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Xiao Jincheng and Wang Qingyun,researchers from National Development and Reform Commission, found that there are 118 large resource cities in China,about 18%of the cities across the country, with a total population of 154 million.The majority of coal cities are enormously rich in the humanities and natural resources,but focusing on economic construction in the period,the production means of large-scale coal exploitation,to the neglect of the tourism resources of the deep excavation,the production means caused by the over-reliance on resources,damage to the tourism image.Transformation of coal cities is not only a national problem,but it is a globle problem.Faced with new choices,the tourism development in coal cities is the effective means of restructuring.It is difficult for the original image to adapt to the rapid growth of tourism industry.Necessary to carry out innovative image.Then development of regional tourist destination is growing market competition.Different image directly impacts on tourism decision-making and tourist behavior-choosing.Tourism image,image positioning,tourism image design concepts began to receive extensive attention.Designing "one to arouse sympathy and personality" image of a tourist destination for the coal city tourism is for the importance theoretical and practical significance to participate in competition as well as sustainable development.
     In this paper,comparative study,system analysis,empirical research,qualitative and quantitative research methods are used.In the context,use of the basis theoretical knowledge of innovative thinking and systematic optimization,for tourism image plane to reference business process concept to the tourism image study,an attempt to establish a tourism image reconstruction binary space-time theory,is helpful to other cities to provide an alternativemeans.From the high degree of focus on the system optimization,Study placed in multi-disciplinary theoretical perspective,such as the image of tourism aesthetics,psychology,tourism marketing communications science,to a comprehensive destination image based on the theoretical framework,based on exploring the needs of tourists,tourism image reconstruction,the state virtual image with the experience of the integration of environment in order to achieve a breakthrough tourism image.
     The framework structure is in accordance with the total-devide-the total order of writing the article.Introduction:the main account of the basis for selection,comparison and defined with a number of topics closely related to the concept "coal cities,coal cities transition" "tourism,tourism image".Some summary in recent years focused on the relevant theoretical research,from "coal cities transition,tourism image Designing".Tourism research aimed at coal cities transformation establish the image-recycling to a more clear system understanding.Selection through the years 1998-2008 CNKI study.Analysis of the status of coal city tourism image.Analysis of coal city tourism image recycling theory and tourism image designing,analysis throughout Datong as an example to the tourism image designing,using a systematic approach to build the case study,tourism image reconstruction is reasonable.In conclusion,we must design coal city tourism image and look forward to the introduction of tourism image CIS study ways and the prospects of image tourism research.Three follow-up studies include three combinations among multi-disciplinary,macro-and micro,reality and history.
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