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The subject of“Study on management style of service enterprise for producer and customer based on learning and innovation”is chosen for a dissertation to outline the car dealer’s special enterprise property.
     Learning organization system (composed of layer 2 and dimension 7) for car dealer is set up. Selected path of business process innovation and enterprise culture innovation method path selection are made for car dealer; Analytic Network Process and Balanced Scorecard are used to evaluate the innovation performance of learning organization.
     Dynamic ellipse-hyperbola management style and OELSP style are set up, strategy innovation model based on leader principal part views. Study the realize form and method of strategy innovation decision base on enterpriser as main part. Design thinking process of decision; use DEA to measure the efficiency of company innovation.
     Service quality management system base on learning of car dealer is set up, American Customer Satisfaction Index is not suitable to measure the customer satisfaction index to car dealer. Factor analysis is used to evaluate the index system.
     The innovation points of this dissertation are as follows:
     (1) Study on the special enterprise property of car dealer, find and define it as product consumption service enterprise, set up dynamic ellipse-hyperbola management model.
     (2) Organization innovation system (composed of layer 2 and dimension 7) for car dealer is set up. Show the realized path of process innovation (evidence structure) and enterprise culture innovation (latent structure), Analytic Network Process and Balanced Scorecard are combined to evaluate the performance of learning organization innovation firstly and successfully.
     (3) Firstly use learning innovation leader main part as strategy innovation centre, set up strategy innovation management system based on leader main part views, study thinking model of making decision scientifically and innovation thinking which based on the balance condition of enthusiasm and sense. Data Envelopment Analysis is firstly used to evaluate the efficiency of car dealer’s innovation performance.
     (4) Study the relation of service quality and customer satisfaction, the critical factor effect service quality and index system of evaluate customer satisfaction, Factor analysis is firstly used to measure the customer satisfaction to car dealer.
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