p.31.
    1 “叙述代言人(narrator-agent)是叙事作品中作为其所讲述的情境和事件中的人物、并对这些情境和事件产生可见影响的叙述者。(参见Gerald Prince, A Dictionary of Narratology. Lincoln:University of Nebraska Press,1987. pp. 66.73.)
    2 Wong Kam-ming, "Point of View and Feminism:Images of Women in Honglou meng." In Anna Gerstlacher et al. eds., Women and Literature in China. Bochum: Brockmeyer,1985, p.35.
    3 Wong Kam-ming, "Point of View and Feminism: Images of Women in Honglou meng." In Anna Gerstlacher et al. eds., Women and Literature in China. Bochum: Brockmeyer,1985, p.86.
    1 "his preference for girls over boys and the feminine over the masculine." Edwards, Louise. "Jia Bao-yu and Essential Feminine Purity." The Journal of the Oriental Society of Australia 20-21 (1988-1989). p.36.
    2 这三篇文章是:赵荣的《婚姻自由的呐喊,男女平等的讴歌—论<红楼梦>的主题思想兼评红学“四论”》(《贵阳师专学报》1982年第1期),胡世庆的《为受压迫妇女鸣不平——<红楼梦>是一部什么样的小说》(《文学报》1983年6月23日),韩慧强的《(红楼梦)中的性观念及文化意义》(《北京大学研究生学刊》1988年第1期)。
    3 Edwards, Louise. "Jia Bao-yu and Essential Feminine Purity." The Journal of the Oriental Society of Australia 20-21 (1988-1989), p.46.
    4 Edwards, Louise. "Jia Bao-yu and Essential Feminine Purity." The Journal of the Oriental Society of Australia 20-21 (1988-1989), p.44.
    1 "The central aim of my thesis is to examine the ways in which traditional Chinese notions of womanhood are used and transformed in the formation of a contemporary notion of femininity." Edwards, Louise. "Contemporary Chinese Femininity-Post 1949 Critiques of Women in Honglou meng." Asian Studies Review 13.2(1989), p.12.
    1 "Bao-yu is associated with qualities that the novel has implicitly identified as feminine: pacificity, poetry, feeling, whereas Xi-feng's maleness consists in her ambition, greed and duplicity." Yee, Angelina C. "Sympathy, Counterpoise and Symbolism:Aspects of Structure in'Dream of the Red Chamber.'" Harvard University,1986, p.155.
    2 "[E]ven minor characters in Hung-lou meng are given a highly complex presentation. All are seen from multiple po of view, and all have conflicting motivations." Wagner, Marsha L. "Maids and Servants in Dream of the Red Chamber: Individuality and the Social Order." In Robert E. Hegel and Richard C. Hessney, eds., Expressions of Self in Chinese Literature. New York: Columbia University Press,1985, p.260.
    3 Wagner, Marsha L. "Maids and Servants in Dream of the Red Chamber: Individuality and the Social Order." In Robert E. Hegel and Richard C. Hessney, eds., Expressions of Self in Chinese Literature. New York: Columbia University Press, 1985, p.255.
    4 "Li Ma-ma is not an attractive figure, but she is certainly convincingly realistic." Wagner, Marsha L. "Maids and Servants in Dream of the Red Chamber: Individuality and the Social Order." In Robert E. Hegel and Richard C. Hessney, eds., Expressions of Self in Chinese Literature. New York: Columbia University Press,1985, p.255.
    1 Wagner, Marsha L. "Maids and Servants in Dream of the Red Chamber: Individuality and the Social Order." In Robert E. Hegel and Richard C. Hessney, eds., Expressions of Self in Chinese Literature. New York: Columbia University Press,1985, p.255.
    2 "[H]er character is individualized by being described from various points of view." Wagner, Marsha L. " Maids and Servants in Dream of the Red Chamber: Individuality and the Social Order." In Robert E. Hegel and Richard C. Hessney. eds., Expressions of Self in Chinese Literature. New York: Columbia University Press,1985. p.255.
    1 Edwards, Louise. "Women in Honglou meng: Prescriptions of Purity in the Femininity of Qing Dynasty China." Modern China 16.4 (1990), p.407.
    2 韩慧强的《红楼梦中的性观念及文化意义》(《北京大学研究生学刊》1988年第1期),以及赵荣的《婚姻自由的呐喊,男女平等的讴歌—论<红楼梦>的主题思想兼评红学“四论”》(《贵阳师专学报》1982年第1期)足爱德华兹选取的中国大陆用女权主义思想解读《红楼梦》的两篇代表论文。此外,她指出美国学者马克梦(McMahon).罗慕士(Robert Moss)也曾在论文中将《红楼梦》看做是具有女权主义思想的小说。
    1 笔者在以下的论述中将这两部著作简称为《清代男女》和《经典重塑》。
    2 "the many ways that the text has simultaneously reinforced the traditional hierarchical binary of masculine over feminine." Edwards. Louise. "Gender Imperatives in Honglou meng: Bao-yu's Bisexuality." Chinese Literature:Essays, Articles, Reviews 12 (1990), p.70.
    3 "The term'bisexuality,'moreover, may not do justice either to the full complexity of Baoyu's own makeup or to the novel's vision of how gender and character intertwine." Widmer, Ellen. "Men and Women in Qing China: Gender in The Red Chamber Dream by Louise P. Edwards", Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient. Vol.38, No.2, Women's History (1995), p.241.
    1 "The elevation of women to a divine position establishes them as the corporeal defenders of social morality." Edwards, Louise."Women in Honglou meng: Prescriptions of Purity in the Femininity of Qing Dynasty China." Modern China 16.4 (1990), p.412.
    2 Edwards, Louise. "Women in Honglou meng: Prescriptions of Purity in the Femininity of Qing Dynasty China." Modern China 16.4 (1990), p.415.
    1 "an imperfect and poorly managed 'maternal patriarchy'." Edwards, Louise. "Women in Honglou meng: Prescriptions of Purity in the Femininity of Qing Dynasty China." Modern China 16.4 (1990), p.416.
    2 Edwards, Louise. "Representations of Women and Social Policy in Eighteenth Century China: The Case of Wang Xifeng." Late Imperial China 14.1 (1993):p.53.
    1 "I would like to see a stronger emphasis on the ways that misogynist Hongxue interpretations frequently suppress or disguise the subversive possibilities in Cao Xueqin's narrative." Ropp, Paul S. "Review of Men and Women in Qing China by Louise Edwards", The China Quarterly 143 (1995), p.908.
    2 "[A] novel and its critics promoted certain ways of thinking, women (and other) readers did not necessarily fall into line." Widmer, Ellen. "Men and Women in Qing China: Gender in The Red Chamber Dream by Louise P. Edwards' Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient, Vol.38, No.2, Women's History (1995). p.242.
    1 "it should be largely attributed to the fluidity and the utopian new sexual ethics it evokes." Chu, Chung-Yi, "Pao-yu and the Other: Recognition of the Other as Difference." Tamkang Review 22.1-4 (1991). p.326.
    2 Knapp, Bettina Liebowitz." The Dream of the Red Chamber: Redressing the Feminine Imbalance", Images of Chin women: a Westerner's View, Whitston Pub. Co.,1992, p.158.
    1 Knapp, Bettina Liebowitz. " The Dream of the Red Chamber: Redressing the Feminine Imbalance", Images of Chinese women: a Westerner's View, Whitston Pub. Co.,1992, p.136.
    2 "Knapp's laborious effort on The Dream of the Red Chamber proves futile, since her discussion of women characters from this monumental work is fragmented and lacking." Wu, Fatima. "Images of Chinese Women:A Westerner's View by Bettina L. Knapp" (book review) World Literature Today, Vol.67, No.3, Contemporary Australian Literature (Summer, 1993), p.683.
    3 以下简称《超越刻板》。
    4 明代文人黎遂球的《花底拾遗》中有对美女的日常活动场景的具体描写和规定,明末清初文人卫泳的《悦容编》和清代徐震《美人谱》都从多个方面详细列出了美人的标准。画作有明代的《嬉春图》、《豪家佚乐图》等。
    1 Wu Hung. "Beyond Stereotypes: The Twelve Beauties in Qing Court Art and the Dream of the Red Chamber." in Ellen Widmer, Kang-i Sun Chang edit. Writing Women in Late Imperial China. Stanford:Standford University Press,1997, p. 360.
    2 "Shadowy and unfeeling, these masculine spaces set off the purity and liveliness of the feminine spaces." Wu, Hung. "Beyond Stereotypes: The Twelve Beauties in Qing Court Art and the Dream of the Red Chamber." in Ellen Widmer, Kang-i Sun Chang edit. Writing Women in Late Imperial China. Stanford:Stanford University Press.1997. p.362,
    1 [美]马克梦著,王维东杨彩霞译:《吝尚鬼、泼妇、一夫多妻者——十八世纪中国小说中性与男女关系》,北京:人民文学出版社,2001年,第190页。
    2 [美]马克梦著,王维东杨彩霞译:《吝啬鬼、泼妇、一夫多妻者——十八世纪中国小说中的性与男女关系》,北京:人民文学出版社,2001年,第217页。
    3 笔者注:值得指出的是,中国古代的婚姻制度较为确切的表述应该是一夫一妻看纳妾的制度。
    1 "[S]hows Cao's awareness of discussions of women's authorship over the previous century and a half, the verse-riddles composed in response to Yuanchun's second command can be read a critical backward glance on the history of women in Chinese literature ('in'it as authors and as subject matter)." Haun, Saussy. "Women's Writing Before and Within the Honglou meng." In Ellen Widemer and Kang-i-Sun Chang, eds.. Writing Women in Late Imperial China. Stanford: Stanford University Press,1997, p.288.
    1 Haun, Saussy. "Women's Writing Before and Within the Honglou meng." In Ellen Widemer and Kang-i-Sun Chang, eds., Writing Women in Late Imperial China. Stanford:Stanford University Press,1997. p.305.
    2 "But for Cao Xueqin the traditional family will eventually destroy exceptional women." Hirsch, Mary Ellen. "The
    Depiction of Women in "Jin Ping Mei" and "Honglou meng"", University of Oregon,1991. p.142.
    1 Gu, Ming Dong. "Psychological Subversion of the Patriarchal Order in the Tao Te Ching and the Dream of the Red Chamber." Comparative Literature: East and West 4 (2002), p.132.
    1 Brightwell, Erin L. "Analyzing Gender: Wang Xi-Feng and the Shrew." Tamkang Review 36 (2005) No.1-2, p.82.
    2 脂砚斋在第44回中对王熙凤撞见贾琏和鲍二媳妇偷情时表现出的心机称“天下奸雄妒妇恶妇大都如此”,甚至认为王熙凤的手段更为高明,在第68回王熙凤技杀尤二姐的故事中将王熙凤视为历史上“大奸巨滑”的例子等等。参见,朱一玄编:《红楼梦资料汇编》,天津:南开大学出版礼,2012年,第467页,第497页。
    1 Zhou Zuyan, "The Dream of the Red Chamber: A Shattered Dream of Androgyny." In Androgyny in Late Ming and Early Qing Literature. Honolulu:University of Hawaii Press,2003, p.165.
    1 王力坚:《清代才媛红楼接受研究的思考》,《中外文化与文论》,2010年01期,第279页。
    1 笔者注:这里的史学主要是西方汉学中的史学研究。关于西方汉学中的史学研究对《红楼梦》研究的影响将在第二节进行分析。
    2 孙玉明:《日本红学史稿》,北京:北京图书馆出版社,2006年,第9页。
    1 "Analyzing the political aspects of Communist literary criticism in the case of Hung lou meng, its methods and its ends". Greider, Jerome B. "The Communist Critique of Hong-lou Meng." Papers on China 10 (1956), p.142.
    2 [美]菲利普·G·阿特巴赫:《至尊语言:作为学术界统治语言的英语》,《北京大学教育评论》,2008年,第6卷第1期,第179页。
    3 关于华裔学者对英语世界的《红楼梦》研究的影响将在本章第二节中进行详细分析。
    1 柯娇燕撰,吕杰译:《全球视野下的中国研究》,朱政惠 崔丕 主编:《北美中国学的历史与现状》,上海辞书出版社,2013年,第66页。
    1 柯娇燕撰,吕杰译:《全球视野下的中国研究》,朱政惠崔不主编:《北美中国学的历史与现状》,L海辞书出版社,2013年,第67页。
    2 费侠莉:《明清时代的性别、医学与身体——中国研究中女性主义历史写作的历程》,朱政惠编:《美国学者论美国中国学》,2009年,第319页。
    1 陈珏:《天方夜谈:浦安迪学记——普林斯顿学派的由来》,《文汇报》,2008年1月29日,网址:http://paper.wenweipo.com/2008/01/29/OT0801290007.htm
    1 王笛:《学术规范、写作,及其制度——从西方经验对中国学术界问题的若十思考》,朱政惠 崔丕 主编:《北美中国学的历史与现状》,上海辞书出版社,2013年,第441页。
    2 王笛:《学术规范、写作,及其制度——从西方经验对中国学术界问题的若十思考》,朱政惠 崔丕 主编:《北美中国学的历史与现状》,上海辞书出版社,2013年,第442页。
    1 王笛:《学术规范、写作,及其制度——从西方经验对中国学术界问题的若干思考》,朱政惠 崔丕 主编:《北美中国学的历史与现状》,上海辞书出版社,2013年,第443页。
    1 吴原元:《华人学者对美国汉学的影响与贡献——以20世纪40年代赴美华人学者为例》,朱政惠 崔丕 主编:《北美中国学的历史与现状》,上海辞书出版社,2013年,第302页。
    1 本文已发表在《红楼梦学刊》2012年第6期,经笔者稍作修改作为附录放入这篇论文中。
    2 其他主要节译本和全译本包括:1929年王际真的英文节译本及其1958年的修改版译本,1958年麦克休姐妹从德文转译的英文节译本,1978至1980年出版的杨宪益、戴乃迭夫妇的英文全译本,1973至1986年出版的霍克斯、闵福德的英文全译本。
    3 Giles, Herbert A. A History of Chinese Literature with a Supplement on the Modern Period by Liu Wu-chi. New York: Frederick Ungar Publishing Co.1967.再版主要包括,1924年版本,1958年版本(此版本漏印出版年份)和1967年增补版(补录了印第安纳大学中国语言文学系教授柳无忌的现代文学部分)。
    4 Giles, Herbert A. A History of Chinese Literature with a Supplement on the Modern Period by Liu Wu-chi. New York: Frederick Ungar Publishing Co.1967. Forword, p. v,vi.
    5 “小说名称源自三个女主角的名字。据猜测,小说作者为学者兼官员王世贞。另一个观点是,该小说写于十七世纪,是一部隐含讽刺康熙王朝道德的小说。小说中的故事发生在十二世纪早期,语言风格简单,接近北京方言。该小说具有不同寻常的特点。书中的词句可以有两种不同解读,一种斛读认为部分语句污染耳目。总体来看,该小说易引起反感,需要译者特别注意。”Giles, Herbert A. A History of Chinese Literature with a Supplement on the Modern Period by Liu Wu-chi. New York: Frederick Ungar Publishing Co.1967, p.309.
    1 "...[T]he plot of which is worked out with a completeness worthy of Fielding, while the delineation of character—of so many characters—recalls the best efforts of the greatest novelists of the West." Giles, Herbert A. A History of Chinese Literature with a Supplement on the Modern Period by Liu Wu-chi. New York: Frederick Ungar Publishing Co.1967, pp. 355-356.
    2 "Reduced to its simplest terms, it is an original and effective love story, written for the most part in an easy, almost colloquial, style, full of humorous and pathetic episodes of everyday human life, and interspersed with short poems of high literary finish." Giles, Herbert A. A History of Chinese Literature with a Supplement on the Modern Period by Liu Wu-chi. New York: Frederick Ungar Publishing Co.1967, p.356.
    3 德国传教士郭士立曾在1842年发表的文章中对《红楼梦》的评价为:故事“冗长乏味”,“文笔毫无艺术性’爱德尔认为《红楼梦》“不具备中国大多数小说所含的道德倾向。”波乃依也认为《红楼梦》“不具备正确的道德思想。”参见美国学者葛锐:《英语红学纵览》,《红楼梦学刊》,2007年第三辑。
    4 Giles, Herbert A. A History of Chinese Literature with a Supplement on the Modern Period by Liu Wu-chi. New York: Frederick Ungar Publishing Co.1976, p.355.
    5 胡适的《红楼梦考证》发表于1921年。
    1 The Hung Lou Meng, conveniently but erroneously known as "The Dream of the Red Chamber". Giles, Herbert A. A History of Chinese Literature with a Supplement on the Modern Period by Liu Wu-chi. New York: Frederick Ungar Publishing Co.1967, p.355.
    2 Giles, Herbert A. A History of Chinese Literature with a Supplement on the Modern Period by Liu Wu-chi. New York: Frederick Ungar Publishing Co.1967, p.364.
    3 Giles, Herbert A. A History of Chinese Literature with a Supplement on the Modern Period by Liu Wu-chi. New York: Frederick Ungar Publishing Co.1967, p.360.
    1 Giles, Herbert A. A History of Chinese Literature with a Supplement on the Modern Period by Liu Wu-chi. New York: Frederick Ungar Publishing Co.1967, p.360.
    2 Giles, Herbert A. A History of Chinese Literature with a Supplement on the Modern Period by Liu Wu-chi. New York: Frederick Ungar Publishing Co.1967, p.361.
    3 横线为笔者所加,意在突出英文与原文区别较大之处。
    4 1967年翟理斯的《中国文学史》再版。1962年,华兹生Burton Watson)的《中国早期文学》Early Chinese Literature出版,因此书中不包含小说部分,所以本文未对其进行讨论。
    1 Ch'en Shou-yi. Chinese Literature: A Historical Introduction. New York: The Ronald Press Company,1961. p.586.
    2 Ch'en Shou-yi, Chinese Literature: A Historical Introduction. New York: The Ronald Press Company,1961, p.588.
    3 "At times the procedure of a poetry contest will be presented in great detail with practically nothing to contribute to the development of the plot." Ch'en Shou-yi, Chinese Literature: A Historical Introduction. New York: The Ronald Press Company,1961. p.589.
    4 Lai Ming, A History of Chinese Literature. The John Day Company, New York,1964. preface, p. ⅴⅲ.
    1 Lai Ming, A History of Chinese Literature. The John Day Company, New York,1964, p.332.
    2 Lai Ming, A History of Chinese Literature. The John Day Company, New York,1964, p.333.
    3 Liu Wu-chi, An Introduction to Chinese Literature, Indiana University Press,1966, p.228.
    4 Liu Wu-chi, An Introduction to Chinese Literature, Indiana University Press,1966, p.237.
    1 Liu Wu-chi, An Introduction to Chinese Literature, Indiana University Press,1966, p.238.
    2 "It should be remembered that the Dream of the Red Chamber is after all a fiction and that to read into it too much of
    Ts'ao's life and thought or to exaggerate this autobiographical aspect of the novel would be to deny the artistic freedom
    and imagination of the author." Liu Wu-chi, An Introduction to Chinese Literature, Indiana University Press.1966, p. 244.
    1 此部分内容根据英文内容回译成汉语。详见Feng Yuan-chun. A Short History of Classical Chinese Literature, translated by Yang Hsien-yi and Gladys Yang. Foreign Language Press, Peking,1958, reprinted in 1973, p.113.
    2 "[...] full of unintelligent allusions, is written in a very pure style, with extraordinary poetic talent and psychological understanding." Kaltenmark-Ghequier Odile, Chinese Literature, translated from French by Anne-Marie Geoghegan, New York: Walker and Company,1964, p.128.
    2 《印第安纳中国传统文学指南》虽然不能算作严格意义上的中国文学史,但是其编写水平和学术价值都是不可忽视的,因此本文将其放入新时期文学史中进行介绍。
    1 Nienhauser, William H. The Indiana Companion to Traditional Chinese Literature, (First volume,1986. Second volume 1998.) Indian University Press, p.452.
    2 "Is it primarily a novel of sentiment, a fiction treatise on love or a Bildungsroman, a record of Buddhist-Taoist disenchantment and enlightenment, or is it a novel of manners and social observation, chronicling in detail the decay of an aristocratic family and the roots of this decay in the social and historical contradictions of the late eighteenth century?" Nienhauser. William H.The Indiana Companion to Traditional Chinese Literature. (First volume,1986. Second volume 1998.) Indian University Press, p.452.
    1 Nienhauser, William H. The Indiana Companion to Traditional Chinese Literature. (First volume,1986. Second volume 1998.) Indian University Press, p.794.
    1 Mair, Victor H. edit, Columbia History of Chinese Literature. NY: Columbia University Press,2001, pp.652,653. "The only incontrovertible coverage of biography and fiction seems to be the youthful experience of the decline and fall of a rich and powerful family... As far as Pao-yu and his female companions are concerned, however, Tsao Hsueh-ch'in idealizes ch'ing and raises its transcendent dimension to an almost metaphysical level...ch'ing and the female are romanticized together."
    1 Sun Chang, Kang-i, and Owen, Stephen. The Cambridge History of Chinese Literature (2 Volumes). Cambridge University Press.2010, p.291. "By creating his own culture and intellectual universe in The Story of the Stone.he set the standard by which the accomplishments of the epoch are to be measured.'
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