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Based on large amounts of investigations on domestic dairy housings at present in Beijing and aimed at dairy breeding technology-dairy building parameters-dairy structure, this paper made the portal frame of light-weight steel structure in cowshed to be the researched case and elaborated the theories and methods of structure optimization of portal frame of light-weight steel structure in cowshed. At last, some conclusions were drawn.
    Proceeding from the structural mechanics, this paper used method which is widely used in structure optimization of industry and civil building to the structure optimization of dairy housing. It was the first time to choose the structural parameters of dairy housing according to the feeding technology, discussed the load values and combinations ,optimized the structural materials.
    The entire mathematical model of structure optimization of dairy housing was set. Computer programs were made with finite-element method and full-stress method. Some typical cases were drawn up and checked out to prove that the program was reliable. Stress which three portal frames of dairy housing bore under different conditions was analyzed and relations between different post distance, roof gradient and structure internal force capability and steel dosage were obtained. At the same time, the structural section was optimized with float stress exponent method to lower steel dosage. A kind of dairy structure which bore rational stress and was built easily was available to provide a scientific basis for the standard designing and popularization of dairy housing.
    The study indicated that the optimization designing decreased the structural cost comparing with the traditional designing. The optimization method has better foreground in structural design and can be applied in similar structure.
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