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In recent years, a large number of RME's characterized by small investment, small size and flexible operation have emerged, playing a positive role in flourishing rural economy, increasing rural employment, promoting agricultural innovation and accelerate agriculture industrialization. Obviously, in the course of RMEE, information is a very important strategic entrepreneurial resource. It can not only affect the effective utilization of other entrepreneurial resources, but also cause new productivity effect through decreasing and replacing consumption of material resources. However, due to restrictions of factors such as the geographic location, market structure, economy development status, most RME stay in a state of "information insufficiency". Therefore, how to provide RME with effective information support in the course of RMEE should become an important issue to be studied by scholars. Hence, this paper tries to construct RMEE information support model as appropriate to the actual situation of "agriculture, village and farmer" from the approach to meeting RMEE information demand. The core content and main conclusion are as follows:
     1. Study of RMEE information demand based on duality of dynamic and static nature. The third chapter of this paper argues duality of dynamic and static nature of information demand, and then analyzes RMEE information demand from static and dynamic perspectives. In particular, RMEE information demand from static perspectives refers to demand to information itself (or information object) which is closely related to the realistic issues to be solved by the entrepreneur subject; RMEE information demand from dynamic perspectives refers to demand to solve the realistic entrepreneurial issues, namely, dynamic process in which the entrepreneur subject solves the realistic issues using information, including stages such as REMM information acquisition, RMEE information perception, RMEE information regeneration, RMEE information application.
     2. Empirical study of RMEE information demand. Chapter IV of this paper provides extensive empirical research on RMEE information demand. As indicated in the results, the actual characteristics of RMEE information demand in our country may be summarized as follows:(1) From static perspective, RMEE information demand content has complex characteristics of diversity and high-level dependency; (2) From dynamic perspective, each stage of RMEE information movement has characteristic of low efficiency. There are two reasons for the above characteristics, the first is over dispersion of information source, and the second is incapability of the entrepreneur subject.
     3. Study of the process mechanism of RMEE information support. Chapter V of this paper, based on RMEE information movement process as well as the actual characteristics of RMEE information demand in our country, discusses the process mechanism of RMEE information support and the basic elements thereof and further classified the current forms of RMEE information support in our country. As indicated in the analysis, (1) RMEE information support process consists of two stages, "information acquisition support" and "information perception and regeneration support"; (2) RMEE information support process involves many elements:subject, information content, information techniques, information channels and relevant information environment, etc.; (3) there is obvious insufficiency in the current forms of RMEE information support in our country with regard to process and elements.
     4. Study of RMEE information support synergy model. Chapter VI of this paper, with reference to synergy theory, constructs RMEE information support model based on "supply+ synergy" double-subject synergy, and analyzes the synergy mechanism using Stackelberg game model. The conclusion is as follows:(1) the higher level at which the supply subject participates, the greater total benefit of the information support; (2) Participation rate of information support will be affected by marginal benefit; (3) Synergy subjects who participate in information support will get benefit. Thus, realization of the synergy effect of RMEE information support depends on mutual participation and cooperation of supply subject and synergy subject.
     5. Study of RMEE supply-type information support guided by government. Chapter VII of this paper, from the approach of governmental information support, constructs RMEE supply-type information support system which provides information to the entrepreneur subject by following the process of information collection, information organization, and information delivery. In particular, RMEE supply-type information support system is a crisscrossing network under leadership of the government involving cooperation between the state and local government as well as collaboration across government departments of different functions. RMEE information center, the core of this network, is responsible for management and coordination of RMEE supply-type information support work.
     6. Study of RMEE cooperation-type information support guided by rural community network. Chapter VIII of this paper describes the effect mechanism of rural community network from the angle of cooperative learning at first, arguing that the relationship variable and structure variable of rural community network will have an effect on cooperation intent, explanation ability, learning ability, knowledge foundation and communication mode of participants of cooperative learning and further change the result of cooperative learning so as to affect RMEE cooperation-type information support performance. Then, based on the basic principle of social network analysis, the paper proposes strategies of rural community network optimization for RMEE cooperation-type information support. Finally, this paper discusses the effect of the relationship network centering around entrepreneur subject on information support performance and further verifies the relevant conclusion of the study.
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