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     4.集成UG、Patran、Code V等建模与分析软件以及相应的接口程序,对紫外环形成像仪的光、机、热进行集成分析。在进行光机热集成分析的基础上,对光机结构进行灵敏度分析和结构优化。
The Study on global environmental change is a worldwide hot subject of thespace remote sensing. How to get the atmosphere data to estimate theenvironmental change is a problem that the scientists want to solve.Under theprecondition of this requirement, in this paper, designed and developed the UVimager with a bran-new detecting mode according to the technical requirements basedon the sounding objects and the technical requirements.It has two field of views、multiple azimuths and channels, the Central wavelengths of the UV imager、channelsare265nm、295nm and360nm. The UV imager can gets the earth’s limb and nadirimages of atmosphere simultaneously with multiple azimuths in360degrees on thetrack, gets the atmosphere、s images and data information with high spatial, timebestrow and high vertical resolution of the sounding objectives, which can supplysome references for the study on the global environmental change and climatic change.the space remote sensing instruments carried by satellite is an offspring to integratemultidisciplinary design technologies (such as optics design, thermal design andstructural design et al..) and multidisciplinary analysis technologies. It is important toensures the designed space remote sensing instruments carried by satellite can endurethe stern dynamical load and the complex space environment, and get theimaging quality of the design destined, thereby, A series research work on the UVimager is developed in this paper as below:
     1. Aims at the sounding objects and the technical requirements, completed thethermal/structural/optical design of the UV Annular Imager respectively.
     2. The domain of the detect height for the atmosphere limb by the UV AnnularImager is decided by the jointing precision of the prepositive reflector, through structure design and method analysis, accomplished the development for the jointingprecision of the prepositive reflector, ensure the requrest field of view precision of theoptical system under the complex environment.
     3. Because the CCD of one detect channel is unpackaged image apparatus, thesignal intensity which detected is weak,and the detector works in a given range oftemperatures, it is necessary to design the corresponded focal plane under theprecondition that ensure his detect precession and mechanical property.
     4. Integrated the modeling and analysis software, such as UG, Patran andCode-V et al.., and corresponding interface programs, carried out theoptical-structural-thermal integrated analysis for the UV Annular Imager. and then,Based on the optical-structural-thermal integrated analysis, completed the sensitivityanalysis and structural design optimization.
     5. Carried on the systems of the multiple channels integrated assembly andperformance tests for the UV Annular Imager, achieved an effective project ofassembly and adjustability, and ensured the precision of assembly and adjustability.
     The UV Annular Imager is a novel optical remote sensing instrument,experimental results through the environmental simulation test and the optical systemperformances indicate that its spatial resolution excels3km, the basic frequency of theUV Annular Imager is184Hz, and the safety margin is greater than0.24. Thethermal/structural/optical design of the UV Annular Imager is reasonable, satisfiedwith the strength, stiffness and precision requirements, it is suitable for the spaceremote sensing. The successful development of the UV annular imager filled up thedomestic blank of the corresponding research and provided a little reference to thecorrelation studies on atmospheric remote sensing detecting in our country.
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