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Cloud computing is a new network calculation mode. It is the furtherdevelopment of distributed computing, parallel computing and grid computing. Basedon the internet computing, it serves as a system that provides hardware services,infrastructure services, platform services, software services and storage services to avariety of Internet applications. This is beneficial for enterprises to set up competitiveinformation services, resources sharing and collaborative applications with lower costand higher efficiency, thus making it one of the tendencies of computer science. Therise of cloud computing and its five major advantages, namely, high scalability, highreliability, on-demand service, low cost and easy to use, provide enterprisescompetitive intelligence service with the most advanced technical means and newsolutions which have been adapted to competitive intelligence; therefore, it is possibleto achieve the competitive and dynamic management of the competitive intelligenceservice in different organizations.
     With the aid of cloud computing, organizations can carry out fast, reliable, safeand unified deployment on the cloud platform, so as to form a virtualized resourcepool, with regard to information infrastructure (hardware, platform, software) andrelated services in various forms, and to provide competitive intelligence servicesthrough the unified user interface dynamically and intelligently. With the aid of cloudcomputing, organizations can integrate personnel, technology, organizationalenvironment and the working process to promote information exchange andknowledge sharing. By virtue of cloud computing, organizations can build a newcompetitive intelligence mode, which is personalized, proactive, integrating,innovative and integrative. This is beneficial for competitive information work anddecision making. In the era of cloud computing, organizational competitiveintelligence services will develop towards socialization, intensification andspecialization; therefore, to build a cloud-based competitive intelligence serviceplatform as well as its organizational environment and operating mechanism is theinevitable tendency of the development of competitive intelligence in the epoch of knowledge-based economy.
     Based on the background that cloud computing technology has risen anddeveloped and that the competitive intelligence has been further practiced inenterprises these years, this study will explore the practice of cloud computingtechnology in the field of enterprise competitive intelligence. By virtue of thetechnical advantages of cloud computing, various research methods will be employedincluding literature analysis, comparative study, survey, computer simulation and casestudy, aiming to explore and establish a specific enterprise competitive intelligenceservice mode based on cloud computing. The study plays a key role in grasping thedirection of future enterprise competitive intelligence practice and promoting thepractice as well as application of cloud computing.
     The dissertation starts with the conjunction of cloud computing and competitiveintelligence service, following the pattern that processes from theoretical research topractice and application. It draws upon an interdisciplinary research methodology andwith the aid of research and design methods of standardized computer softwareengineering constructs a theoretical model and verifies it by employing computersimulation. Firstly, the overall planning. It deals with investigating and analyzing thestatus of enterprise competitive intelligence, and on this basis, carrying out the studyof feasibility and the analysis of demand, designing the overall framework of theservice mode, analyzing the key factors in the overall framework, and then designingrespectively various constituent elements of the service mode in detail. Secondly, theresearch on technology platform. With the aid of computer science and technology aswell as theory and technology of cloud computing, the dissertation studies thetechnology platform in service mode and designs an overall architecture. Thirdly, itstudies and designs an innovation model of competitive intelligence service upon thecloud computing platform. Fourthly, it studies and builds an organizationalframework in conjunction with a cloud competitive intelligence service platform byvirtue of the theory and method of management science. Lastly, it designs a prototypeof cloud competitive intelligence service platform by using the computer simulationtechnology and verifies the theoretical pattern by conducting case study on typicalenterprises.
     This dissertation consists of eight chapters. They are organized as follows:
     Chapter I is the Introduction. It deals with the background, significance, content,innovation, and methodology of the research as well as the dissertation framework,pointing out that conducting the studies on enterprise competitive intelligence servicemode based on cloud computing is the inevitable result of the development of studiesand practices on the competitive intelligence in cloud era.
     Chapter II is concerned with theory and literature review. It reviews the theoriesof cloud computing, competitive intelligence and service mode, synthesizes bothdomestic and foreign researches on this issue, and analyzes the contributions as wellas inadequacy of the existing researches.
     Chapter III is about the design of the framework of cloud-based enterprisecompetitive intelligence service mode. Through questionnaires and interviews on thestatus and needs of enterprise competitive intelligence in our country, necessity andfeasibility will be presented after some investigations and analyses. Based on theanalyses of cloud computing and enterprise competitive intelligence andinterdisciplinary research methods, this research will look into the constituentelements of the cloud-based enterprise competitive intelligence service mode, andthen construct the overall framework of the cloud-based enterprise competitiveintelligence service mode.
     Chapter IV is dedicated to the construction of the service platform ofcloud-based competitive intelligence. Research and design of technology platform inthe service mode will be carried out with the aid of theory and technology ofcomputer science and cloud computing. Firstly, comprehensive and comparativeanalysis will be carried out on the mainstream cloud computing architecture andplatform. Then, in conjunction with functions and features of the enterprisecompetitive intelligence service, the architecture of the technology platform forpersonalized service will be conducted, including the overall architecture design,network platform design and security architecture design.
     Chapter V deals with the content of cloud-based enterprise competitiveintelligence service mode. This chapter analyzes the characteristics and target ofenterprise competitive intelligence service in the cloud computing environment and proposes that the ideal enterprise competitive intelligence services in the cloudcomputing environment should be framed in a personalized, one-stop integratedservice mode. In other words, the services should be "user-centered". The user can notonly custom-tailor and obtain the resources and services seamlessly and pellucidlybut also use competitive intelligence cloud services in a fast, dynamic, flexible,low-cost and on-demand manner. This chapter examines various traditional models ofcompetitive intelligence services. From the perspective of interactive cloudenvironment, competitive intelligence service mode can be divided into threecategories: personalized competitive intelligence service (self-service), collaborativedigital reference consulting service (one-to-many service), and expert consultingservice (one-to-one service), each of which will be discussed in-depth.
     Chapter VI is concerned with the organizational framework of cloud-basedcompetitive intelligence service mode. Competitive intelligence service is carried outin certain organizational structure and institutional environment. This chapter studiesthe organizational environment and operating mechanism of enterprise competitiveintelligence service mode.
     Chapter VII focuses on case study. Softwares such as HADOOP, HDFS andMAPDUCE are used to construct a cloud computing platform and deploy theapplication of competitive intelligence service. Computer simulation and case studiesare conducted in the actual enterprise environment to verify the theoretical mode putforward in this dissertation.
     Chapter VIII is dedicated to conclusions and prospect, summarizing the mainconclusions, analyzing the inadequacy of the study, and putting forth the directionsfor future studies.
     The innovations of this dissertation lie in:
     Firstly, with the aid of cloud computing technology, the study constructs theorganic integration of people, technology, and organizational environment, and atheoretical framework of enterprise competitive intelligence service mode. On thebasis of the latest researches and practices of cloud computing and competitiveintelligence theory, the dissertation shapes an overall framework of a commoncompetitive intelligence service mode. This model provides enterprise competitive intelligence service with an advanced, low-cost, efficient, operational and completeframework and hence helps companies to maximize the efficiency of competitiveintelligence, and ultimately formulates an innovation model which providespersonalized competitive intelligence. In short, it is a comprehensive innovation ofcompetitive intelligence service with regard to technology, methodology and practiceand is therefore of theoretical significance and practice value.
     Secondly, the study constructs a platform of competitive intelligence service. Inaccordance with the functional features of enterprise competitive intelligence servicein the cloud computing environment and in conjunction with cloud computingmainstream architecture and commercial platform, the dissertation studies andconstructs cloud competitive intelligence service platform.
     Thirdly, it constructs the content of the cloud-based enterprise competitiveintelligence service mode. By using related theories of cloud computing, competitiveintelligence and management science, and on the basis of analyzing the characteristicsand objectives of cloud-based enterprise competitive intelligence service mode, thestudy constructs the specific content of the cloud-based competitive intelligenceservice mode.
     Fourthly, the study shapes the organizational framework based on thecompetitive intelligence service mode. The smooth realization and effective operationof cloud-based competitive intelligence service mode require appropriateorganizational environment and supporting operational mechanism, both of which arestudied in-depth.
     Fifthly, it conducts case study. It constructs the prototype of cloud-basedcompetitive intelligence service mode by employing the mainstream cloud computingsoftwares, deploys applications of competitive intelligence service, and conducts casestudy on a typical enterprise ABC company. This research method and technicalconstruction technology are not only an innovation of competitive intelligenceresearch and practice, but also a promotion of the research and practice of cloudcomputing. In addition, the plan and framework of the design put forward in thisdissertation is general and therefore can be transplanted seamlessly to the cloudcomputing of other areas.
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