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In knowledge economy era, enterprise's operation and development have no longer mainly relied on traditional factors such as the capital, natural resource and labor force. Knowledge is becoming the most active and the most important part of productivity essentials, and has become the key factor for enterprises to win competition.
     At the same time, with the fast development of computer technology and network technology, network is becoming the main source to acquire knowledge and the main approach to transmit knowledge for organization (enterprise). The function of organizational "knowledge management" is enhanced continuously. But when organizations carry on activities of decision-making and innovation, there is a prevalent problem that organizational members'knowledge demand is not met. The above problem represents in two aspects.The first one is that organizations could not provide timely and accurate knowledge service because the demand of organizational members is not analyzed accurately, though organizations have held knowledge asset. The second one is that when organizational members carry on activities of decision-making and innovation, they want the timely and accurate knowledge service.But they could not get the proper knowledge because of the restriction of their search ability and transmission approach. The cause of the problem is not the lack of knowledge resource, but is the lack of the approach of knowledge transfer.
     Knowledge push is an effective solution to the above problem.Knowledge push could accelerate knowledge transfer, eliminate the phenomenon of knowledge asymmetry and promote knowledge application and innovation by the way of timely and accurate knowledge service.Knowledge push platform is a computer software and hardware system which could support the realization of knowledge push's function.Based on the accurate analysis of organizational members'demand, it provides organizational members with timely and accurate knowledge support by the advanced information technology and knowledge management method when they carry on activities of decision-making and innovation.Knowledge push platform is a pivotal tache from the concept of knowledge push to the practice of knowledge push.There are several problems which need to be solved immediately in the course of constructing knowledge push platform, such as the lack of accurate definition of knowledge push and knowledge push platform, the lack of the guidance of construction frame, the lack of the analysis of construction principle, the lack of the support of implementation method and technology, the lack of the instance to prove the correctness of construction frame, construction principle and implementation method and technology.
     On the bases of some relevant research results, this dissertation studied on several problems of constructing knowledge push platform in net environment. The aim and meaning of the research include:In theory research aspect, we defined clearly the concepts of knowledge push and knowledge push platform.Then the construction frame was proposed and the construction principle was analyzed of knowledge push platform in net environment. In method research aspect, we thoroughly studied the main implementation method and technology of knowledge push platform.The research on implementation method and technology provides the practice with the support of method and technology. In application research aspect, combining the background of enterprise, we built an instance of knowledge push platform. The instance not only proves the correctness of the proposed construction frame, construction principle and implementation method, but also reflects the good application foreground of knowledge push platform. The instance research provides the support of referrible application example for various organizational comprehensive practice of knowledge push.
     The main work of this dissertation is in six aspects as following:
     (1)Defining the concept of knowledge push platform clearly. Firstly, the difference and relation between knowledge push and similar concepts, namely information push, knowledge pull, knowledge service is differentiated on the basis that the concepts of knowledge, knowledge push and knowledge management are analyzed intensively. Then the concept of knowledge push platform is defined clearly.
     (2) Studying the construction frame and construction principle of knowledge push platform in net environment. Firstly, based on broadly reviewing relevant literatures about knowledge push and defining the concept of knowledge push platform, an construction frame of knowledge push platform in net environment is proposed. According to the construction frame, the construction principle of knowledge push platform in net environment is analyzed including:model system, system structure, operation mechanism etc. The research on construction principle of knowledge push platform is the basis of carrying on the activities of organizational knowledge push.It provides steady theoretical basis for the research on implementation method and technology and the practice of knowledge push platform that theoretical meaning of knowledge push platform is held clearly.
     (3) Building the knowledge system of knowledge push platform.Knowledge system is content basis for the research on knowledge push platform.It provides the support of category structure for realizing the pivotal taches of constructing knowledge push platform, namely building knowledge demand list, building knowledge assets map and matching knowledge. This dissertation studies the concept, structure and building process of knowledge system of knowledge push platform.
     (4) Giving out main implementation method and technology of knowledge push platform.With the guidance of construction principle of knowledge push platform, we study the main implementation method and technology by which four composing parts of knowledge push platform including:analysis module of knowledge demand, management module of knowledge space, service module of knowledge push and evaluation/feedback module are realized according to life cycle model and the logistic relation among modules in the system structure of knowledge push platform. In each part, we firstly introduce the operation mechanism of the corresponding module. Then, based on clear analysis about the work flow of each part, the implementation method and technology by which the pivotal taches of the work flow can be realized is put forward.The research on implementation method and technology of knowledge push platform makes organization get the support of concrete and feasible method and tool when organization actualizes the construction of knowledge push platform.It promotes the efficiency of constructing knowledge push platform.
     (5)Putting forward the evaluation method and the modification strategy of knowledge push platform.The capability of knowledge push platform is improved and the satisfaction of customer is enhanced no other than the evaluation and modification activities of knowledge push platform are carried on.The work of evaluation and modification includes: building the evaluation index system, analyzing and processing the evaluation information given by organizational members with the evaluation method based on tow-tuple linguistic information processing, finding the shortcoming of knowledge push platform,giving out the corresponding modification strategy.
     (6) Studying the instance of knowledge push platform.With the guidance of the construction principle of knowledge push platform,we apply the relevant implementation methods and technologies and orient to the fact demand of enterprise to realize an instance about the customer service center's knowledge push platform of a given ERP consultation company. The instance proves the construction principle of knowledge push platform reachable and reasonable and illuminates how to use the proposed implementation methods and technologies. It is taken as the valuable and referential example when various organizations combine the demands of themselves to build the knowledge push platform.
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