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In the modernization process of the19th century, Britain has gradually formed a more mature, independent of political country public sphere—the civil society. The British middle class by means of the voluntary societies, built the public sphere, attended political activities positively, which pushed the development of the political democratization. This paper is to study the relationship between the civil society and political state, with the perspectives of the civil society theory and the point-cut of the middle class voluntary societies in the19th Century British modernization of macro historical context. Based on this purpose, this paper makes a thorough and systematic analysis of the voluntary associations ranging from the social foundation, organization types, morphological structures and economic mechanism, social function and its relationship with the country, trying to shed light on the internal relatives between the voluntary societies and social development of Britain so as to discuss it objectively and fairly.
     The rise of the British middle class voluntary societies in19th century had profound cultural historical origins and solid social foundation. The culture foundation including the17-18th century enlightenment thinkers'civil society theory, the19th-century liberal thought and the idea of "self-help" of the middle class. Industrial Revolution had greatly changed the class structure of traditional society in that the middle class has become the main class in British society. With the growth of the middle class economic strength and the formation of class" consciousness, and that they must have the demand of political change and the desire of the regime. British society at that time, however, was not provide an organizational form to exert their influence and access to social popularity for this group, they must create their own institutions. Along with the swift and violent development of the industrialization, Britain has entered into the era of rapid urbanization, and series of social problems in cities come forth subsequently, what become the objective reality factors that the middle class set up voluntary societies.
     The voluntary society was full of variety from its own connotation to the visible expression. This paper focuses on the lots of the voluntary societies of three towns—Blackburn, Bolton and Preston, according to that of the activity purpose and social function as well as commonly used classification standard, put them into five categories such as the economic societies, political organizations, cultural associations, charitable organizations and religious communities, and to give a picture of the development and prosperity of them.
     Although these societies were diverse in their form, size and purpose, they had some basic similarities and common characteristics of the organization form. From the micro level, this paper is to make a detailed study of the internal structure, membership qualification limit status, economic status and occupation, economic management mechanism and self-management way of the societies. Try to reveal the organizational management mode, outline a dimensional construct, and understand the basis of self-discipline and autonomy of the voluntary societies.
     The important contribution of voluntary societies to the complex industrial society and urbanization was for the middle class provided available free choice of a way to the city life, it offered a form of cooperation and unity for the individual action of the highly differentiated, mobile, fragmented and diverse society. This paper is to investigate that the middle class carried out the social responsibilities from charity, culture identity and political participation and social governance aspects, as well as analyze the characteristics of the middle class voluntary associations as the foundations of democracy identity.
     Civil society needs political state just as the political state needs to the civil society which has already formed the dialectical relationship between the two. In terms of historical context of Britain, civil society in19th century Britain was enshrined by the state that protected it with laws and with main force, otherwise it could not exist as a form of social structure. Therefore, this paper will research the democratic value and significance of the middle class voluntary society from the aspect of theory. Through the analysis of the checks and balances political structures between the sound and perfect political power, and also of the improve relationship between the socialization of power and the social fabric, consequently, I think that the voluntary association was the key factor that formed the interactive relationship based on the moderate separation of civil society and political state, and the moderate separation and positive interaction of two was the foundation of the British social and political stability.
     On the basis of the above analysis, I think that the autonomy, self-discipline, democracy and open association culture is a kind of democratic participation culture in the practice. It advocates the personal freedom under the democracy, and hopes to unite harmoniously the personal freedom and public value. The middle class through the association culture condenses personal strength, to ensure that the ability of the freedom to participate and maintain civil society, and to form a tension balance of state power, consequently, such a culture paved the way for a stable open liberal democracy in the19th century Britain.
① 亨廷顿、米尔斯、高德索普、丹尼尔·贝尔等学者认为中产阶级是平衡官僚主义和平民主义的重要力量,在一定的条件下有稳定社会的功能。如,亨廷顿认为随着商业化的、官僚化的中间阶层的逐渐壮大,中间阶层的保守倾向将越来越明显,如果这时现代法治民主政治也取得一定的成就,中间阶层的保守性就成为法治民主政治的稳定力量。([美]塞缪尔·亨廷顿.变动社会的政治秩序.张岱云等译.上海:上海译文出版社,1989.第50页。)德国学者贝克在《没有劳动的资本主义》中指出:中产阶级“是不同阶级总体平衡中的一支主要的稳定力量。作为阶级平衡的重要因素,他们使自由资本主义社会得以延续下去。他们的发展将阻止无产阶级化的蔓延,在劳资间起缓冲作用——他们是阶级利益的平衡器和稳定器,是给社会带来和谐的使者”。(转引自张世鹏,殷叙彝.全球化时代的资本主义.北京:中央编译局,1998.第119页。)
    ② 美国学者李普塞特认为法西斯主义基本上是中产阶级的运动,它代表着既对资本主义也对社会主义,既对大企业也对大工会的抗议。([美]西摩·马丁·李普塞特.政治人——政治的社会基础.北京:商务印书馆,1993.第100-101页。)K.罗伯茨等学者在《破碎的中产阶级结构》一书中提出“破碎的中产阶级”观点,认为中产阶级会越来越走向破碎化,会分化为不同阶级,这样分裂、破碎的阶级本身矛盾重重,难以具有社会稳定功能的力量。(转引自李强.关于中产阶级的理论与现状.社会,2005第1期.第28-42页。)
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    ⑤ Louis Wirth.On Cities and Social Life. jr. Albert J. Reiss ed.. Chicago,1964.
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    ② John K. Walton. The English Seaside Resort:A Social History 1750-1914. New York:Leicester University Press, 1983. p.24.
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    ④ William Tunnicliff. A Topographical Survey of the Counties of Stafford, Chester and Lancaster. Nantwich,1787, pp.96-97, pp.101-102.
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    ① 转引自R. S. Crossley. Accrington Captains of Industry. Accrington,1930. pp.30-39.
    ② John Thompson Jr.. A History of the Public Park, Blackburn. Preston Guardian, Oct.24,1857, p.16.
    ③ Shaw, Albums of articles.'John Dugdale and Sons, Iron-Founders,'Blackburn Times, July 19,1830; Robert Hopwood. Blackburn Times, Dec.2,1833. Blackburn Reference Library, B920,'Our Portrait Gallery', cuttings from Blackburn Weekly Telegraph, c.1888, pp.51-52; Hall, Lowerhouse and the Dugdales, p.7; Crossley, Accrington Captains, p.86; Abram, Blackburn Characters of a Past Generation, Blackburn,1894, p.197.
    ④ Crouzet. The First Industrialists. The Problem of Origins. Cambridge 1985; Honeyman. Origins of Enterprise.
    ① Abram. Blackburn. Bolton Archives and Local Studies, Bolton Biographical Notes, B1, p.1, obit. of Peter Ormrod, May 1875; p.10, The Peter Rothwells of Bolton'; p.38,obit. of Peter Martin, July 1879. Shaw, Album of articles, Jeseph Harrison, BT, Jan.4,1930; Lewis family, Blackburn Times, Feb.10,1834. Richmond and Turton eds., Brewing Industry, p.332. Abram,'Sketches,'vol.Ⅱ, Preston Guardian, Feb.21,1880. Stephen Simpson, Simpson:Records of an Ancient Yeoman Family of the West Ridding of Yorkshire 1544-1922, Derby and London, 1922, p.24. Rev. William Kirkman. The Memorials of Mr. Thomas Crouch Hincksman, London,1885, p.3.
    ① Edward Baines, junior. The social, educational and religious state of the manufacturing districts. London and Leeds,1843.
    ② 王名.民间组织通论.北京:时事出版社,2004.第18-19页。
    ① Lois Basnett.'The History of the Bolton and Leigh Railway Based on the Hulton Papers (1824-1828),' Transactions of the Lancashire and Cheshire Antiquarian Society, LXII,1950-51, pp.157-58,164-65,174.
    ② Public Record Office, DDHu 6/1,2,4-6,12,17,18,20,21.
    ③ John Marshall. The Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway. Newton Abbot,1969, vol.Ⅰ.
    ① Public Record Office, Minutes of Directors of Preston and Wigan Railway Company, RAIL 534/4, Aug.5,1831, June 4,28,1838.
    ② N. Parker. The Preston and Longridge Railway. The Oakwood Press,1972. pp.4-7.
    ③ Catherine Rothwell. A History of Fleetwood-on-Wyre 1834-1934.
    ④ Public Record Office. Lancaster and Preston Railway Company Minutes, RAIL 347/1, Apr.13 1836, Jan.6 1837, June 19.
    ① Bolton Archives and Local Studies, Bolton and Preston Railway Minute Book, RR/4/1, Apr.11,25,28, Oct. 13,27 1836; Gordon Biddle,'The Lancaster Tramroad,' part II, Journal of the Railway and Canal Historical Society, v.9, No.5, Nov.1963, pp.94,96.
    ② Brian G. Awty. 'The Introduction of Gas Lighting to Preston,'THSLC,125,1974,pp.84-100.
    ① William Alexander Abram. History of the Blackburn Gas-Light Company.1879.
    ② James Clegg.The Bolton Gas Company:1818-1872. An Historical Retrospect. Bolton,1872, reprinted from BC. pp.8-36.
    ③ Bolton Archives and Local Studies. Minutes of Commissioners of the Turton and Entwisle Reservoir, UWT/1, esp. May 9,21, Sep., Dec.26 1832, July 25 1836,Aug.2 1843.
    ④ Preston Chronicle, Sept.3 1836, p.1.
    ⑤ Bolton Free Press. May 1 1841, p.2; May 8 1841, p.2.
    ⑥ Extracts from Various Authors on the General Advantages of Bathing. Bolton,1846.
    ① Blackburn Standard, July 17 1850, p.1.
    ② Blackburn Standard, July 23 1845, p1.
    ③ Blackburn Gazette, Nov.28 1832, pp.1-4.
    ① Blackburn Reference Library,'Minutes and Reports of the proceeding of the Blackburn Association for the effecting the abolition of the East India Company's Monopoly of Salt, and reduction of the duty on Tea, and of the Commercial Association from Sep.24,1846 to Feb.9,1848,'including extracts from Blackburn Standard, Sept. 23 1846; Preston Guardian, Sept.4 1847; Manchester Guardian, Sept.4 1847.
    ② Sir Alan John Sykes eds.. Concerning the Bleaching Industry, Manchester,1925, pp.26-28.
    ① Linda Colley. Britons:Forging the Nation 1707-1837. New Haven and London,1992.
    ② W. Brimelow. Political and Parliamentary History of Bolton, Bolton,1882, pp.7-10; Bolton Chronicle, Sept.9 1837, p.2.
    ① Lt. Col. B. Palin Dobson, History of the Bolton Artillery 1860-1928. Bolton,1929. pp.2-3.
    ② Blackburn Mail, Apr.25 1798, p.3; Abram, A History of Blackburn, Town and Parish (Blackburn 1877), p.412.
    ③ Blackburn Mail, May 16 1798, p.3.
    ④ Blackburn Mail, Apr.25 1798, p.3.
    ⑤ Home Office Papers:Correspondence re internal defence, disturbances, and law and order.50/75, Bancroft to Derby, Aug.26 1803.
    ⑥ Home Office Papers:Correspondence re internal defence, disturbances, and law and order.50/75, Watson to Derby, July 26 1803.
    ① Bancroft. A Sermon Preached Before the Officers and Privates of the Loyal Bolton Volunteer Corps of Infantry, on Thursday, May 6th,1802, Being the Day on which they were Disembodied, and their Colours Deposited in the Parish Church of Bolton (Bolton 1802), pp.4,13.
    ② Albert Goodwin. The Friends of Liberty. Harvard University Press,1979, p.195.
    ③ Home Office Papers:Correspondence re internal defence, disturbances, and law and order.40/1, May 15 1812.
    ④ Lancashire Record Office, DDHu 53/82/82, Notice of meeting, Sept.25 1818.
    ⑤ [德]马克斯·比尔.英国社会主义史.下卷.何新舜译.北京:商务印书馆,1959.第28页。
    ① D.J. Rowe. London Radicalism 1830-1843-A selection of the papers of Francis Place. London,1970, p.xvi, p.62.
    ② Bolton Chronicle, Feb.12 1831, p.4.
    ③ Bolton Chronicle, Feb.26 1831, pp.1,3.
    ④ Preston Chronicle, Apr.2 1831, p.3.
    ① Preston Chronicle, Oct.1,1831, p.3; Oct.8,1831 p.3; Preston Pilot, Mar.12 1831, p.2.
    ② Patrick Joyce,'A People and a Class:Industrial Workers and the Social Order in Nineteenth-Century England,'in Bush (ed.), Social Orders, p.205.
    ③ John A. Phillips, The Great Reform Bill in the Boroughs:English Electoral Behaviour,1818-1841, Oxford,1992, pp.298-301.
    ④ David Wash,'Operative Conservatism in Lancashire,1833-1846. Some Comments on a Changing Political Culture', Occasional Paper in Politics and Contemporary History,11, University of Salford,1987, pp.22,27.
    ⑤ Blackburn Alfred, Feb.18 1833, p.8.
    ① Blackburn Standard, Apr.29 1835, p.8; Feb.4, p.4; Feb.11,p.4. Whittle, Blackburn, p.161.
    ② Preston Chronicle, June 6 1835, p.3.
    ③ Preston Chronicle, Feb.6 1836, p.2. David Walsh, "Working Class Political Integration and the Conservative Party:A Study of Class Relations and Party Political Development in the North-West,1800-1870," Ph. D. thesis, University of Salford,1991, chs.9-10.
    ④ Lancashire Record Office, DDPr/51/3a, Report of the Proceedings at the Meeting of the Bolton Operative Conservative Association, held in the Little Bolton Town Hall, June 1st,1836, Bolton,1836. pp.3-11,16-18, 27-28.
    ⑤ Report of the Proceedings at the First Anniversary Dinner of the Horwich Operative Conservative Association, Bolton,1836, pp.3-16.
    ⑥ R. Stewart.The Foundation of the Conservative Party 1830-1867. Longman,1978. p.133.
    ① Preston Chronicle, May 26 1832, p.3. For a clear statement of middle-class reformers reneging on their radicalism as soon as Reform was safe, see Belchem,'Orator'Hunt, pp.259-266.
    ② Bolton Free Press, Aug.18,1838, p.3.
    ③ Bolton Free Press, Mar.16 1844, p.3.
    ④ A. L. Lowell. The Government of England:Two Parts. New York, Macmillan,1919. p.42.
    ③ 参见王觉非.近代英国史.第459-460页。
    ① Bolton Free Press, Feb.16,1839, p.3.
    ② Bolton Free Press, Dec.27 1845, p.3.
    ③ Preston Chronicle, Feb.9 1839, p.2; Jan.4 1845, p.3; Dec.6, p.2; Dec.13, p.2.
    ④ Ashworth, Recollections, p.218.
    ① Porter. Science, Provincial Culture and Public Opinion in Enlightenment England. British Journal of Eighteenth-Century Studies,3,1980. pp.20-46.
    ② Census of Great Britain,1851. Education. England and Wales. Report and Tables. London,1854. p.245.
    ③ Harris Reference Library, Minutes of the Preston literary and Philosophical Society, Mar.12,20; Apr.30; May 3, 14; Dec.3 1810.
    ④ Marian Roberts. The Story of Winckley Square. Preston 1988. p.50.
    ⑤ John Rainforth. Address to the Bolton Philosophical and Literary Society, Aug.13 1813. Lancashire Record Office, Allen Collection, DP 282/14, printed circular of Oct.18 181.
    ⑥ Blackburn Mail, Aug.27 1823, p.2; Blackburn Standard, Oct.30 1844, p.3.
    ⑦ Catalogue of the Library at Penwortham Lodge, Preston,1823.
    ⑧ Abram. Blackburn Characters, p.103.
    ⑨ Hall ed.. Miss Weeton, p.255, letter to Mrs. Whitehead, Apr.18 1810:'The collection is numerous, valuable, and well selected. How rich I should be in books if I had all in Mr P's library that had never been read.'
    ① Tom Dunne. A History of Public Libraries in Bolton from the Beginnings to 1974. Ph. D. thesis, University of Strathclyde,1981. p.46-53.
    ② Blackburn Reference Library,'Exchange News Room a/c's & c.'
    ③ Susan Bullen. The Cultural Life of Preston 1742-1842. MA thesis, University of Leicester,1970. pp.43-44.
    ① J. H. Arrowsmith. Essay on Mechanics'Institute, with a Particular Relation to the Institute Recently Established in Bolton. Bolton 1825, pp.5,7,10,12-13,15-20.
    ② First Annual Report of the Bolton Mechanics Institute, Bolton.1826, pp.5,8,12.
    ③ Reports of the Bolton Mechanics Institute:Report for 1830-31. Bolton Chronicle, Oct.8,1831.
    ④ Reports of the Bolton Mechanics Institute:Report for 1837. Bolton Free Press, Sept.30,1837.
    ⑤ Joseph Livesey. Autobiography of Joseph Livesey. London,1881, pp.41-43.
    ⑥ Preston Chronicle, Nov.15 1828, p.3.
    ① Alison Andrew. The Working Class and Education in Preston 1830-1870. A Study of Social Relations'. Ph. D. thesis, University of Leicester,1987, pp.139-141.
    ② Lancashire Record Office, QDS/1/4/131, Preston Institution for the Diffusion of Knowledge, Oct.1837.
    ③ Preston Chronicle, Apr.21 1849, p.4; Apr.28, pp.4,7. Hewitson, Preston, pp.449-450.
    ④ Blackburn Reference Library, Minute Book for the Mechanics Institute, B374.2,1844-46:Mar.27, Apr.4 1844.
    ① Whittle, Blackburn, pp.32-33.
    ② John Taylor. Autobiography of a Lancashire Lawyer. Bolton,1883.pp.68-69.
    ③ John Taylor. Autobiography of a Lancashire Lawyer, pp.122-24.
    ④ Hewitson. Preston, p.250.
    ⑤ Henry Whittaker. The Union Club, Blackburn 1849-1949. A Short History. Blackburn,1950. pp.4-12.
    ① Blackburn Mail, Jan.22 1794, p.3; Jan.29, p.3; Feb.12, p.3.
    ② Blackburn Mail, Feb.27 1811.
    ③ Lancashire Record Office, Allen Collection, DP 281/37, Report of the Committee for the Relief of the Poor resident in the Township of Little Bolton,1817. BM, Jan.19 1820, p.2.
    ④ Public Record Office, HO 40/20, J. W. Whittaker to Francis Fortune, London, May 8 1826.
    ① Blackburn Mail, Apr.12,1826, p.3.
    ② Public Record Office, Kew, Home Office Papers:40/19, Rogerson to Peel, May 20; 40/21, printed resolutions of meeting, Aug.12; McAdam to James McAdam (his son), Aug.13.
    ③ Cooke Taylor.Tour in the Manufacturing Districts.pp.42-43.
    ① Bolton District Provident Society Report,1840, pp.30-33.
    ② Bolton District Provident Society Report,1842, pp.7-11.
    ③ The Blackburn Standard, Dec.1 1841, pp.1,3; Nov.17, p.2.
    ① Blackburn Reference Library, Report of the Blackburn Strangers'Friend Society For the Year 1827.
    ② Lancashire Record Office, Preston Dispensary Records. Draft First Report, Oct.1910; Derby to John Taylor, Nov. 25 1809.
    ③ John V. Pickstone. Medicine and Industrial Society. A History of Hospital Development in Manchester and its Region,1752-1946. Manchester,1985. pp.69-71; Meg Whittle. Philanthropy in Preston:The Changing Face of Charity in a 19th Century Provincial Town. Ph. D. thesis, University of Lancaster,1990. pp.88-111.
    ④ Bolton Archives and Local Studies, Bolton Dispensary Minute Book 1813-1818. HBO/1/1/1, Dec.2,11 1813, Mar.4 1814.
    ① Bolton Archives and Local Studies, Bolton Infirmary Reports 1818-1860, HBO/1/10/1,1818-19 Report, pp. 4-24.
    ② Bolton Archives and Local Studies, Report for 1825-26, pp.3-4; 1826-27, pp.10,12; 1827-28, pp.6-7; 1828-29, pp.3-5,11; 1829-30, pp.4-6.
    ③ Bolton Archives and Local Studies, Report for 1830-31, pp.4-5,7; 1836-37, pp.3-4,6; 1837-38, pp.3-5;1838-39, pp.4-5.
    ① J. G Shaw. History of the Blackburn Saving Bank 1831-1931. Lancashire Record Office, QDS/3/1/11, Blackburn Savings Bank, Fed.1818.
    ② Lancashire Record Office, QDS/3/1/10a, Bolton Bank for Savings, deposited in office of Clerk of the Peace, Apr.
    ① Lancashire Record Office, QDS/2/1/45, Lodge of Peace and Unity.
    ② Brother James Rostron, History of the Lodge of Fidelity, No.269,1788-1914, Blackburn,1914.
    ① Harris, Preston Auxiliary Bible Society:Address and Reports:Report of the Preston Auxiliary Bible Society (Preston 1815), pp.5-6,9-16,28,34-36.
    ② 其职业主要根据Rogerson's Lancashire Directory (Blackburn,1818)整理。
    ① Preston Chronicle, Dec.7 1818, p.2; Dec.14, p.2.
    ② Preston Chronicle, Apr.16 1836, p.3.
    ③ Preston Chronicle, Dec.14 1833, p.2-3.
    ④ Blackburn Alfred, Mar.12 1834, p.1.
    ⑤ Blackburn Alfred, Mar.20 1833, p.1.
    ① George Thistlethwaite, William Thistlethwaite, pp.57-63.
    ② William Jones, The Fainting of a Standard-Bearer. A Sermon Preached at Mawdley-Street Chapel, Bolton, on Sunday, January 14th,1838, Occasioned by the Lamented Death of the Rev. William Thistlethwaite, M A. (Bolton, 2nd edn.,1838),pp.4,7-8.
    ③ Whitaker, An History of the Original Parish of Whalley.4th edn.,1872, vol.11,p.217.
    ① Sir Walter Scott's.St Ronan's Well. edited by Mark Weinstein. Edinburgh University Press,1995.
    ② Daniel C. Paton's. Drink and the Temperance Movement in Nineteenth-Century Scotland. Ph.D thesis, Edinburgh University,1976.
    ③ Anonymous feature article. Intemperance-causes and remedies. The Scotsman,16 June 1827.
    ④ George B. Wilson. Alcohol and the Nation:A Contribution to the Study of the Liquor Problem in the United Kingdom from 1800 to 1935. London:Nicholson & Watson,1940; Paton. Drink and the Temperance Movement, pp.103-3; Rudolph Kenny and Anthony Mooney. People's Palace:Victorian and Edwardian Pubs of Scotland.Edinburgh:Paul Harris,1983. pp.19-20.
    ⑤ Lancashire Record Office, OGR/2/29, Chaplain's Report, Oct.1839. p.9.
    ① W. E. Moss. Blackburn's First Temperance Society Centenary, Blackburn 1931, p.8.转引自Brian Harrison, Drink and the Victorians:The Temperance Question in England 1815-1872, Pittsburgh,1972. p.107.
    ② D. O'Connor. The Temperance Movement in Bolton'MS. Bollon Archives and Local Studies,1974.pp.3-4.
    ③ Bolton Free Press, Jan.4 1840. O'Connor,'Temperance Movement,'pp.6,20,25-26,30-31.
    ① Frank Hodgkinson. The Social Origins of the Teetotal Movement in Preston 1820-1835.Cert. Ed. dissertation, Chorley College of Education,1976.
    ② Davidoff and Hall. Family Fortunes, p.430.
    ③ Clive Behagg. Politics and Production in the Early Nineteenth Century. London:Routledge,1990; Eugenion F. Biagini and Alastair J. Reid. eds.. Currents of Radicalism:Popular Radicalism, Organized Labour and Party Politics in Britain,1850-1914. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1991; Brian Harrison and Patricia Hollies, eds.. Robert Lowery, Radical and Chartist. London:Europa,1979. pp.11-13.
    ④ Amanda Vikery. The Gentlemen's Dauthter:Women's Lives in Georgian England. New Haven, London:Ylae Untiversity Press,1988.p.256.
    ① Thomas Bernard. An Account of the Ladies'Schools and Some Other Charities at Leeds. Report of the Society for Bettering the Condition of the Poor,4 25 Dec.1803.
    ② Amanda Vikery. The Gentlemen's Dauthter:Women's Lives in Georgian England, p.342.
    ③ Simey. Charitable Efforts in Liverpool in Nineteenth Century, p.21.
    ④ Amanda Vikery.The Gentlemen's Dauthter:Women's Lives in Georgian England.p.342.
    ⑤ Amanda Vikery. The Gentlemen's Dauthter:Women's Lives in Georgian England, p.342.
    ⑥ Leonore Davidoff and Catherine Hall. Family Fortunes, p.434.
    ⑦ F. K. Prochaska. Women and Philanthropy in Nineteenth-Century England, pp.5-27.
    ⑧ Annual Reports of the Leeds Guardian Society. Leeds,1820-51.
    ⑨ Sandra Burmand. edt.Fit Work for Women. London:Croom Helm,1979,p.34.
    ① Sandra Burmand. edt.Fit Work for Women, p.54.
    ② Yaffa Clair Drazanin. Victorian London's Midddle-Class Housewige. London:Grennwood Press,2000. p.146.
    ③ Sue Morgan. edt. Women, Religion and Feminism in Britain,1750-1900. London:Macmillan,2002, p.30.
    ④ Sue Morgan, edt. Women, Religion and Feminism in Britain,1750-1900. p.30.
    ⑤ Hannah Barker and Elaine Chalus. edt. Gender in Eighteenth-Century England, Role, Representations and Responsibilities. London:Longman,1997, p.118.
    ⑥ Hannah Barker and Elaine Chalus. edt. Gender in Eighteenth-Century England, Role, Representations and Responsibilities, p.114-119.
    ⑦ Pamela Horn. Victorian Countrywomen. Oxford,1991. p51.
    ① Pamela Horn. Victorian Countrywomen. Oxford,1991. p.60.
    ② Helen Corr. The Schoolgirl's Curriculum and the Ideology of the Home,1870-1914. Glasgow Women's Studies Group, Uncharted Lives:Extracts from Scottish Women's Experiences,1850-1982.Glasgow,1983; Sheila Hamilton. The First Generations of University Women. Gordon Donaldson, edt. Four Centuries. Edinburgh University Life,1583-1983. Edinburgh,1983.
    ③ Jane Randall. The Origins of Modern Feminism, Women in Britain, France and the U S.,1790-1880, London: Macmillian,1985, p.246.
    ④ Jane Rendall. edt. Equal or Different Women's Politcis 1800-1914. Oxford:Basil Blackwell,1987, p.84.
    ① Jane Randall. The Origins of Modern Feminism, Women in Britain, France and the U S.,1790-1880. p.246.
    ② Harold L. Smith. Suffrage Campaign 1866-1928. London:Longman,1998. p.6.
    ③ Liddington and Norris. One Hand Tied Behind Us. pp.64-83.
    ① Profiles of Excellence:Studies of the Effectiveness of Nonprofit Organizations. Executive Summary. Washington, DC:Independent Sector,1989. p.3.
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    ① W. Brimelow. Political and Parliamentary History of Bolton, Bolton,1882. pp.7-10; Bolton Chronicle, Sept.9 1837. p.2.
    ② Lancashire Record Office, Preston Dispensary Records. Draft First Report, Oct.1910; Derby to John Taylor, Nov. 25 1809.
    ③ Rudd. An Address...May 13 1811; At the Commencement of a Course of Lectures to the Society, on Natural and Experimental Philosophy. Preston 1811. pp.9-10.
    ④ Harris. Preston Auxiliary Bible Society:Address and Reports:Report of the Preston Auxiliary Bibl Society.Preston,1815.p.5.
    ⑤ Souvenir of the Preston Savings Bank 1816-1907, Preston 1907. pp.16-28; Lancashire Record Office, QDS/3/1/33, Preston Bank for Savings, Jan.1 1822.
    ⑥ J. H. Arrowsmith. Essay on Mechanics'Institute, with a Particular Relation to the Institute Recently Established in Bolton. Bolton 1825. pp.5,7,10,12-13,15-20.
    ⑦ Blackburn Gazette, Nov.28 1832, pp.1-4.
    ① Blackburn Alfred, Feb.18 1833, p.8.
    ② Bolton Free Press, Aug.18,1838, p.3.
    ③ Bolton District Provident Society Report,1840, pp.30-33.
    ④ Blackburn Reference Library,'Minutes and Reports of the proceeding of the Blackburn Association for the effecting the abolition of the East India Company's Monopoly of Salt, and reduction of the duty on Tea, and of the Commercial Association from Sep.24,1846 to Feb.9,1848'.
    ⑤ Peter Borsay. English Urban Renaissance:Culture and Society in the Provincial Town,1660-1770.
    ① Report of the public meeting of the Leeds Temperance Society held in the Music Hall,21 January 1836. Leeds, 1836; J. W. Hudson. The history of adult education.1851. pp.92-5; J. F. C. Harrison. Drink and the Victorians.p. 38.
    ② [英]迈克尔·曼.社会权力的来源.第二卷·上.陈海宏等译.上海:上海人民出版社,2007.第137页。
    ① H.T.Dickinson. Liberty and Property.London,1977, p52.
    ② F. O'Gorman. The Emergence of the British Two-Party System 1760-1832. Edward Arnold,1982. p62-63.
    ③ Joel H. Wiener, edt. Great Britain:the lion at home:a documentary history of domestic policy,1689-1973. vol.1. New York,1974.pp1036-1037.
    ① Birmingham Journal, Aug.4,1832.
    ② Carlos Flick, The Birmingham Political Union and the Movements for Reform in Britain,1830-39. p28.
    ③ Joel H. Wiener, edt. Great Britain:the lion at home:a documentary history of domestic policy,1689-1973.vol.1. pp1030-1031.
    ④ Joel H. Wiener, edt. Great Britain:the lion at home:a documentary history of domestic policy,1689-1973.vol.1. p1031.
    ⑤ Carlos Flick.The Birmingham Political Union and the Movements for Reform in Britain 1830-39. p50.
    ⑥ Carlos Flick.The Birmingham Political Union and the Movements for Reform in Britain 1830-39. p80-82.
    ① Eric J. Evans. The Forging of the Modern State:Early Industrial Britain,1783-1870. p62.
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    ① [英]R.G.甘米奇.宪章运动史.第23页。
    ② R. J. Morris. Urban Associations in England and Scotland,1750-1914:The Formation of the Middle Class or the Formation of a Civil Society?; The first Annual Report of the Society for the Suppression of Beggars, Edinburgh 1814; Report of the Society for the relief of the Destitute Sick, Edinburgh 1817; Report of the Committee for Affording Relief to the Labouring Classes in the City and Suburbs, Edinburgh 1817.
    ① Toshihiko Iwama. Voluntary Societies And The Urban Local Community:A Case Study of The Halifax Mechanics'Institution. Family & Community History.Vol.11/Ⅰ, May 2008.
    ① Proceedings of the fifth meetings of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, Held in Dublin, Aug. 1835, Dublin:Philip Dixon Hardy,3, Cecilia-Street,1835.
    ② Report of the Seventeenth Meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science. Held at Oxford in June 1847. London:John Murray, Albemarle Street,1848.
    ① Report of the committee appointed by the commissioners of police to inquire into the practicality of suppressing the practice of common begging and relieving the industrious poor. Edinburgh,1812.
    ② Report of the ordinary directors of the Edinburgh Lancastrian School Society. Edinburgh,1813; Observations upon the propriety of establishing a Lancastrian School in Edinburgh. Edinburgh,1811.
    ③ J. F. C. Harrison. Learning and living,1790-1960:a study of the English adult education movement.1961. pp. 59-61; H.0. Home. A history of savings banks. Oxford,1947.
    ④ Leeds Mercury,22 Aug.1840.
    ⑤ Leeds Mercury,19 Sep.1840.
    ① General Minute Book of the Transactions of the Leeds Philosophical and Literary Society,19 May 1826. Archives Department, Leeds University Library.
    ② H. O. Home. The History of Savings Banks. Oxford,1847.
    ③ Halifax and Huddersfield Express,21 Jan.1832.
    ④ Report of the Yorkshire Union of the Mechanics' Institutes.1841. p.19.
    ⑤ John Naylor. Some factors in the making of the soul in Halifax parish, Hebden Bridge:A.F. Thomas.1911, p.11
    ① HG 2 Oct.1847.30 Dec.1848.
    ② Calderdale District Archives, the Halifax Mechanics' institution:2, Jan.1849-Jan.1850.
    ③ J.G. Dunlop.ed., The Dunlop Papers, Volume 1:Autobiography of John Dunlop. London:privately printed,1932, p.59.
    ④ J.G. Dunlop.edt. Autobiography of John Dunlop, p.60.
    ⑤ Bernard Aspinwall. Portable Utopia:Glasgow and the United States,1820-1920. Aberdeen:Aberdeen University Press,1984. pp.109-119.
    ⑥ P.T. Winskill. The Temperance Movement and Its Workers:A Record of Social, Moral, Religious and political Progress, vol.Ⅰ. London:Blackie& Son,1893. pp.57; Thomson. Random Notes and Rambling Recollections. pp.123-4.
    ⑦ John Dunlop. On the Extent and Remedy of National Intemperance. Glasgow:William Collins,1829. p.iii.
    ⑧ Glasgow and West of Scotland Temperance Society, First Annual Report.Glasgow,1830. p.3.
    ① Stewart J. Brown. Thomas Chalmers and the communal ideal in Victorian Scotland.In T.C. Smout. edt., Victorian Values:A Joint Symposium of the Royal Society of Edinburgh and the British Academy. Oxford:Oxford University Press,1992. pp.61-80.
    ② John Dunlop. The University Tendency to Association in Mankind. London:Houlston & Stoneman,1840. p.224.
    ③ Stevenson Macgill. On elementary education. Edinburgh:Waugh& Innes,1819. pp.192-238.
    ④ John Dunlop. The University Tendency to Association in Mankind. London:Houlston & Stoneman,1840. p.121.
    ⑤ John Dunlop. The University Tendency to Association in Mankind. p227.
    ⑥ Scottish Temperance Society, Fourth Annual Report. Glasgow,1834. pp.44-48.
    ① British Parliamentary Papers,1834(559), VIII, Select Committee of the House of Commons on Drunkenness, p.581.
    ② Western Scottish Temperance Union, Second Annual Report. Glasgow,1841.
    ③ 根据1841年的英国人口普查数据整理。
    ④ James Handley. The Irish in Scotland. Glasgow:John S. Burns,1964. pp.116-118.
    ⑤ Glasgow Herald,19 August 1842.
    ⑥ Harrison. Drink and the Victorians.p112-120.
    ⑦ Wilson. Alcohol and the Nation, pp.118-9.
    ① Report of the ordinary directors of the Edinburgh Lancastrian School Society. Edinburgh,1813; British and Foreign School Society, Manual of the System of Teaching,1816; Leeds Mercury,14 September 1839; Annual general meeting of the British and Foreign School Society, Newcastle, In Wilson Collection, vol. iv, p.866.
    ② Scottish Missionary and Philanthropic Register, vol. XII, Edinburgh,1831.
    ① Second Annual Report of the Second Leeds Permanent Building Society. Leeds,1851.
    ① Blackburn Mail. Feb.27 1811.
    ② William Alexander Abram. A History of Blackburn, Town and Parish. Blackburn,1877. pp.284-285,570.
    ③ J. G. Shaw. History of the Blackburn Saving Bank 1831-1931.
    ④ Blackbum Alfred, Mar.12 1834, p.1.
    ⑤ Lancashire Record Office, Feilden Papers, Rectory and Manor of Blackburn, DDCm 2/45, Abstract of Messrs Feilden's Title to the Rectory of Blackburn.
    ⑥ The Blackburn Standard, Dec.1 1841, pp.1,3; Nov.17, p.2.
    ⑦ Bolton Free Press, Dec.27 1845,p.3.
    ① Lancashire Record Office, DDPr/51/3a, Report of the Proceedings at the Meeting of the Bolton Operative Conservative Association, held in the Little Bolton Town Hall, June 1st,1836, Bolton,1836. pp.3-28.
    ② J.G Dunlop. ed., The Dunlop Papers, Volume 1:Autobiography of John Dunlop; J.G. Dunlop, The Dunlop Papers, Volume Ⅱ:The Dunlops of Dunlop, and of Auchenskaith, Keppoach and Gairbraid, London:privately printed, 1933.
    ③ Dunlop. The Dunlops of Dunlop. p.229.
    ④ David Keir. The House of Collins:the Story of a Family of Publishers from 1789 to the Present Day. London: Collins,1952. pp.94-98.
    ⑤ Winskill. The Temperance Movement, vol.Ⅰ, p.57.
    ⑥ Irene Maver. The Temperance Movement and the Urban Association Ideal:Scotland,1820s to 1840s. In Graeme Morton and R. J. Morris, edt., Civil Society, Associations and Urban Places:Class, Nation and Culture in Nineteenth-Century Europe. Ashgate,2005.
    ① Report of the Seventeenth Meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, Held at Oxford in June 1847, London:John Murray, Albemarle Street,1848.
    ① R. J. Morris. Voluntary societies and British urban elites,1780-1850.
    ② T. Bottomore. Social stratification in voluntary organizations; N. Babchuck and Alan Booth. Voluntary association membership:a longitudinal analysis. American Sociological Review,34 (1969), pp.31-45; James Curtis. Voluntary association joining:a cross national comparative note. American Sociological Review,36 (1971). Pp.872-879.
    ③ Tyne Mercury.2 March 1824, Wilson Collection, vol.2. p.336; G Crossick. The labour aristocracy and its values: a study of mid-Victorian Kentish London, Victorian Studies, xiv (1976). pp.301-328. notes the survival of the need for patrons amongst the fiercely independent artizan societies of Kentish London.
    *Calderdale District Archives, the Halifax Mechanics' institution:1,1825.
    ① Toshihiko Iwama. Voluntary Societies And The Urban Local Community:A Case Study of The Halifax Mechanics' Institution, p.18.
    ② Report of the Seventeenth Meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, Held at Oxford in June 1847.London:John Murray, Albemarle Street,1848.
    ① Calderdale District Archives, the Halifax Mechanics' institution:1,1825.
    ② Report of the Seventeenth Meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, Held at Oxford in June 1847, London:John Murray, Albemarle Street,1848.
    ① Prospectus of the proposed botanical and zoological gardens. Newcastle upon Tyne,1838; Wilson Collection, vol. 6, p.1398.
    ② Fredric Hill. National education:its present state and prospects. London,1836. p.195.
    ① Calderdale District Archives, the Halifax Mechanics' institution:1,1825.
    ② J.F.C. Harrison. Learning and living,1790-1960:A study in the history of the English adult education movement, London:Routledge and Kegan Paul,1961, p.70.
    ③ J.F.C. Harrison. Learning and living,1790-1960, p.70
    ④ Report of the Seventeenth Meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, Held at Oxford in June 1847, London:John Murray, Albemarle Street,1848.
    ⑤ R. J. Morris. Civil Society and the Nature of Urbanism:Britain,1750-1850.
    ① P. Miller and T. O'Leary. Accounts and the construction of the governable person. Accounts, Organizations and Society,12(1987), pp235-265; C.Lehman and T. Tinker. The "real" cultural significance of accounts. Accounts, Organizations and Society,12(1987), pp503-522.
    ② A. Giddens. The Consequences of Modernity, Cambridge,1990.
    ③ Toshihiko Iwama. Voluntary Societies And The Urban Local Community:A Case Study of The Halifax Mechanics'Institution, p.19.
    ① Rudd. An Address...May 13 1811; At the Commencement of a Course of Lectures to the Society, on Natural and Experimental Philosophy (Preston 1811), pp.9-10.
    ② Blackburn Reference Library. Exchange News Room a/c's& c.
    ③ Susan Bullen. The Cultural Life of Preston 1742-1842. MA thesis. University of Leicester,1970. pp.43-44.
    ④ Blackburn Standard, Sept.23 1846.
    ⑤ The First Annual Report of the Bolton Mechanics Institute, Bolton,1826, pp.5-12.
    ⑥ Prospectus of the proposed botanical and zoological gardens. Newcastle upon Tyne,1838. Wilson Collection, vol. 6, p.1398. This collection is in Newcastle-upon-Tyne Central Library.
    ① [英]阿米·古特曼等.结社.第414页。
    ② William Alexander Abram. History of the Blackburn Gas-Light Company.1879.
    ③ Extracts from Various Authors on the General Advantages of Bathing......Bolton,1846.
    ④ Blackburn Standard, July 23 1845, p1.
    ⑤ Blackburn Mail, Feb.27 1811.
    ⑥ John Venn. The Life and...Letters of... Henry Venn. New York,1855, p.365; E. M. Howse, Saints in Politics.London,1952, pp.126-27.
    ⑦ Edward Royle. Modern Britain:A Social History,1750-1985. London:Edward Arnold,1987, p.181.
    ① Bolton Free Press, Dec.27 1845, p.3.
    ② Frank. K. Prochaska. Women and Philanthropy in nineteeth-century England, pp.44-45.
    ③ Family Fortunes, p.434.
    ④ Preston Chronicle. Apr.21 1849. p.4; Apr.28, pp.4,7. Hewitson, Preston, pp.449-450.
    ⑤ The Preston Institute Bazaar Gazette,4, Monday, Apr.30 1849. p.2.
    ① [英]阿米·古特曼.结社.第410,416,418页。
    ① 勒内·达维德.当代主要法律体系.上海:上海译文出版社,1984.第327-329。
    ② Rogerson's Lancashire Directory, Blackburn,1818.
    ③ [英]阿米·古特曼等.结社.第416页。
    ④ Report of the Seventeenth Meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, Held at Oxford in June 1847, London:John Murray, Albemarle Street,1848.
    ① Bolton Free Press, Jan.4 1840; O'Connor,'Temperance Movement,'pp.6,20,25-26,30-31.
    ② John Taylor. Autobiography of a Lancashire Lawyer, Being the Life and Recollections of John Taylor, Attorney-at-Law, And First Coroner of the Borough of Bolton. Bolton,1883. pp.68-69.
    ③ J. Livesey. A Word to Publicans. London:S. W. Partridge & Co.1868.
    ① Harris Reference Library, Minutes of the Preston literary and Philosophical Society, Mar.12,20; Apr.30; May 3, 14; Dec.3 1810.
    ② Second annual report of the Leeds Friendly Loan Society, Leeds,1846, p.9.
    ③ Report of the Public Meeting of the Leeds Temperance Society held in the Music Hall, Tuesday 21 January 1836, to consider the propriety of adopting the total abstinence pledge... Leeds,1836.
    ④ Leeds Mercury,13 June 1840.
    ⑤ Leeds Mercury,13 June 1840.
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    ② Asa Briggs. Samuel Smiles, The Gospel of Self-Help. History Today, vol.37,1987. p.36.
    ① 塞缪尔·斯迈尔斯.自己拯救自己.第1-3页。
    ② R. J. Morris. Samuel Smiles and the Genesis of Self-Help; the Retreat to a Petit Bourgeois Utopia. Historical Journal,24 (1981). pp.89-109.
    ③ 戴维·罗伯兹.英国史:1688年至今.广州:中山大学出版社,1990.第271-282页。
    ① David Owen. English philanthropy,1660-1960. pp.394-443.
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    ③ Alan Kidd. State, Society and the Poor in Nineteenth-Century England. Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Macmillan Press,1999. pp.80-106.
    ① Edward Royle. Modern Britain:A Social History,1750-1985. London:Edward Arnold,1987, p.181.
    ② Return on Income Tax Refund to Charities..., House of Lords Papers,1888. No.289.转引自David Owen. English philanthropy,1660-1960. p.335.
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    ⑤ Christopher J. Prom. For The Glorious Privilege of Being Independent:Friendly Societies And Mutual Aid In Great Britain,1870-1910. PhD, University of Illinois at Urban-Champaign Graduate College,2004.
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    ② Eric Hopkins. A Social History of the English Working Class,1815-1945. London:Edward Arnold,1979, p.142.
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    ③ G.M. Young and W. D. Handcock. edt. English Historical Documents, Ⅻ(Ⅰ),1833-1874.London,1956. p.829.
    ④ G.M. Young and W. D. Handcock. edt. English Historical Documents, Ⅻ(Ⅰ),1833-1874. p.894.
    ⑤ Phillip McCann. Popular Education and Socialization in the Nineteenth Century. Methuen & Co Ltd., London, 1977. p.1.
    ① Census of Great Britain.1851. Education. England and Wales. Report and Tables. London,1854. p.65.
    ② C. Birchenough. History of Elementary Education in England and Wales from 1800 to the Present Day, London: W. B. Clive,1920, p.19.
    ③ Ellwood P. Cubberley. The History of Education, Houghton Mifflin Company.1920. p.618.
    ④ C. Birchenough. History of Elementary Education in England and Wales from 1800 to the Present Day. p.19.
    ⑤ Census of Great Britain,1851. Education. England and Wales. Report and Tables, p.65; p.112.
    ⑥ Edward Baines, junior, op. cit, pp.24-25.
    ① 林玉体.西洋教育史.文景出版社,1985.第422页。
    ② James Bowen.A History of Westem Education,Vol.3.Methuen&Co.Ltd.,London,1981.p.297.
    ③ E.G. West.Education and the Industrial Revolution,Bames&Noble,New York,1975,p.32.
    ① C. Birchenough. History of Elementary Education in England and Wales from 1800 to the Present Day. p.57.
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    ③ C. Birchenough. History of Elementary Education in England and Wales from 1800 to the Present Day, p.101-103.
    ④ Keith Evans. The Development and Structure of the English School System, p.40.
    ① Voluntary Schools. Return for the years 1869 to 1884, showing the following particulars for voluntary schools. Ordered by The House of Commons. London,1885.
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    ⑥ 马克思恩格斯选集.第1卷.北京:人民出版社,1956.第251页。
    ① E. Gellner. Conditions of Liberty:Civil Society and its Rivals. London,1994. p.98.
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    ④ Preston Chronicle, June 6 1835. p.3; Catherine Rothwell. A History of Fleetwood-on-Wyre 1834-1934; Frank Hodgkinson. The Social Origins of the Teetotal Movement in Preston 1820-1835. Cert. edt. Dissertation. Chorley College of Education,1976.
    ① John Garrard. Leadership and Power in Victorian Industrial Towns,1830-80. Manchester:Manchester University Press,1983.
    ① E. Chadwick. The Sanitary Condition of the Labouring Population of Great Britain. edt. M.W. Flinn. Edinburgh, 1965; M.J. Cullen. The Statistical Movement in Early Victorian Britain, Brighton.1975.
    ② D. Fraser. The Leeds churchwardens,1828-1850. Publications of the Thoresby Society.53(1970). pp.1-22.
    ③ P. Hollis. Ladies Elect:Women in English Local Government,1865-1914. Oxford,1987.
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    3. Wiener, Joel H. edt. Great Britain:the lion at home:a documentary history of domestic policy, 1689-1973. IV. New York:Chelsea House Publishers,1974.
    4. Mitchell, Sally. Victorian Britain:An Encyclopedia. Garland Publishing Inc.,1988.
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