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多器官功能障碍综合症(multiple organ dysfunction syndrome, MODS)是重症监护病房患者的最常见死亡原因。严重的感染和感染性休克是其主要诱因。感染所致的脓毒症及非感染所致的全身炎症反应综合征(systemic inflammatory response syndrome, SIRS)相互作用,构成了一个复杂的网络。目前其发病机制尚不完全明确,临床上尚缺乏满意的治疗措施。随着干/祖细胞研究的不断深入,多器官功能障碍综合征的发病机制研究和临床治疗面临着新的契机。
     近年来研究发现:骨髓中有一群能够在生理性或病理性因素的刺激下,动员到外周血并分化为成熟内皮细胞(Endothelium cell, EC)以促进血管新生,并可以分化为相应的组织细胞进行损伤修复的祖细胞,这些细胞被称为内皮祖细胞(Endothelial progenitor cells, EPCs)。EPC过去被认为是胚胎时期血管新生最主要的细胞,而越来越多的证据显示EPCs也是出生后生理性及病理性血管形成最主要的细胞,并参与心、肝、肺、肾等单个器官障碍时的修复;同时迁徙到损伤部位的EPC还可以对不同的局部刺激(包括缺氧或缺血)作出生理反应,依次释放血管活性物质、生长因子以及参与免疫调节的细胞因子和趋化因子,参与创伤后的炎症反应。
Multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS) is the most frequent cause of death in patients admitted to intensive care units. Severe sepsis and septic shock are the primary causes of MODS and develop as a result of the host response to infection of Gram-neagitve and Gram-positive bacteria. Infections sepsis and nonsepsis systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) encompass a complex mosaic of interconnected events. The pathogenesis of MODS is not clear and there are not satisfactory therapic methods in clinic at present. With the development of clinical technologies of progenitor cells, the moment emerged in pathogenesis reaserchs and clinical therapy of MODS
     Recent research shows that EPC is one kind of progenitor cells from bone marrow which can be mobilized by physio-stimulation and patho-stimulation to peripheral blood to differentiate into mature endothelial cells (EC) to encourage angiogenesis and differentiate to different kind of cells to process repairing. EPCs were originally thought to be present only during embryonic development. However, accumulating evidence in the past several years suggested that EPCs were the major progenitor cells to participate inphysio-angiogenesis and patho-angiogenesis in adult lives. EPCs could particate in reparing of dysfunctions of heart、renal、liver and pulmonary and the EPCs which metastasized to pars affecta could be reacted to release the vasoactive substance、growth factors、immunoregulatory cytokines and chemotatic factors.
     Also research finds that the endothelial cells are not only the damaged target cells, but also causes of blood capillary damage and dysfunction or the first component element of MODS. The massive animal and clinical experiments have already certificated that when tissues is damaged, especially ischemia, the proliferation, migration, differentiation of EPCs are reinforced into peripheral blood and turn into endothelial cells and replace the damaged endothelial cells in tissue. The denuded damaged vessel is repaired by new endothelial cells. EPCs can participate neovascularity in ischemia or damaged tissue and improve ischemia organs' function. If the proliferation, migration and differentiation of EPCs are seriously disturbanced after trauma, they would make the microcirculation unrepaired and MODS come bad to worse.
     Past studies showed that the cytokines related to MODS were concluded IL-1, IL-6, TNF, HSP, Glucocorticoid, LPS, and so on. They were associated with apoptosis. So we may be more in-depth understanding of the mechanism of MODS by studying the mechanism and influencing factors of apoptosis and provide the basis for clinical.
     The study was to replicate a rabbit model of MODS, and then did transplantation of EPCs transfected with LV/VEGF165-GFP gene. Then we observed vital signs of major organs and the expression of inflammatory cytokines, such as IL-1β, TNF-αand so on. Our purpose was to find the effect of the EPCs to prevent and treat MODS. The study includes three main parts.
     Part 1 Objective:To replicate a rabbit model of MODS which was characterized by the development of delayed two-phase process and it was the foundation of our investigation of transplantation of EPCs to prevent and treat MODS. Methods: Twenty-four healthy male rabbits weighing 2.25~2.79Kg were divided into two groups randomly. One group was subjected to hemorrhagic shock plus endotoxiemia (group M, n=12). Another group was normal control only with anesthesia and sham operation (group C, n=12). Blood specimens were collected every 24 hours during the seven-day observation for the detection of serum GPT, GOT, Cr, BUN and arterial blood gas analysis, which were used to judge if MODS occured by compared with the initial value of itself. Histological changes of the main organs were observed under light microscope (LM). Results:The mobidity and mortality of MODS in group M were 83.3% and 75.0% respectively, both much higher than group C. Conclusion:The two-hit model of MODS was a successful animal model which conforms to clinical course, also with high mobidity and mortality. And the model was easy to duplicate.
     Part 2 Objective:To construct the Lentivirus carrying hVEGF165-GFP gene, and transfect endothelial progenitor cells in vitro. Methods:The VEGF165 gene was ligated into the lentiviral overexpression vector pWPXL-MOD. Then we used lentiviral packaging plasmid to transfect 293T cells and got the LV/hVEGF165-GFP. The LV/hVEGF165-GFP was co-cultured with EPCs. Adhesion, migration, proliferation and angiogenesis function were observed after tranfected. Results:Lentiviral vector expressing the target gene VEGF was successfully constructed. It confirmed that the LV/hVEGF165-GFP's transfection rate was nearly 99%. After transfected, EPCs' migration, proliferation and angiogenesis were increased (P<0.05). Conclusion:LV/hVEGF165-GFP was non-toxic to EPCs, and can improve the EPCs' adhesion, migration and proliferation ability.
     Part 3 Objective:To study the change of apoptosis in rabbits of multiple organ dysfunction syndrome by transplanting of endothelial progenitor cells transfected with LV/VEGF165-GFP gene. Methods:Thirty-six healthy male rabbits weighing 2.25~ 2.79Kg were divided into three groups randomly. One group was subjected to hemorrhagic shock plus endotoxiemia (group M, n=12), the group with no transplantation as the control group. Another group (group ET, n=12) was transplanted of EPCs with the 1×107 cells/ Kg body weight. The other group (group VT, n=12) was transplanted of EPCs transfected with LV-VEGF165-GFP gene with the 1 x 107 cells/Kg body weight. Blood specimens were collected every 24 hours during the seven-day observation for the detection of serum GPT, GOT, Cr, BUN and arterial blood gas analysis. Histological changes of the main organs were observed under light microscope. The apotosis of the main organs was tested by TUNEL. The caspase-3 mRNA of the main organs was measured by RT-PCR. Results: The WBC, GRAN, GOT, GPT, Cr, BUN and other indcators of VT group were significant improvement compared with ET group and M group. The apotosis and caspase3mRNA expression of main organs in VT group were lower than ET group and M group (P<0.01). The mobidity and mortality of VT group were lower than ET group and M group (P< 0.05). Conclusion:Transplantation of EPCs transfected with lentivirus-mediated VEGF165-GFP gene can reduce the MODS animal apoptosis, make a marked improvement of the function in main organs and reduce the animal's mortality.
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