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     导论 本章分为两节 第一节主要梳理并讨论汉语及现代汉语感叹句研究的历史、现状以及存在的问题,包括以往地学者们对汉语及现代汉语感叹句的性质及其定义的理解、感叹句主要结构或语义类型的划分以及至今为止人们对感叹句结构或具体微观问题的专题研究等。第二节陈述作者进行现代汉语感叹句研究的语言学理论指导和具体研究方法,理论方面比如结构主义语言学、系统功能语言学和认知语言学以及对比语言学等,本文的研究方法如表层句法描写、深层语义分析、动态的语用解说以及定量统计和定性分析相结合等;最后交代本文关于感叹句研究与写作中运用的语料及其出处。
     第一章 现代汉语感叹句的性质、特征和基本范围 本章分为三节 第一节运用观察到的真实的语言事实以及借鉴前人或时贤对现代汉语感叹句的研究成果,重新认识现代汉语感叹句的性质,科学给出现代汉语感叹句的定义:现代汉语感叹句是在语言使用中以特定形式以表达说话人情感或感受为主要功能的句子。1.“在语言使用中”体现感叹句的动态性和口语化特点,突出感叹句具有强烈的语境依赖性。2.“运用特定的语言形式”突出感叹句特定的格式或标记,感叹句的外部形式是为情感内容服务的,没有具体的形式很难说明问题。3.“表达情感或感受”突出感叹句语义内容是情感类信息,没有情感信息的句子或句式不可能成为感叹句;暗示情感是否强烈或浓郁不是感叹句的必要条件。4.“表达或传递情感为主要目的”突出感叹句的语用特点主要在于传递情感信息,暗示感叹句并不排除其他表意功能。第二节描写现代汉语感叹句句类的具体本质特征,指出一个典型感叹句语义上具有相应的致感因子和感叹义子,致感因子不一定出现,但感叹义子必须表现,通常由体现程度或等级性差异的词、短语或句子充当;感叹句的句法形式上通常带有凸现感叹义子的标记词语,如感叹副词、叹词、语气词等,这些标记词语可以共现,也可单独出现;功能上以表达说话人对人、物、事情或事件等的主观情感或感受为主,其他功能只能是附加功能。第三节明确划
The dissertation, on the basis of the speech materials with 4 million characters, targets at the exclamatory sentences in modern Chinese(ESMC).And it is composed of 7 parts, one part for introduction to the present study of exclamatory sentences ,one part for further discussion and five parts for practical analysis of the item.The Introduction. It consists 2 sections. The first section mainly gives some comments on the present situation about the study of Chinese exclamatory sentences,including the general viewpoints of conception of Chinese exclamatory sentences, the standard to judge a sentence to be an exclamatory sentence or not and some questions not to be answered in the present study of the exclamatory sentences in modern Chinese. and the second section mainly introduces the linguistic theories and research method of this dissertation to analyse the exclamatory sentences and etc.Chapter Ⅰ The Property, Features and Extensions of ESMC. It contains 3 sections. This chapter first states the properties of ESMC as follows: the exclamatory sentence is the unique sentence, in communication, to take how to express the speaker' s emotions as its main function.Then it describes the prominent features in syntactic structure, emotional meaning and practical application. And at last it makes a comment that the declarative sentence is used to describe facts, or things in real life ; the interrogative sentence is used mianly to ask questions or to obtain some information from the listeners ; and the imperative sentence is used to pass some requests or certain orders to the listeners ; and the phatic sentence is used mianly to express the general formative politeness of people in communication. Thus ,non of them ,is the realy the true exclamatory sentence in strict level.Chapter Ⅱ Aspects of Emotional Focus in ESMC. It is made up of 2 sections.This chapter mainly deals with two aspects of emotional focus in ESMC, the representation of emotional focus and its appearance, such as semantic manner to contain focus of emotions ,surface construction to express meaning of emotions and main features of contents of emotions of an exclamatory sentence . At first,it analyses the representation
    of emotional focus ,that is to say ,the emotioal focus can be represented in form of man' s static characteristics and behaviour,things and affairs.and the emotional focus can be substituted by two kinds of words with active meaning or passive meaning. Then,it describes the lexical and syntactic features of words to represent emotional focus.Chapter HI On Some Adverbs and Interjections to Mark Emotional Focus.This chapter first gives a detailed description for some typical adverbs to mark emotional focus,suchas"tai(;fc), zhen(JC), hao(0)> duo(£)s ke (nT)"and "ji($^ touflt), si(^E) > huai(£F)" <> Then,with a basic classification of interjections by meaning, it makes a thorough analysis on some interjections from lexical features and syntactic functions to emotional meaning and pragmatic application,and it particularly states that.only the interjections with emotional meaning ,not the phatic interjection,can be applicated to exclamatory sentences.Chapter IV Contrastive Study of the Exclamatory Sentences Between Chinese and English.This chapter, with the methodology of contrastive lingustics.t makes some comprehensive description on the similarities and distinctions of exclamamtory sentences between Chinese and English from syntactic formation, and emotional presentation to practic application.such as ,the different standard to define a sentence to be an exclamatory sentence or not, the typical marks to show emotions of the exclamatory sentences, and the clear differences in syntactic functions and etc.Chapter V The Creation of Emotions and Application Of Chinese Excalamatory Sentences.This chapter first probes into the mechanism of emotions of mankinds: man's emotions are stimulated by some factors, and the esthesia plays an important role between emotional focus and the factors, then it states that there are some differences between emotions stimulated by same factor because of different subjunctive judging standard, background knowledge and method of cognitons to emotions, and it draws a conclusion that the exclamatory sentence bearing the function to transmit mainly emotional meaning is to satisfy the need of people to express emotions in mutual language communication,that is to say, expression of emotions first, then a sentence to bear the function. At last it makes a brief analysis on the information structure of exclamatory sentences and its features and other functions in practic
    discourse. Especially the paper states that the function of a sentence to express or pass some emotions, in communication, is not the unique function of an exclamatory sentence, that is to say, the function of passing emotions.in an exclamatory sentence ,is just much more clear ,comparason to other sentences such as an imperative sentence, an interrogative sentence, a declarative sentence and a phatic sentence and etc.Further Discussion .This section gives a brief summary for the whole dissertation, that is to say, the progresses which have been made in this study of exclamatory sentence of modern Chinese and some points which should be perfected more in later study on this item.
    073 石安石、詹人凤:《语言学概论》,高等教育出版社,1988年。
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