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     2.根据国内外制作慢性免疫性非细菌性前列腺炎动物模型的经验,摸索优化造模方法,初步建立C57BL/6小鼠的慢性免疫性前列腺炎动物模型。验证造模成功后,应用SP法、Western blot及RT-PCR等方法检测TRPV5在慢性前列腺炎小鼠前列腺组织中的表达。
     To investigate the function of TRPV5 channel in the pathogenesis of Chronic Prostatitis.
     1. 128 prostate specimens were collected including 123 post-operation of human benign prostate hyperplasia which all came from our hospital during the time of 2000.1-2003.12,55-83 years old; 2 of corpse bodies for renal transplantation, 19 and 22 years old respectively. By using the light microscopy, the 128 hematoxylin-eosin stained slides were observed. Pick out pathological number of the 73 prostate specimens; then apply the methods of the SP immunohistochemisty to detect the expression of TRPV5 in human Prostatic epithelia.
     2. To develop a mouse model of nonbacterial chronic prostatitis. Through adopting SP、Western blot and RT-PCR to examine the TRPV5 expression of the C57BL/6 mice contracting the experimental nonbacterial chronic prostatitis by comparison of the normal-functioning mice.
     1. Obvious nodular inflammatory cells infiltration in the peripheral zones, transitional zones and periureth gland regions but not in the central zones were observed in 67 among all the 128 prostate specimens, which accounting for the percentage of 52.2.For nodular inflammatory cells infiltration 3 were observed in the 5 non-hyperplasia of prostate, and 64 were observed in the 123 hyperplasia of prostate. There was no statistic difference between the two groups, x~2 =8.795, P =0.122>0.05.Of 41 inflammationgroup, according to TRPV5's degrees of expression,22 are designated as strong expression; 10 moderate; 9 low; of 32 noninflammation groups, 7 designated as strong;9 moderate; 16 low. There was statistic difference between the two groups (chi-squared, P<0.05).
     2. After 8 weeks, the prostates of model mice exhibited varying degree of inflammations, and were found to have lymphocytic infiltration of the storma and periglandluar region, which were similar to clinical nonbaterial chronic prostatitis. In opposition to the low expression of TPRV5 proteins and mRNA in NBCP-freemice, the high one has been found in the NBCP bears.
     1. Almost all the obvious nodular inflammatory cells infiltration occur in the peripheral zones, transitional zones and periurethral gland regions but not in the central zones ,which may be closely correlated with the size,shape,distribution,arrange and track of the gland acini and ducts .Histopathologic finding of increased nodular inflammatory cells infiltration within the prostatitis parenchyma can not be recogised the diagnostic level of chronic prostatitis ,and there is no definite correlation between nodular inflammatory cells infiltration with benign prostatic hyperplasia .The expression of the TRPV5 channel was higher in prostatic epithelia cells from patients with chronic inflammation than from those without. The change of the calcium channel can conduce to genesis of Chronic Prostatitis.
     2. Injection of immunizator ( antigen) and adjuvant can induce prostatic inflammation similar to clinical nonbatenal chronic prostatitis ,which may be an immune process. Itcould bring us a new way for studying pathogenesis of chronic prostatitis and drugtherapy.
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    16 Fixemer T, Wissenbach U, Flockerzi V,et al. Expression of the Ca2+-selective cation channel TRPV6 in human prostate cancer: a novel prognostic marker for tumor progression[J]. Oncogene, 2003,22(49):7858-7861.
    17 Wissenbach U, Niemeyer BA, Fixemer T, et al. Expression of CaT-like, a novel calcium-selective channel, correlates with the malignancy of prostate cancer [J]. J Biol Chem, 2001,276(22):19461-19468.
    18 Niemeyer BA, Bergs C, Wissenbach U, et al. Competitive regulation of CaT-like-mediated Ca2+entry by protein kinase C and calmodulin [J]. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA,2001,98 (6): 3600-3605.
    19夏同礼 主编.前列腺癌的基础与临床[M].北京:科学出版社,2000,142-147.
    20 Ghobish AA. Quantitative and qualitative assessment of flowmetrograms in patients with prostatodynia [J]. Eur Urol, 2000, 38(5):576-583.
    21 Wesselmann U.Neurogenic inflammation and chronic pelvic pain [J].World J Urol, 2001,19(3):180-185.
    22 Richardson JD, Vasko MR. Cellular mechanisms of neurogenic inflammation [J].J Pharmacol Exp Ther, 2002, 302(3):839-845.
    23 Obata K, Katsura H, Mizushima T, et al. TRPA1 induced in sensory neurons contributes to cold hyperalgesia after inflammation and nerve injury [J]. J Clin Invest, 2005,115(9):2393-2401.
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    27 Peng JB, Brown EM, Hediger MA. Epithelial Ca~(2+) entry channels: transcellular Ca~(2+) transport and beyond [J]. J Physiol ,2003,551 (Pt 3):729-740.
    28 Grafton G, Thwaite L. Calcium channels in lymphocytes [J]. Immunology, 2001,104 (2):119-126.
    29 Li SW, Westwick J , Poll CT. Receptor-operated Ca~(2+) influx channels in leukocytes : a therapeutic target ? [J]. Trends Pharmacol Sci,2002,23(2):63-70.

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