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    随着中国经济体制改革的深入和经济开放程度的提高,实现人民币的自由兑换是中国发展市场经济的要求,也是中国经济真正走向世界,与国际经济接轨的重要保证。1996 年12 月1 日我国接受国际货币基金协定第八条款义务,基本实现了人民币经常项目可兑换,人民币自由兑换进程迈出了关键性的一步。加入世界贸易组织,特别是金融业进一步开放的承诺,将对人民币的自由兑换提出更高的要求,这意味着在放松外汇管制和人民币自由兑换的总体进程中,人民币资本账户可兑换问题将无可争议地成为进一步改革的焦点。
    首先,从产出效应、消费的跨期调整效应和资产组合多样化效应三方面介绍资本账户开放福利效应的新古典主义分析,并进一步指出其内在的逻辑错误。接着,从货币危机爆发的背景、原因、过程及政策含义各方面分析了发展中国家资本账户开放与货币危机的内在联系。然后,分析发展中国家资本账户开放的政策约束效应。资本账户开放约束政府政策的一般依据是使避税成为可能,经济单位逃避税收行为形成的税收政策约束效应主要表现在通货膨胀税和国际税收竞争两个方面。政策约束效应的另一表现——货币政策困境源于广为人知的蒙代尔—弗莱明模型,即在固定汇率、资本账户开放和国内外资产完全替代的小国经济中,货币政策是无效的。最后,分析发展中国家资本账户开放的外部性和非对称性。指出不同发展层次的国家 ,特别是发达国家和发展中国家之间,开放资本账户的利益与风险是不对称
    智利是新兴市场国家中较早开始开放资本账户的国家之一,早在 70年代中期,智利就在很短的时间内推出了许多实质性的资本账户开放措施。但是,这一改革进程很快就被1982年发生的金融危机所打断,早期不成功的开放尝试使得智利放弃了激进型的开放模式,转而采取渐进型的开放模式。90年代初以来智利相对成功的开放设计和运作,使其经济保持了良好的增长势头,迄今不曾发生严重的金融动荡。不少国际著名的经济学家甚至将智利这一阶段的资本账户开放实践视为成功的典范。因此,对于智利从失败走向成功的资本账户开放进程进行分析对研究发展中国家资本账户开放问题具有重大的理论和现实意义。
    人民币自由兑换是我国外汇体制改革的最终目标。1996 年底我国接受国际货币基金协定第八条款义务,基本实现了人民币经常账户可兑换。加入世界贸易组织后,人民币自由化的进程将进一步
Economic theory suggests that unfettered international capital flows can foster a more efficient allocation of resources, provide opportunities for risk diversification, and help promote financial development. In recognition of these potential benefits, governments of industrial countries have undertaken widespread capital account liberalization over the past quarter century. Many attribute efficiency gains, increased diversification opportunities, and financial development in these countries to the opening up of capital markets.
    A natural policy prescription, therefore, is to extend this process of international financial integration to other, economically less developed countries. However, the consequences and desirability of capital account liberalization among developing countries has been quite controversial. People on one side of this debate will maintain those countries that open up to financial flows will set the stage for more rapid development. Those on the other side will question the advantages actually conferred by capital account liberalization and, furthermore, will argue that countries become more vulnerable to financial disruptions not of their own making when their governments relinquish control over the inflow and outflow of capital.
    It seemed that capital liberalization is the most difficult, controversial and risky issue in the process of economy liberalization of developing countries. The financial crisis in Latin America at the beginning of 1980's, the foreign exchange rate crisis in Mexico in 1994 and the recent Southeastern Asia financial turmoil, all of these relate to the deterioration of capital account. Therefore, how to fully understand the benefits and potential risks of capital account liberalization and how to maximize the benefits and minimize the costs through appropriate strategies and policies, have become the key issue that the developing countries have to face.
    With the advancing of reform and opening up of China, realizing the convertibility of RMB is not only the requirement of market economy, but also the requirement of involving into the world economy. In 1996 China accepted what the NO.8 of IMF accord required, realizing the convertibility of current account, after entering into WTO, capital account liberalization would undoubtedly be the focus of further reform.
    This paper objectively compares the advantages and disadvantages of capital account liberalization from the viewpoint of developing countries, hoping to get experience and tactics more beneficial and suitable to developing country and aim to offer some useful advice to the capital account opening up of China. It is organized as follows:
    Chapter one first introduces and explains the implications of capital account openness and relative concepts. Then it reviews the historical course of from capital regulation to capital account liberalization after the Second World War in developing countries; lastly it draws some features in common from their opening experience.
    Chapter two demonstrates relevant effect of open capital account in developing countries; it is the theoretical basis of better weighing the advantages and disadvantages of this reform.
    First, it introduces the neoclassical welfare effect analysis of capital account opening up:Product effect, consumption straddle adjustment effect and portfolio effect, then point out its logical defects. Then it discloses the internal link between capital account openness and currency crises through analyzing the background, causes, process and policy implications. Third, it examines the policies restrain effects of capital account liberalization. On the one side, an open capital account make it possible to avoid domestic tax, which would undermine the function of tax policy. Besides, in order to maintain the fixed foreign exchange system, an open capital would make the government sacrifice the autonomy of its currency policy. Lastly, it analyzes the external and unsymmetrical effects of capital account
    liberalization in developing coun
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