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Bai Juyi, Yuan Zhen, Zhang Ji, and Wang Jian, mainly lives in mid-Tang Dynasty. They have many obvious general character in the poetry creation aspect, like prominent allegory and satire conception, the esthetic pursue approach to vulgar, the remarkably achievement in creating Yuefu poem ( especially new Yuefu poem), popular and amiable language style and so on. Now the academic circles already reached the basic consensus, calls them Yuan-Bai school of poetry". But in mid-Tang, there is no explicit and strict conception about school. In fact, "school of poetry" is subsequently confirmed by people of our times. In other words, the name of Yuan-Bai school of poetry" belongs to the historical category, it has altogether when nature, but notnecessarily has lasted.On the foundation of the research results in the present academic circles, the author uses accepted esthetics as the main theory pivot of the paper, and the utilization literature and art, the cultural science research method. Furthermore, there is suitably profited from the dissemination study theory and the measurement analytic method. In the dissertation, the author studied the condition of Yuan Zhen, Zhang Ji, Wang Jian's literature achievement were disseminated and accepted in the history.In the first chapter, the author mainly inspected the accept condition of Yuan-Bai school of poetry from older literature before Mid-Tang Dynasty. First, the members of the school accept allegory and satire conception from the "Poetry". Second, they got the idea of caring and criticism about social reality from YueFu poem of Han Dynasty. Third ,they learned from the great poems of Tang Dynasty, such as Li Bai, Du Fu and Yuan Jie, espeacilly their New Yue Fu poem. Finally as the leader of the school, Bai Juyi has remarkable talent. He chose Tao Yuanming to be his example and imitated. Bai Juyi has comprehensively explained Tao Yuanming's outlook on life and the values. After demotion to Jiangzhou, Bai Juyi accepted Tao fully hearted. He leaned Tao's life attitude and formed gradually comfortably, has been broad-minded, the long travel point of view. In the creation, besides works modelled after sedulously, his poem shows comfortable and amiable style based on acception of Tao Yuanming.Second chapter is disseminated to the Yuan-Bai school of poetry work in all previous dynasties anthology and in the commentary field of vision and accepts the
    condition the quantification analysis. In this chapter, the author anyalyzes the data from historical evidence, try to obtain the outlook of conditon of acceptance and spread of Yuan-Bai school of poetry in the later times.From the third chapter, this dissertation began to disseminate the condition of acceptance and spread of Yuan-Bai school of poetry in later times according to the historical development order.The third chapter mainly descripted and analyzed the Yuan-Bai school of poetry disseminate the the condition of acceptance and spread of Yuan-Bai school of poetry in Tang Dynasty. In Mid-tang Dynasty, the Yuanhe Style poem created by Bai Juyi and Yuan Zhen was spread and leart broadly for its secularization, the emotion content and the skill innovation. Till late-Tang Dynasty, some poets accepted Yuan-Bai school of poetry's prominent allegory and satire conception ;some learnt the Yuanhe Style poem. Beside learning and imitating, some people criticized Yuan Zhen and Bai Juyi's gorgeous, frivolous and popular style of poem. During the five dynasties time, writers universally accepted the popular and amiable style of Yuan-Bai school. Except the inspection in the creation and the commentary Yuan-Bai school of poetry the condition which accepted, the author has been also researched the editions and the reorganization situation of the four members' works.In the fourth chapter, the author mainly inspected Yuan-Bai school of poetry accepting condition in Song Dynasty. At the beginning of Song Dynasty, tightly receives five dynasties poem style, writers almost interested in popular and amiable style of Yuan-Bai school, especially in Bai Juyi. There is even an word "Bai style". In those who learned Bai Juyi ,the best learner is Wang Yucheng. He learned Yuan and Bai's Changhe poem when he was young; when he demotioned like Bai Juyi, he began to learn Bai's allegory and satire style. Ouyang Xiu and Mei Yao are important personage in the Song Dynasty Yuan-Bai school of poetry receiver's. On their surface, they didn't care Yuan-Bai school of poetry, but in fact, there creation, besides specially marks is imitates works of Han-Meng school, their amiable style, the fom of each other composing a poem in response to the other, the secularizational, the adaptation theme all consistent with Yuan-Bai school of poetry. Su Shi's acceptting to Yuan-Bai school of poetry concentrated on the Bai Juyi. He accepted Bai's live attitude, beyond his vulgar, and reached a higher level. In addition, while accepts the
    Bai's attitude and creation, Su Shi also accepted Bai's honor to Tao Yuanming.In the creation aspect, the Song Dynasty writer accepted displays deviation on Yuan and Bai, but in the commentary field of vision, four members of Yuan-Bai school of poetry has been all brought into the field of vision which accepted. Wang Anshi is the "first reader" to Zhang Ji and Wang Jian, and Su Shi is the "first reader" to Yuan Zhen and Bai Juyi. In addition, because the culture developed Song Dynasty, the writers communicated frequently and convinently, community consciousness and school consciousness germinated gradually. There are symptom of a trend in critical field. That is regarding Yuan, Bai, Zhang, Wang as a school just because their achievement on the New Yuefii poem.Moreover, as a result of the printing method development and the publishing industry prosperity, members of Yuan-Bai school of poetry's work coagulation and the reorganization has obtained the prominent achievement in Song Dynasty. Four members all had modest and complete collected works.
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