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Entrepreneurial intention is a kind of subjective attitude that whether potentialentrepreneur are willing to engage in business activities, is the degree which people havesimilar to the characteristics of entrepreneurs and the general description of generalpeople's entrepreneurial attitude and ability. Entrepreneurial intention is the best predictorof entrepreneurship, is the core of the understanding of entrepreneurship. Thereforeentrepreneurial intention is the best breakthrough point of entrepreneurship research. Atpresent, the entrepreneurial intention research has become a new focus onentrepreneurship research all over the world. At the same time, our country has establishedthe "improve capacity for independent innovation, building an innovative country" and"promote job creation and encourage entrepreneurship to create more employmentopportunities" development strategy. College students are one of the most innovative andpotential of entrepreneurship groups. In this context, to strengthen the college students'entrepreneurial intention research becomes an imminent task. However, domestic researchon entrepreneurial intention is just started. Although scholars have taken a series ofresearch on some aspects such as defining the concept of entrepreneurial intention,analyzing the influencing factors. But there are still some problems. For instance, theconception and meaning of entrepreneurial intention need to be further explored, scientificmeasurements of entrepreneurial intention need to be further improved, influencing factorsof entrepreneurial intention need to be further improved, object of the study needs to bemore precise positioned and so on.
     Therefore, this study adopts a way which combined quantization with orientation, aswell as the empirical and theoretical analysis to appraisal the structure, present situation,influence factors and promotion countermeasures of college students' entrepreneurialintention. Specific content mainly includes the following three parts:
     The first part, the college students' entrepreneurial intention dimensions structure research. I use both qualitative and quantitative methods, on the basis of editing the"college students' entrepreneurial intention questionnaire"(CSEIQ), innovatively builtChinese college students entrepreneurial intention structure model. We found that collegestudents' entrepreneurial intention in China, including entrepreneurial behavior inclination,entrepreneurial desires and entrepreneurial feasibility those three primary dimensions.Entrepreneurial desires include materiality, sense of control, sense of achievement,innovativeness those four secondary dimensions. Entrepreneurial feasibility includingability, personality, experience and resources four secondary dimension.
     The second part, the present situation of college students' entrepreneurial intentioninvestigation. Using the independent development of college students' entrepreneurialintention questionnaire (CSEIQ) as a tool,5000college students from18universities of12provinces and cities as samples, we researched on the present situation of college students'entrepreneurial intentions and comprehensively summarized the level and features of thecurrent college students' entrepreneurial intention in China. Results show that the Chinesecollege students' entrepreneurial intention is of medium level or slightly lower; Malecollege students' entrepreneurial intention level is significantly higher than femalestudents'; the entrepreneurial intention level of the only child higher than the non-onlychild; the entrepreneurial intention level of students who come from business family ishigher than students without business family; the entrepreneurial intention level ofstudents with entrepreneurial experience is significantly higher than those withoutentrepreneurial experience; entrepreneurship intention of students who accept rich levelsentrepreneurial education is obviously higher than students who accept other degreeentrepreneurship education; the most active college entrepreneur is the seniors, freshmanstudents' entrepreneurial intention is the weakest; the entrepreneurial intention level ofagronomy specialized students is the strongest; the level of military medical students is theweakest; the level of entrepreneurial intention of college students on the east coast andcolleges students from that area are the highest.
     The third part, qualitative research on the influencing factor of college students'entrepreneurial intention. A semi-structured interview method to explore the influencingfactors of college students' entrepreneurial intentions. I tested the influences and functionof14factors such as personality traits, profession, employment effects and got a deep understanding of their affecting ways. Meanwhile it is the first time that I have found andproposed three aspects, college students' growth experience, both the life ideal and careerdevelopment goals, the ways of parents teaching, that influence college students'entrepreneurial intentions.
     According to the theoretical models and empirical results in the above study, wediscussed the measures to enhance college students' entrepreneurial intention in article, aswell as pointed out that to strengthen and improve entrepreneurship education is themost direct and effective countermeasures to promote college students entrepreneurialintention.This paper analyzed and proposed college students' psychological acceptance toentrepreneurship education includes the "Internalization-outside" two-way construction,"Value-facts‖dual-dimensional synthesis,"Relationships-process" two-state symbiosisthose three specific mechanisms. At the same time, it conducted a philosophical reflectionon the scientific design of college students' entrepreneurship education from relationshipanalysis, theoretical basis analysis and values positioning; and proposed optimizationstrategies on college students' entrepreneurship education from two aspects, to integrateentrepreneurship education basic theoretical model and to build comprehensive,systematic, vertical entrepreneurship education practice system.
     Overall, the significance and value of innovation is mainly reflected in four aspects:First, we developed students entrepreneurial intention questionnaire (CSEIQ) which inline with the requirements of psychometric, the latest entrepreneurial intentionmeasurement tools specifically for group of college students at present, which laidfoundation for the measurement and research on the meaning of college students'entrepreneurial intention. Second, we carried a special research on students'entrepreneurial intentions dimensional structure in the process of designing students'entrepreneurial intention questionnaire (CSEIQ). And we also creatively constructedcollege students' entrepreneurial intention dimensional structure model laid a theoreticalfoundation for a more scientific and accurate understanding of the meaning of collegestudents' entrepreneurial intention. Third, we did a research on college students' presententrepreneurial intention among over5000college students from18colleges anduniversities in the12provinces and cities in our country and conducted a comprehensivesummary of the current college students' level and characteristics in entrepreneurial intention. It is currently one of the most comprehensive and objective college students'entrepreneurial intention surveys. Fourth, we take qualitative interview method not onlyvalidated factors affecting entrepreneurial intention in previous studies and had morereal, concrete and effective description of them, but also gained new discovery of factorsaffecting entrepreneurial intention and provided effective enlightenment for thequantitative empirical about entrepreneurial intention influencing factors in the future.Meanwhile this research does also have two shortcomings. First the sampling process ofcollege students' entrepreneurial intention questionnaire (CSEIQ) need to be optimizedand the relations among influencing factors of college students' entrepreneurial intentionneed to be dig into further. Next, this research should be conducted further and deeper onperfect measurement tool about college students' entrepreneurial intention, interventionistexperiment and cross-cultural comparison and so on.
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