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     先天性脊柱侧凸(Congenital scoliosis,CS)是常见的脊柱畸形之一。根据影像学表现可分为三种类型:分节障碍型,形成障碍型以及同时存在以上两种畸形类型的混合型;每一种亚型的影像学表现以及自然史显著不同。先天性脊柱侧凸发病于胚胎时期“体节”形成的过程中,目前认为遗传因素以及环境因素均在其发病中发挥作用。先天性脊柱侧凸病因尚不明确,目前的研究结果支持CS是一种多基因遗传疾病。但具体的发病机制尚不清楚。
     2.通过对每个miRNA靶基因的预测以及相关细胞间信号传导通路的查询,结合目前已知的CS病因学研究资料筛选出可能的目标miRNA。其中分节障碍组上调选取11个,分别为:hsa-miR-10a-3p、hsa-miR-10a-5p、hsa-miR-3915、hsa-miR-548j、hsa-miR-378g、hsa-miR-3173-5p、hsa-miR-604、hsa-miR-3913-3p、hsa-miR-4312、hsa-miR-520a-5p以及hsa-miR-378c;下调选取9个,分别为hsa-miR-4726-5p、hsa-miR-4472、hsa-miR-181c-5p、hsa-miR-1293、hsa-miR-181d、hsa-miR-138-5p、hsa-miR-144-3p、hsa-miR-30e-3p和hsa-miR-181b-5p。形成障碍组上调选取5个,分别为:hsa-miR-574-5p、hsa-miR-4796-5p、hsa-miR-548a-5p、hsa-miR-604以及hsa-miR-3913-3p;下调选取5个,分别为hsa-miR-4262、hsa-miR-10b-5p、hsa-miR-30e-3p、 hsa-miR-4483以及hsa-miR-3148。选取的miRNA的靶基因均为目前已知CS的候选基因,或表达产物为可能参与发病相关细胞间信号通路组成部分的基因;选取目标miRNA相关的细胞间信号传导通路为"Notch通路”、"Wnt通路”以及"Dorso-ventral axis formation通路”,其中Notch通路已经被证实在CS的发病中发挥重要调控作用;而另两者为胚胎早期的体节发育过程中重要的调控通路。
     3. hsa-miR-548a-5p (hsa-miR-548j), hsa-miR-604以及hsa-miR-3913-3p在分节障碍组以及形成障碍组均表现为上调,涉及的与CS发病相关的靶基因有:LMX1A、DVL3以及Notch2。其相关细胞间信号传导通路为Notch通路以及Wnt通路。hsa-miR-30e-3p在两组均表现为下调,其涉及的与CS发病相关的靶基因为Notch1以及JAG2,分别编码Notch通路的受体与配体。
     Congenital scoliosis is a lateral curvature of the spine caused by vertebral anomalies that result in an imbalance of the longitudinal growth of the spine. The congenital scoliosis could be divided into three types. Type I is failure of formation. Type Ⅱ is failure of segmentation. Type III is a combination of both of these conditions. Congenital anomalies occur in the phase of somitogenesis during embryogenesis. Disruptions in somitogenesis have been shown to result in vertebral malformations. Vertebral defects can arise from the disruption of genes involved in development, drugs, enviromental insults during gestation, or a combination of these factors. Many evidences suggest that CS may be multigenetic disease.
     MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are classified as regulatory RNAs, and have been proved to play important roles in the development, proliferation and differentiation of various types of cells. It has been reported that miRNA played an important role in the bone development and formation. Recent studies have indicated that miRNA also circulates in serum and plasma. Levels of miRNAs in serum are stable, and consistent among individuals of the same species. For instance, disease-specific serum miRNA has been found in cancer, diabetes, and other diseases.
     It has been found that both BMD (bone mineral desity) and trabecular bone microsturcture in CS patients were lower than those in normal person, suggesting abnormal bone metabolism in these patients. Until now there has been no study on miRNA in serum of patients with congenital scoliosis.
     1. To detect differential expressed microRNAs in serum between CS and control.
     2. To analyze the differential expressed microRNAs with bioinformatics analysis.
     3. To find key microRNA for further research through comparative analysis combined with bioinformatic prediction.
     1. Serum was collected from3patients with formation failure,3patients with segmentation failure and3age-and gender-matched normal persons. Then total RNA was isolated and tested with Exiqon miRNA Arrays. The slides were scanned and followed by data extraction. After statistical analysis we got the list of differential expressed microRNAs.
     2. Target gene and pathway prediction was made.
     3. The key miRNA was selected after comparative analysis combined with bioinformatic prediction.
     1. A list of differential expressed microRNAs was made by setting the hreshold of up/down regulated microRNAs as Foldchange>2and P value<0.05.54up-regulated miRNAs and42down-regulated miRNAs were detected in the segmentation failure group VS control group.19up-regulated miRNAs and28down-regulated miRNAs were detected in formation failure group VS control group.
     2. The key miRNAs were selected. For the segmental failure group,11up-regulated:hsa-miR-10a-3p, hsa-miR-10a-5p, hsa-miR-3915, hsa-miR-548j, hsa-miR-378g, hsa-miR-3173-5p, hsa-miR-604, hsa-miR-3913-3p, hsa-miR-4312, hsa-miR-520a-5p and hsa-miR-378c;9down-regulated:hsa-miR-4726-5p, hsa-miR-4472, hsa-miR-181c-5p, hsa-miR-1293, hsa-miR-181d, hsa-miR-138-5p, hsa-miR-144-3p, hsa-miR-30e-3p and hsa-miR-181b-5p. For the formation failure group,5up-regulated:hsa-miR-574-5p, hsa-miR-4796-5p, hsa-miR-548a-5p, hsa-miR-604and hsa-miR-3913-3p;5down-regulated: hsa-miR-4262, hsa-miR-10b-5p, hsa-miR-30e-3p, hsa-miR-4483and hsa-miR-3148.
     1. This is the first time to study comparative serum miRNA of CS. And differential regulated miRNAs in serum were detected between patients and normal persons.
     2. The key miRNAs of the group of segmentation failure and formation failure were selected for the following research.
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