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Local colleges and universities, compared with colleges and universities directlyunder ministries and commissions of the central government, are institutions of highereducation sponsored by the local governments at all levels. Collaborative innovation is animportant path to realize the connotative development in local colleges and universities, aswell as an inevitable choice to break through the predicament during the development. It istimely for China to launch the collaborative innovation as the main content of “2011plan”, which is also of great strategic significance for local colleges and universities. Thecore principle of “2011plan” is to break the hierarchy of domestic colleges anduniversities and to encourage the characteristic development, thus providing a historicopportunity for local colleges and universities to achieve the goal of “carry catch up”.Collaborative innovation is essentially a social network of science and technologyinnovation. Local colleges and universities, due to their short history and lack ofaccumulation, can't have the same special appeal and attraction as colleges anduniversities directly under ministries and commissions of the central government,especially in the case of integrating into the regional innovation networks. Lacking thesupport of a mechanism, the innovation resource management is closed, scattered,inefficient and difficult to form an aggregation effect in local colleges and universities,which as a result restricts the effective development of collaborative innovation.
     Social capital is an analytical tool which has attracted much attention in the field ofsociological research in recent years. Elements it emphasizes, such as the social networkrelationships, reciprocal norms, trust cooperation and so on, highly conform to the socialgovernance needs of collaborative innovation. The main forms of structure dimension ofsocial capital are network structure and network connection, which are beneficial to allparties to get high quality information; Relationship dimension, characterized by the trustbetween organizations, is good for organizational learning and knowledge sharing; Cognitive dimension, featured by common values and shared vision, is conductive todifferent parties to achieve effective communication. Influenced by the three dimensionsof social capital, each node of collaborative innovation networks shares interests and risksand therefore maximizes innovation effect through resource sharing and interaction. Socialcapital, using organizational learning as the intermediary, affects collaborative innovationin that social capital is the realization path and dynamic mechanism of organizationallearning, which is conducive to promoting the transformation of tacit knowledge incollaborative innovation and transmitting the source of knowledge for technicalinnovation. In the organizational learning, learning for use is good for incrementalinnovation and exploratory study is helpful to evolutional innovation. In addition, socialenvironment, social trust, social culture and social system in the macro level, internal andexternal social capital in local colleges and universities in the middle level, personal socialcapital of leaders, teachers and students within local colleges and university in the microlevel, can generate social capital of innovation alliance through investment anddevelopment, promoting cooperative innovation and performance improvement.
     Investment and development of social capital is an important force to promotecollaborative innovation in local colleges and universities, and the key to realize the goalof collaborative innovation is to establish a mechanism. Guided by the policy of “2011plan”, it is an important path to build a scientific, rational, standardized, effective, anddynamic mechanism to promote collaborative innovation in local colleges anduniversities, regarding the integration of social capital as the starting point. Firstly, theinteractive network system should be improved. Through close and shared social networkof collaborative innovation, an effective linking mechanism and an efficientcommunication mechanism can be established and social resources can be accumulated,thus forming a multiparty force involving in collaborative innovation. Secondly, a trustgovernance mechanism should be promoted. To form a good trust relationship, an internaltrust mechanism of strategic alliance in collaborative innovation should be established.The government should coordinate the relationship among parties and a social evaluation mechanism needs to be developed. Thirdly, mutually beneficial social norms should beestablished. Through the establishment of a fair and reasonable benefit allocation systemand an incentive mechanism of collaborative innovation, science and technology and legalsystems of collaborative innovation can be promoted and the collaborative innovationnetwork relationship can be consolidated. Fourthly, the community organization is to befostered. The community organization is an important carrier of generating social capital.The healthy development of civil societies can be achieved by facilitating the governmentsupply, improving the management of community organizations, and strengthening theconstruction of the community itself. Fifthly, the integration of cultural values should bepromoted. By strengthening the construction of campus culture, the culture of union, andthe alliance identity, a social environment of collaborative innovation with culture fittinginto the innovation network can be established.
    Lin Nan.2001,Social Capital:A Theory of Social Structure and Action,Cambridge University Press.Joseph T. Shipley. Dictionary of Word Origins[M].Amercia,1957:7.
    F.Braudel,Civilization and Capitalism,15th-18thCentury,vol. Ⅱ:The Wheels of Commerce,N.Y.:Harper andRow,1982,p.233.
    Mikhail Ivanovich Volkov.A Dictionary of political economy[M]Moscow: Progress Publishers,1981.Thodore W.Schultz. Human Capital Investment and Urban Competitiveness.1960.
    Becker. G,1962. Investment in human capital: A theoretical analysis. The Journal of Political Economy,70(S5).Bourdieu Pierre1980.Le capital social: notes provisioned. Acted Rec. Sci. Soc.30.
    Coleman,J.S.1988.Social Capital in the Creation of Human Capital.American Journal of Sociology,94.
    Putnam,R.et al.Making Democracy Work:Civic Traditions in Modern Italy.Princeton:Princeton University Press,1993.
    Putnam, R. D.1995.Bowling Alone: America’s Declining Social Capital. Journal of Democracy (6).
    Putnam, R. D.1996.The Prosperous Community, Social Capital and Public Life. The American Prospect,13, Spring.
    Schumpeter J.(1934),The theory of ecomomic development:An inquiry into profits,capital,credit,interest,and businesscycle,Harvard University Press,Cambridge,MA.
    Collaborative Innovation Network[EB/OL]. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collaborative_innovation_network.
    YANG DONGSHENG,ZHANG YONGAN. Simulation Study on University-Industry Cooperative Innovation Based onMulti-agent Method[C].Proceedings of the2008International Conference on Computer Science and SoftwareEngineering,2008:528-531.
    HONGZHUAN CHEN,QIANGQIANG ZHAO,ZHENXIN JIN.Study on Grey Evolutionary Game of “Industry-University-Institute” Cooperative Innovation[C].Proceedings of2009IEEE international Conference on Grey Systemsand Intelligent Sercices,2009:1120-1125.
    CHEN JIN,YE WEIWEI.The Modes of Univerdity-Industry Collaborative Innovation In Service:A Case Study fromChina[C].Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Management and Service Science,2008:1471-1475.
    FAN DECHENG,TANG XIAOXU,Performance Evaluation of Industry-University-Research Cooperatice TechnologicalInnovation Based on Fuzzy Integral [C].International Conference on Management Science&Engineering,2009:1789-1795.
    PAN JIEYI,WANG FEN.Analysis and Evaluation of Knowledge Transfer Risks in Collaborative Innovation Based onExtension Method[C].IEEE Xplore,2008:1-4.
    LOU G X,ZENG SX,TAN C M. Cost-Reducing Innovation Collaboration in Supply Chain Management [C].Conferenceon Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing,2007:4929-4932.
    JIN MINGHUA,ZHANG XUE.Analysis and Assessment on Risks of Enterprise-customer CollaborativeInnovation[C].International Conference on Managerment and Service Science,2009:1-4.
    AnnaLee Saxenian.Regional Advantage: Culture and Competition in Silicon Valley and Route128[M].HarvardUniversity Press,Cambridge,1994.
    Shaul M. Gabbay and Ezra W.Zuckerman,Social Capital and Opportunity in Corporate R&D:The Contingent Effect ofContact Density on Mobility Expectations,Social Science Research,Vol.27,1998,pp.189-217.
    Landry,R.,Amara,N.and Lamari,M.,Does social capital determine innovation?To what extent?Technological Forecasting&Social Change,Vol.69,2002,pp.681-701.
    Bourdieu,P.,The forms of capital,in John Richardson,ed.,Handbook of Theory and Research for the Socioligy ofEducation,New York Greenwood Press,1986.
    Putnam Robert D.,Tuning in,Tuning out:The stange disappearance of social capital in American,Political Science andPolitics,Vol.28,No.4,1995,pp.664-683.
    Alejandro Portes,Social Capital:It's Origins and Applications in Modern Sociology,Annual Review ofSocial,Vol,2,1998,p.2.
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    Georgina Blakeley:“Social Capital,Georgina Blakeley and Valerie Bryson”,Contemporary Political Concepts:ACritical Introduction,London.Sterling,Virginia:Pluto Press,2002,p.200.
    Bourdieu,P.,The forms of capital,in John Richardson,ed.,Handbook of Theory and Research for the Socioligy ofEducation,New York Greenwood Press,1986:249.
    Dyer,H.J.,Singh,H.The Relational View:Cooperative Strategy and Sources of Inter-organizational CompetitiveAdvantage.Academy of Management Review,1998,23(4):660-679.
    Burt,R.S.Structural Holes:the Social Structure of Competition.Cambridge.MA:Harvard University Press,1992.
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    CHILES TODD H,MCMACKIN JOHNF.Integrating variable risk preferences,trust,and transaction costeconomics[J].Academy of Management Review,1996,21(1):73-99.
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    David Malone.Knowledge Management:A Model for Organizational Learning.International Journal of AccountingInformation Systems,2002(3).
    Vito Albino,A.Claudio Garavelli,Giovanni Schiuma.Knowledge Transfer and Inter-firm Relationships in IndustrialDistricts:The Role of the Leader Firm.Technovation,1999(19).
    Paul Mulhoolland,Zdenek Zdrahal,John Domingue,Andmarek Halala.A Methodological Approach to SupportingOrganizational Learning.International Journal Human-Computer Studies,2011(55).
    Ikujiro Nonaka,Ryoko Toyama,Noboru Konno.SECI,Ba and Leadership:a Unified Model of Dynamic KnowledgeCreation.Long Range Planning,2000(33).
    C.K.Prahalad and Gary Hamel,“The Core Competence of the Corporation”,Harvard Business Review,May-June,1990,PP.79-93.
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    [39] Pierre Bourdieu.(1986).The Forms of Capital.J.G.Richardson(eds.),Handbook ofTheory and Research for the Sociology of Education,Greenwood Press:248-256.
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    [44] Santom,M.,Chakrabarti,A.K.(2002).Firm Size and Technology Centralityin Industry-University Interactions.Research Policy,31:1163-1180.
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    [51] Zucker,L.G.(1986).Production of Trust:Institutional Sources of EconomicStructure,1840-1920.Research in Organizational Behavior,8:53-111.

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