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Controlling obesity action‘s maintenance is a hot topic in the realm of combating obesity.On the basis of reviewing previous controlling obesity theories and empirical studies, thisdissertation firstly formed the questionnaires on psychological factors of controlling obesityaction in female college students. The reliability (internal consistency reliability, test-retestreliability) and validity (content validity, construct validity and predictive validity) of thepsychological factor questionnaires were also tested. Based on the tools, path analysis wasused to find out the interrelationship among the psychological factors. Consistency across thegroup (different sub-stages and BMI types) was examed. According to relationship foundfrom previous study, various theories (cognitive-behavior therapy, HAPA, suggestiveaccelerative learning, resource of self-efficacy) and the characteristics of female collegestudents, this study designed an intervention program. Lecture, relaxation training and grouptraining were used to enact the program among female college students (BMI≥24&formedtarget intention). Randomized control design was used to test the effect of the program. Baseon the analysis of above three studies, this dissertation generally discussed the content ofpsychological factors, the mechanism and the promotion of controlling obesity action. Themain conclusions were drawn as follows:
     1. Main psychological factors that influence controlling obesity action were controllingobesity action plan,controlling obesity action volitional self-efficacy and controlling obesityaction self-regulation. Controlling obesity action plan consisted of action plan dimension andcoping plan dimension. Controlling obesity action volitional self-efficacy consisted ofmaintenance self-efficacy dimension and recovery self-efficacy dimension. Controllingobesity action self-regulation consisted of behavior self-regulation dimension and emotionalself-regulation dimension.
     2.―Controlling obesity action plan questionnaire‖,―controlling obesity action volitionalself-efficacy questionnaire‖and―controlling obesity action self-regulation questionnaire‖hadsuperior reliability and validity, and these questionnaires could be used as female collagestudents‘measurement tools of controlling obesity action.
     3. Controlling obesity action plan could promote controlling obesity action volitionalself-efficacy directly. It also could boost controlling obesity action volitional self-efficacy viacontrolling obesity action self-regulation.
     4. Controlling obesity action plan could promote the effect of controlling obesity actionvia self efficacy and self-regulation in recursive pattern.
     5. All female college students had the same psychological mechanism of controllingobesity action no matter sub-stage they were in and the type of BMI.
     6. Indexes from psychology, physiology and behavior aspects indicated that program targeting controlling obesity action plan, self-efficacy and self-regulation could effectivelypromote controlling obesity action.
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