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该文基于北京十三陵林场低山针叶林的森林可燃物分布特征,制定相应的可燃物调控方案。根据地形、林分特征设置具有代表性的样地,计9块油松林(Pinus tabulaeformis Forest)和11块侧柏林(Platycladus orientalis Forest),记录林分的地形、林分因子,林下植被特征,利用收获法调查地表枯落物、草本及灌木的可燃物负荷量,利用标准枝法调查乔木可燃物负荷量,进行相关性分析,研究林分、地形因子对地表可燃物负荷量的影响,并探讨防火季时林分易燃可燃物的垂直分布特征。根据结果,提出适合该地区的可燃物调控技术方案,具体结论如下:(1)林下植被的生长主要与林分因子相关。灌木生长主要与郁闭度、密度、平均胸径、死枝高相关;草本生长主要与郁闭度、平均树高、密度相关,同时受灌木平均高度的影响。(2)地表可燃物负荷量主要与林分因子相关。细小可燃物(主要为草本和1h时滞枯枝)与郁闭度、平均胸径、平均树高相关;灌木可燃物负荷量主要与密度、平均胸径、平均树高相关;枯落物层的10h时滞枯枝及下层落叶负荷量主要与郁闭度相关。(3)为了所研究的可燃物垂直分布更具有代表性,通过对林分因子进行因子分析和聚类分析,将调查样地划分为6种类型,包括3类油松林、3类侧柏林,以此代表整个十三陵林场的低山针叶林,同时对每一类型林分的易燃可燃物(主要为地表上层枯落物、草本、灌木、乔木针叶、小枝及死枝)垂直分布进行分析:整体而言,油松林的易燃可燃物主要以地表可燃物为主,树冠可燃物中,死枝可燃物的负荷量占有一定的比例,引燃树冠火的可燃物主要以死枝为主。侧柏林中的易燃可燃物主要以树冠可燃物为主,活枝可燃物占有的比例较大,引燃树冠火的可燃物负荷量相对较大,而地表可燃物相对较少。(4)对6种类型的林分制定相应的可燃物调控方案。整体看来,油松林主要以割灌为主,适当的进行地表枯枝落叶的清理。侧柏林主要以修枝为主,适当的进行割灌,同时根据林分密度情况进行疏伐和乡土阔叶树种的补植。通过森林易燃可燃物分布特征及林分特点制定相应的可燃物调控方案,避免了因盲目地进行可燃物大面积清理所浪费的不必要的人力、物力,同时维持了森林生态系统的稳定性与多样性,实现了对森林可燃物进行综合调控、生态调控的理念。
Based on the fuel distribution., propose the reasonable fuel control technology plan. Study on the9Pinus tabulaeformis forest plots and11Platycladus orientalis forest plots in the low mountain coniferous forest of the Beijing Ming Tombs Forest Farm. Investigate topography factor, stand factor, undergrowth and fuel load. Research on the correlation relationship between fuel load and topography, stand factors, analysis the flammable fuel load and it's vertical distribution in non-fireproof time. According to the result, propose the fuel control technology plan in different stand, specific conclusions as follows:(1) Undergrowth growth mainly had correlation with the stand factor in the low mountain coniferous forest of the Beijing Ming Tombs Forest Farm. The shrub growth mainly had correlation with the crown coverage, density, average tree height, average DBH and height to live crown; The herb growth mainly had correlation with the crown coverage, density, average tree height and shrub height.(2) The surface fuel load mainly had correlation with the stand factor. Fine fuel load (including herb fuel and1hr death branch fuel) mainly had correlation with the crown coverage, average DBH and average tree height; Shrub fuel load mainly had correlation with the density, average DBH and average tree height; The surface death fuel load mainly had correlation with crown coverage.(3) According to the factor analysis and cluster analysis, divided the plots into6types and represent the whole low mountain coniferous forest of the Beijing Ming Tombs Forest Farm. Meanwhile analysis the flammable fuel load vertical distribution. The flammable fuel (including surface death fuel, shrub fuel, herb fuel, tree twig, tree needles) mainly is surface fuel,and the crown fuel and death branch fuel have a certain percentage in Pinus tabulaeform forest. The flammable fuel mainly is crown fuel, the live branch fuel have a relatively larger load and the surface fuel had a relatively smaller load in Platycladus orientalis forest.(4) Research on the6type stand for fuel control techniques. The mainly techniques is mechanical management, and appropriately to clean the surface death fuel in Pinus tabulaeformis forest. The mainly techniques is pruning and mechanical management, and appropriately to thin and plant local hardwood in Platycladus orientalis forest.It is scientific that propose the fuel control technology plan through the flammable fuel load distribution.Develop appropriate control technology for different stand type, to avoid unnecessary waste of material and labor force for blindly fuel reduction in large area, while maintaining the stability and diversity of forest ecosystems. Realize the idea about the comprehensive control and ecological control on forest fuel
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