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  • 英文题名:Research on Securitization of Insurance Risk
  • 作者:高媛
  • 论文级别:硕士
  • 学科专业名称:金融学
  • 学位年度:2004
  • 导师:池晶
  • 学科代码:020204
  • 学位授予单位:吉林大学
  • 论文提交日期:2004-04-01
    的是“PCS 指数期权”,PCS 期权持有者的交易对象是“PCS 损失指数”。
    PCS 指数与损失挂钩,市场参与者根据指数进行交易实现套期保值。
    PCS 指数期权的优势是交易成本较低,市场信息对称,能够分散了投资
    组合的风险,提高了收益率。但是 PCS 指数期权的技术含量很高,操
     在全球巨灾风险证券市场上不乏成功运作的实例,其中 1997 年 6
    月 USAA 所发行的飓风债券则代表了巨灾风险证券化历史上一个里程
In recent years, the insurance is facing the problem that the
    catastrophe frequently takes place and reinsurance gives cover for ability
    surely insufficiently. This has posed the serious threat to long-term
    existence and development of the insurance. At the same time the
    international capital market develops rapidly, the financial innovation is
    more and more active. The rise of financial engineering has prepared for the
    technology and theory for the securitization of insurance risk. Under the
    function of these two kinds of strength, securitization of insurance risk
    arises. Securitization of insurance risk has realized the transformation to the
    capital market of risk of the insurance. It has both necessity and inherent
    motive force from insurance that securitization of insurance risk will be
    built correspondingly in our country. The research about securitization of
    insurance risk has important theoretic and realistic significance to opening
    up the thought of management and the development in the future to the
    insurance in our country. Based on this kind of consideration, this thesis
    starts with analyzing through basic theories and positive and introduces
    securitization of insurance risk exhaustively. It describes feasibility,
    necessity that our country introduces securitization of insurance risk,
    proposes the countermeasure and suggestion concerning the risk
    securitization at the present stage. The thesis is divided into three parts:
     Part One: Basic theories of securitization of insurance risk
     Securitization of insurance risk is a kind of assets securitization
    technology. It will transfer the risk of insurance company to the capital
    market through constructing and issuing the securities based on risk of the
    insurance in the capital market; it is the securitization of the debt of the
    insurance company. From the point of view of insurance, insurance risk
    securitization insure capacity expand to the external capital market from the
    original insurance market. From the point of view of finance, it is an assets
    securitization course, the assets here are the debt of the insurance company.
    Securitization of insurance risk includes catastrophe bond, catastrophe option,
    catastrophe exchange etc. It is applied in U.S.A., Europe and Japan
     The main reason of the production and development of securitization
    of insurance risk is the need of insurance company and reinsurance
    company would manage control risk. On one hand, the catastrophe risk
    brings heavy pressure to insurance: The characteristic of the catastrophe
    risk makes the insurance company not manage it with the routine method.
    Though the catastrophe risk is an insurable risk, it is very apt to receive the
    erosion of the other way of shifting risks. Especially catastrophe risk has
    frequently brought the heavy pressure to insurance company in recent years.
    On the other hand the ability of risk management of tradition reinsurance is
    insufficient. Meanwhile, the development of the capital market offered the
    support and assurance to securitization of insurance risk. The inherent
    power of the insurance market and external gravitation of the capital market
    make securitization of insurance risk become true.
     Because the probability distribution and size of catastrophe loss can be
    confirmed and measured approximately, so we can standardize the loss of
    risk and use it to design and trade the insurance risk securitization products.
    It also proved the feasibility in actual operation of securitization of
    insurance risk through the quantitative analysis of the catastrophe bond.
    Compared with reinsurance, it has certain advantages in ability of giving
    cover, dissolving the risk and raising investor's income, dispersing
    investor's risk etc.
     Part Two: Positive research of securitization of insurance risk
     In the ways of insurance risk securitization, catastrophe bond is the
    most active. The pricing principle of the catastrophe bond is a simulatio
[1] 这里的保险业包括原保险业和再保险业。
    [2] 晏海兵.巨灾风险证券化解决巨灾保险支付能力不足的问题.博客中国.2004
     年 3 月 1 日.
    [3][4]肖文 孙明波.保险风险证券化的涵义及其发展[J].浙江金融,2003,(1):
    [5] 张莉 钟铃.国外保险证券化的发展和监管[N].金融时报,2003 年 12 月 8
    [6] 同 5。
    [7] 同 5。
    [8] 栾存存.保险在资本市场上的金融创新工具——巨灾债券.中国社会科学院网.
    [9] 栾存存.巨灾风险的保险研究与应对策略综述[J].经济学动态,2003,(9):
    [10] Paul K. Freeman, Hedging Natural Catastrophe Risk in Developing Country,
     Natural Disaster and Developing Countries Project.
    [11] 李栋梁.论巨灾风险证券化[J].上海综合经济,2002,(12):20.
    [12] 同 11。
    [13] 刘红 赵忠良.利用资本市场分散保险风险[J].保险研究,2003,(12):
    [14] 同 11。
    [15] 栾存存.保险业与资本市场的关联.中国社会科学院网.
    [16] 孙永贺 赵志坚.美国巨灾风险证券化[N].中国保险报,2003 年 10 月 9
    [17] 刘红 赵忠良.利用资本市场分散保险风险[J].保险研究,2003,(12):
    [18] 张琳.再保险市场供给不足的原因分析[J].保险研究,2003,(10):43.
    [19] 张琳.再保险市场供给不足的原因分析[J].保险研究,2003,(10):44.
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