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     非线性BSDE首先由Pardoux和Peng[74]引入。Duffie和Epstein[35]独立地从经济背景下同样引入了BSDE。在[35]中,他们给出了递归效用的一种随机微分表述。递归效用是标准的可加效用的推广,其当前效用不仅依赖于当前消费率而且依赖于未来的效用。El Karoui,Peng和Quenez[37]发现,递归效用过程可以用一个BSDE的解来表示。从BSDE观点,[37]还给出了递归效用的另外表述和性质。从而,随机最优控制问题,如果其指标泛函由某个BSDE的解来描述,则构成了随机递归最优控制问题。在第三章中,我们考虑一类带泊松跳跃的随机递归最优控制问题,其指标泛函由某个BSDEP的解来描述。对这一问题,应用Peng[79]中的随机后向半群的概念,Li和Peng[59]最近得到了相应的动态规划原理,并且证明了值函数是某个广义HJB方程的粘性解。我们则研究这一随机递归最优控制问题的最大值原理与动态规划原理之间的关系。为此,我们首先证明了一类带泊松跳跃的正倒向随机控制系统的局部最大值原理。并且,我们证明了加上某些凸/凹性假设条件,上述最大值原理也是充分的。我们还讨论了这一结果在金融市场中一类均值-方差投资组合选择混合一个递归效用泛函的优化问题中的应用。然后,假设值函数光滑,我们得到了相应的随机最大值原理与动态规划原理之间的关系。作为应用,我们讨论了金融市场中一类线性二次(LQ)递归投资组合优化问题。在这一例子中,利用最大值原理和动态规划原理都得到了同样的最优控制,二者的关系也得到了验证。
     定理2.4.(关系,光滑情形)假设(H2.1)~(H2.3)成立,(s,y)∈[0, T)×R~n,给定。设(?)是问题(JD)_(s,y)的最优对,(?)是一阶对偶方程(2.19)的解。假设(?),则其中G由(2,16)定义。进一步地,如果(?)以及V_(tx)也连续,则
     定理2.8. (关系,非光滑情形)假设(H2.1)~(H2.3)成立,(?)给定。设(?)满足(2.8)和(2.9)是广义HJB方程(2.15)的粘性解,(?)是问题(JD)_(s,y)的最优对,(?)和(?)分别是一阶和二阶对偶方程(2.19),(2.20)的解。则其中G由(2.54)定义。
     定理2.10. (随机验证定理,非光滑情形)假设(H2.1),(H2.2)成立。设(?)满足(2.8)和(2.9)是广义HJB方程(2.15)的粘性解,则
     定理5.2.(存在惟一性)假设(H5.1)成立,则BSDEP (5.8)存在惟一解(?)。
     定理5.4. (比较定理)假设(?)满足(H5.2)。设过程(?)可测,满足(?)。令对(?)。
     我们用(Y,Z,K(·))(相应地,(Y',Z',K'(·)))记BSDEP (5.8)对应于参数(ξ,f)(相应地,(ξ',f'))的解。如果
     定理6.1.(部分可观测的随机最大值原理)假设(H6.1)~(H6.3)成立。设u(·)是问题(PO)_(0,T)部分可观测的最优控制,(?)是相应的最优轨线,Z(·)是相应的(6.6)的解。设(P(·),Q(··))是附属BSDE(6.34)的解,(p(··),q(·),k( ·))是对偶FBSDE(6.35)的解,则其中哈密顿函数H由(6.36)定义。
     定理6.2.(LQ情形,可观测最优控制及最优轨线的滤波估计)对问题(POLQ)_(0,T),可观测的最优控制u(·)由(6.47)给出,其中(?)是DFBODE (6.53)的解,(?)由(6.51)给出,Π(·)是黎卡提方程(6.44)的解。并且,最优轨线的滤波估计(?)分别由DFBODE(6.53)和(6.57)的解给出,其中∑(·)是黎卡提方程(6.55)的解。
Stochastic optimal control problem is important in modern control theory. Thiskind problem always asks the controllers to minimize/maximize some cost functionaland subject to a state equation (stochastic control system) over the admissible controlset. An admissible control is called optimal if it achieves the infimum/supremum of thecost functional and the corresponding state variable and the cost functional are calledthe optimal trajectory and the value function, respectively. It is well-known that Pontryagin's maximum principle and Bellman's dynamic programming are the two principaland most commonly used approaches in solving stochastic optimal control problems. Inthe statement of maximum principle, the necessary condition of optimality is given. Thiscondition is called the maximum condition which is always given by some Hamiltonianfunction. The Hamiltonian function is denned with respect to the system state variableand some adjoint variables. The equation that the adjoint variables satisfy is calledadjoint equation, which is one or two backward stochastic differential equations (BSDEsfor short) of Pardoux-Peng's type. The system which consists of the adjoint equation,the original state equation, and the maximum condition is referred to as a generalizedHamiltonian system. On the other hand, the basic idea of dynamic programming principle is to consider a family of stochastic optimal control problems with different initialtime and states and establish relationships among these problems via the so-called HJBequation, which is a nonlinear second-order partial differential equation (PDE for short).If the HJB equation is solvable, we can obtain an stochastic optimal control by takingthe maximizer/miminizer of the generalized Hamiltonian function involved in the HJBequation. This is called stochastic verification theorem (SVT for short). Both of thesetwo approaches have been developed separately and independently, and recently thereare some researches on the relationship between these two approaches in literatures.
     The main objective of this thesis is to improve and develop the stochastic optimalcontrol theory, especially for forward-backward problems with Poisson jumps. Stochastic differential equations with Poisson jumps (SDEPs for short), backward stochasticdifferential equations with Poisson jumps (BSDEPs for short) and forward-backwardstochastic differential equations with Poisson jumps (FBSDEPs for short) are usuallyinvolved in this kind of problem. The solutions to this kind equations are discontinuous,since the random disturbance in these equations comes from both Brownian motions andPoisson random measures. The Poisson random measure can be described as the counting measure associated with a jump process. More precisely, Poisson random measurecounts the number of jumps of some discontinuous process occurring between a timeinterval whose amplitude belongs to a measurable set. That is to say, the Poisson random measure contains all information about some discontinuous (jump) process: it tellsus when the jumps occur and how big they are. The forward and backward stochasticoptimal control theory with Poisson jumps has wide practical applications in engineeringand financial market.
     In Chapter 2, we investigate the relationship between maximum principle (MP forshort) and dynamic programming principle (DPP for short) for stochastic optimal controlproblem of jump diffusions. Here, the system state process is described by a controlledSDEP. Firstly, on some mild assumptions we give some basic properties of the valuefunction and prove that the DPP still holds in our jump diffusion setting. Then we givethe corresponding generalized HJB equation which is a second-order partial integraldifferential equation (PIDE for short) containing the generalized Hamiltonian functionnow. Secondly, on the assumption that the value function is smooth, we establish therelationship between stochastic MP and DPP. Thirdly, using the theory of viscositysolutions, we also obtain the relationship between stochastic MP and DPP withoutassuming the smoothness of the value function. Finally, an SVT is at first derivedon the assumption that the value function is smooth from which we can obtain theoptimal control by maximizing the generalized Hamiltonian function. Then anotherversion of SVT is proved without involving any derivatives of the value function withinthe framework of viscosity solutions.
     Nonlinear BSDE was introduced by Pardoux and Peng[74] firstly. Independently,Duffie and Epstein[35] also introduced BSDE from economic background. In [35], theypresented a stochastic differential formulation of recursive utility. Recursive utility is anextension of the standard additive utility with the instantaneous utility depending not only on the instantaneous consumption rate but also on the future utility. As found by ElKaroui, Peng and Quenez[37], the utility process can be regarded as a solution to a specialBSDE. From BSDE's point of view, [37] also gave formulations of recursive utility andtheir properties. Thus, the problem whose cost functional of a control system is describedby the solution to a BSDE, becomes a stochastic recursive optimal control problem. InChapter 3, we consider one kind of stochastic recursive optimal control problem withPoisson jumps, where the cost functional of the control system is described by the solutionto a BSDEP. For this problem, using the notion of stochastic backward groups introducedin Peng[79], Li and Peng[59] recently have obtained the corresponding DPP and provedthat the value function is a viscosity solution to some generalized HJB equation. We theninvestigate the relationship between MP and DPP for such problem. For this purpose, wefirstly prove a local MP for the forward-backward stochastic control system with Poissonjumps. Moreover, we prove that under some additional convexity/concavity conditions,the above MP is also sufficient. Applications of our result to a mean-variance portfolioselection mixed with a recursive utility functional optimization problem in the financialmarket is discussed. Then, on the assumption that the value function is enough smooth,we obtain the relationship between stochastic MP and DPP. As applications, we givean example of linear quadratic (LQ for short) recursive portfolio optimization problemin the financial market. In this example, the optimal control in state feedback form isobtained by both the stochastic MP and DPP, and the relations we obtained are verified.
     The LQ stochastic optimal control problems are the most important examples ofstochastic optimal control problems, especially due to their nice structures and wideapplications in engineering design. In Chapter 4, we study one kind of coupled forward-backward LQ stochastic optimal control problem with Poisson jumps. Such kind ofoptimal control problems can be encountered in the financial market when we considerthe "large investor". We prove that there exists a unique optimal control and give theexplicit linear state feedback form. When all the coefficient matrices are deterministicwe can give the linear state feedback regulator for the optimal control using the solutionto one kind of generalized matrix-valued Riccati equation system. And the solvability ofthis kind Riccati equation system is discussed.
     SDE whose coefficients are modulated by a continuous-time Markov chain stemsfrom the regime switching models in financial market for the need of more realistic models that better reflect random market environment. In the regime switching model, themarket parameters depend on the market mode that switches among a finite number of states. The market mode could reflect the state of the underlying marketplace and thegeneral mood of investors, and other economic factors. In her doctoral thesis, Tang[97]recently introduced BSDEs with Markov chains whose generator are disturbed by random environment and described by a continuous-time Markov chains. Motivated byan LQ stochastic optimal control problem for Markov-modulated control system withPoisson jumps, in Chapter 5, we generalized part results of Tang[97] to discontinuouscase. That is to say, we consider BSDEPs with Markov chains. On the assumptionthat the generator satisfies the global Lipschitz condition, we obtain the existence anduniqueness of solutions to them, by virtue of some extended martingale representationtheorems. Some properties of these solution processes and a comparison theorem in theone-dimensional case are obtained.
     Another objective of this thesis is to study the partially observed fully coupledforward-backward stochastic optimal control problems. One of the most important characteristics for partially observed optimal control problems is that it has more practicalbackground. Specifically, controllers can not fully observe the system states in reality.In most cases they can only observe some noise process related to the system. Recently,more researching attentions have been attracted by optimal control problems of fully coupled forward-backward stochastic systems. One reason is that the theory is interestingand challenging in itself. Another is that these kinds of systems are usually encounteredwhen we study some financial optimization problems for some "large investors". In thiscase, state processes are described as fully coupled FBSDEs. In Chapter 6, on the assumption that the the control domain is possibly not convex, we obtain a stochasticMP for one kind of partially observed fully coupled forward-backward stochastic optimalcontrol problem by spake variational, duality and filtering techniques. To illustrate ourtheoretical result, we give an example for a partially observed fully coupled LQ forwardbackward stochastic optimal control problem. Combining the classical linear filteringtheory with the technique of solving linear FBSDEs, we find an explicit observable optimal control. Meanwhile, we obtain the filtering estimates of the optimal trajectorieswhich are given by the solutions to some forward-backward ordinary differential equationwith double dimensions (DFBODE for short) and Riccati equations. Finally, problemwith state constraints is discussed by combining Ekeland's variational principle with thetechnique presented above.
     This thesis consists of six chapters. In the following, we list the main results.
     Chapter 1: We introduce problems studied from Chapter 2 to Chapter 6.
     Chapter 2: We establish the relationship between maximum principle and dynamicprogramming principle for the stochastic optimal control problem of jump diffusions. Weconsider the following stochastic control systemand the cost functional is
     The stochastic optimal control problem of jump diffusions is the following.Problem (JD)_(s,y). For given (s,y)∈[0, T)×R~n, minimize (2.2) subject to (2.1) overU[s,T].
     The main results are the following Theorem 2.4 for smooth value function and
     Theorem 2.8 for nonsmooth value function.
     Theorem 2.4. (Relationship, Smooth Case) Suppose (H2.1)~(H2.3) hold and let(s,y)∈[0,T)×R~n be fixed. Let (?) be an optimal pair for Problem (JD)_(s,y)and (?) the solution to the first-order adjoint equation (2.19). Suppose thevalue function V∈(?). Thenwhere G is defined by (2.16). Further, if V∈(?) and V_(tx) is also continuous,then
     Theorem 2.8. (Relationship, Nonsmooth Case) Suppose (H2.1)~(H2.3) holdand let (s, y)∈[0,T)×R~n be fixed. Let V∈(?), satisfying (2.8) and (2.9), be a viscosity solution to the generalized HJB equation (2.15), (?) be the optimalpair for Problem (JD)_(s,y). Let (?) and (?) are solutions tothe first- and second-order adjoint equations (2.19), (2.20), respectively. Then we havewhere G-function is defined by (2.54).
     Moreover, the following two results give the stochastic verification theorems forsmooth and nonsmooth value function, respectively.
     Theorem 2.9. (SVT, Smooth Case) Suppose (H2.1)~(H2.3) hold. Let V∈(?) be a solution to the generalized HJB equation (2.15). ThenMoreover, suppose a given admissible pair (?) satisfieswhere G is defined by (2.16). Then (?) is an optimal pair.
     Theorem 2.10. (SVT, Nonsmooth Case) Suppose (H2.1), (H2.2) hold. Let V∈(?), satisfying (2.8) and (2.9), be a viscosity solution to the generalized HJBequation (2.15). Then we have the following.
     (i) (2.73) holds.
     (ii) Let (s,y)∈[0,T)×R~n be fixed and let (?) be an admissible pair.Suppose there exists (?),such thatand where (?), such that (?).Then (?) is an optimal pair.
     Chapter 3: We establish the relationship between maximum principle and dynamicprogramming principle for the stochastic recursive optimal control problem with Poissonjumps. As preliminaries, we firstly consider the following forward-backward stochasticcontrol systemand the cost functional is
     The forward-backward stochastic optimal control problem is the following.Problem (FB)_(0,T). For given x_0∈R~n, minimize (3.2) subject to (3.1) over U_(ad).
     Using convex variational method, we first prove a local maximum principle.
     Theorem 3.1. (Local Stochastic Maximum Principle) Suppose (H2.1), (H2.3)',(H3.1) and (H3.2) hold. Let u(·) be an optimal control for Problem (FB)_(0,T), and(?) be the corresponding optimal trajectory. Then we havewhere the Hamiltonian function H is defined by (3.7).
     Moreover, under some additional convexity/concavity conditions, the above necessary condition in Theorem 3.1 is also sufficient.
     Theorem 3.2. (Sufficient Condition for Optimality) Suppose (H2.1), (H2.3)',(H3.1)~(H3.3) hold. Let u(·) be an admissible control and (?) be thecorresponding trajectory with y(T) = (?). Let (?)be the solution to adjoint equation (3.6). Suppose that H is convex with respect to (?). Then u(·) is an optimal control for Problem (FB)_(0,T) if it satisfies(3.8).
     Then we investigate the relationship between maximum principle and dynamic programming principle for stochastic recursive optimal control problem with Poisson jumps.We consider the following stochastic control systemand the cost functional is
     The stochastic recursive optimal control problem is the following.Problem (R)_(s,y). For given (s,y)∈[0,T)×R~n, minimize (3.31) subject to (3.35) overU[s,T].
     The main result is the following.
     Theorem 3.6. (Relationship, Recursive Problem, Smooth Case) Suppose (H2.1),(H2.3)', (H3.1), (H3.2) hold and (?) be fixed. Let u(·) be an optimal control for Problem (R)_(s,y), and (?) be the corresponding optimal trajectories. Let (?) be the solutions to adjointequation (3.36). Suppose that the value function (?). Then Further, if (?) and V_(tx) is also continuous, then
     Chapter 4: We study one kind of coupled forward-backward LQ stochastic optimalcontrol problem with Poisson jumps. We consider the following stochastic control systemand the cost functional is
     The LQ stochastic optimal control problem is the following.Problem (LQ)_(0,T). For given x_0∈R~n, minimize (4.6) subject to (4.5) over U_(ad).
     We prove that there exists a unique optimal control and give the explicit linear statefeedback form.
     Theorem 4.1. There exists a unique optimal control for Problem (LQ)_(0,T): where (?) is the corresponding optimal trajectory.
     When all the coefficient matrices are deterministic, we can give the linear statefeedback regulator for the optimal control using the solution to one kind of generalizedmatrix-valued Riccati equation system.
     Theorem 4.2. Suppose for all t∈[0,T], there exist matrices (?)satisfying the generalized matrix-valued Riccati equation system (4.9). Then the optimallinear state feedback regulator for Problem (LQ)_(0,T) isand the optimal value function is
     The solvability of this kind of generalized matrix-valued Riccati equation system isdiscussed. In some special case, we obtain the following existence and uniqueness result.Theorem 4.5. Suppose (H4.3) holds and D≡0. Then the generalized matrix-valuedRiccati equation system (4.9) has a unique solution (?).
     Chapter 5: We study BSDEPs with Markov chains. As motivation, firstly wediscuss an LQ stochastic optimal control problem with Poisson jumps and Markov chains.We consider the following stochastic control systemand the cost functional iswhere (?) is a continuous-time Markov chain with the state space(?).αhas the transition probabilities given by where q_(ij)≥0 for i≠j and q_(ij) = (?).
     The LQ stochastic optimal control problem with Markov chains is the following.Problem (LQMC)_(0,T). For given x_0∈R~n, minimize (5.2) subject to (5.1) over U_(ad).
     An optimal state feedback control and the value function is obtained via the solutionto a constrained stochastic Riccati equation.
     Theorem 5.1. If the constrained stochastic Riccati equation (5.4) admits a solutiontriple (?), then Problem(LQMC)_(0,T) is well-posed. Moreover, the optimal state feedback control is (with the timeargument t suppressed)Furthermore, the value function is
     Motivated by this kind of stochastic Riccati equations, we study the following BS-DEP with Markov chains:
     On the assumption that the generator satisfies the global Lipschitz condition, weobtain the existence and uniqueness result of the solution, by virtue of some extendedmartingale representation theorems.
     Theorem 5.2. (Existence and Uniqueness of solution to BSDEP with MarkovChains) Suppose (H5.1) holds. Then BSDEP (5.8) admits a unique solution triple
     Some properties of these solution processes are obtained and a comparison theoremin the one-dimensional case is proved. For this target, let (?) beanother continuous-time Markov chain with the state space (?) has the transition probabilities given bywhere q_(jk)≥0 for j≠k and (?).
     Theorem 5.4. (Comparison Theorem) Suppose n =1. Let (?)satisfy (H5.2). Furthermore, let process (?) bemeasurable and satisfy 0≤l(t, e)≤C(1∧|e|), e∈E. We setfor all (ω, t, y, z,φ,i)(?).
     Let (?) and f' be defined asfor all (?), where (?)satisfies (H5.2).
     We denote by (Y,Z,K(·)) (respectively, (Y',Z',K'(·))) the unique solution triple toBSDEP (5.8) with the data (ξ,f) (respectively, (ξ',f')). Then, if
     (iv)ξ≥ξ', a.s.;
     (v) for Markov chains (?);
     (vi) f(t,y,z,k(·),i) is nondecreasing with respect to i∈Μand (?), a.s.,a.e., (?), it follows thatAnd if, in addition, we also assume that P(ξ>ξ') > 0, then P(Y(t) > Y'(t)) > 0, (?)t∈[0,T]. In particular, Y(0) > Y'(0).
     Chapter 6: We study one kind of partially observed fully coupled forward-backwardstochastic optimal control problem. We consider the following stochastic control systemwith the observation and the cost functional is
     The partially observed stochastic optimal control problem is the following.Problem (PO)_(0,T). For given x_0∈R~n, minimize (6.7) subject to (6.4) and (6.5) overU_(ad).
     Our main result is the following.
     Theorem 6.1. (Partially Observed Stochastic Maximum Principle) Suppose(H6.1)~(H6.3) hold. Let u(·) be an partially observed optimal control for Problem(PO)_(0,T), (?) be the optimal trajectory and Z(·) be the corresponding solutionto (6.6). Let (P(·),Q(?)) be the solution to auxiliary BSDE (6.34) and (p(·),q(·),k(·))be the solution to adjoint FBSDE (6.35). Then we havewhere the Hamiltonian function H is defined by (6.36).
     To illustrate our theoretical result, we give an example for a partially observedfully coupled LQ forward-backward stochastic optimal control problem. We consider thefollowing stochastic control systemand observationThe cost functional is
     The partially observed LQ stochastic optimal control problem is the following.Problem (POLQ)_(0,T). For given x_0∈R~n, minimize (6.40) subject to (6.38) and (6.39)over U_(ad).
     Combining the classical linear filtering theory with the technique of solving linear FBSDEs, we find an explicit observable optimal control. In addition, we obtain the filtering estimates of the optimal trajectories which are given by the solutions toa forward-backward ordinary differential equation with double dimensions (DFBODE)and Riccati equations.
     Theorem 6.2. (LQ case, Observable Optimal Control and Filtering Estimatesof Optimal Trajectories) For Problem (POLQ)_(0,T), an observable optimal controlu(·) is given by (6.47), where (?) are solutions to DFBODE (6.53) andΠ(·) is thesolution to Riccati equation (6.44), where (?) are given by (6.51).Moreover, the filtering estimates of optimal trajectories (?) are given byDFBODE (6.53) and (6.57), respectively, whereΣ(·) is the solution to Riccati equation(6.55).
     Finally, we consider problem with state constraints. We introduce the followingstate constraints.
     The partially observed stochastic optimal control problem with state constraints isthe following.Problem (POC)_(0,T). For given x_0∈R~n, minimize (6.7) subject to (6.4) and (6.5)under constraints (6.57) over U_(ad).
     The main result is the following.
     Theorem 6.3. (Partially Observed Stochastic Maximum Principle with StateConstraints) Suppose (H6.1)~(H6.4) hold. Let u(·) be an partially observed optimalcontrol for Problem (POC)_(0,T), (?) the optimal trajectory and Z(·) thecorresponding solution to (6.6). Then there exists a nonzero triple (?)with (?), and (?) which are solutionsto the adjoint BSDE (6.60) and FBSDE (6.61), respectively, such that the followingmaximum condition holds:where the Hamiltonian function H is defined by (6.59).
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