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Chinese teaching, as a Chinese traditional subject, should be provided with poetry and cut a free land for students to keep a poetry oasis in their minds. The significant for Chinese teaching is not only teaching knowledge and skills but, more important, is to deposit a sense of worth and philosophy through exerting a subtle influence on students sensibility, interest and sentiment by the words with writers’inspirations passions and thoughts. Ordinary high school Chinese New Curriculum Standard has pointed out that Chinese teaching is aesthetic, poetic and full of interest. New Curriculum inspires us that poetry is the aim to Chinese teaching development; process for Chinese teaching should be the process for creating taste, communicating and edifying student’s sentiments. Chinese innovation calls for the return of poetry which is explored by many Chinese teachers in the beginning of the century. It is the necessary drift and sally port for Chinese curriculum development to put forward the poetry Chinese. Many Chinese teachers make poetry Chinese explanation and Poetry class construction as their pursuits. And as every teaching tache is resurveyed, it is difficult for Chinese teachers to master the poetry classes in Chinese teaching. That is why I choose this topic to search.
     The thesis is researching poetry Chinese in new curriculum which consists of five parts, including it significant and usage in practice. Through the methods of dissertation analysis, experiments and theory analysis, we analyze, summarize and create the poetry Chinese teaching situation and try to deeply research the significant of poetry Chinese and how to use it practically. The first part states the connotation and significant of the poetry Chinese which will start from the understand of poetry and poetry Chinese, and its significant in Chinese teaching. As for the connotation of poetry Chinese, I will try to define this key word. In my opinion, it is, under the new curriculum innovation, having every Chinese lesson with creation and passion. The second part analyses the characters of poetry Chinese teaching and realizes the policy for poetry in teachers and students. The third part discusses the teacher’s construction in poetry Chinese teaching. The fourth part states the basic thoughts and instructional strategies with some examples, such as gnosis, waken-up and freely-talking instructional strategies. The fifth part discusses some questions which we should pay attention in poetry Chinese.
     Nowadays,the explorers have some statements of poetry Chinese, but have no exactly definition,and poetry Chinese instructional strategies are still under exploration and demonstration which need our endeavor to make it perfect.
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