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Along with the process of economic integration is further accelerated between China and the world, the level of protection by the state the Oil Production Plant is come under is smaller, effers of participating in international market competition further increases, the Oil Production Plant much cut down the cost to increase the benefits, take the development road of the low cost coupled with the financial crisis, and falling of the oil prices.
     Under this environment, the oil Production plants must shoulder both the the high-yield Production task assigned by the oil companies and also to save cost and improve the overall efficiency and competitiveness. In this paper, the actual production of oil extraction plant operating conditions of the study found that due to historical reasons and national economic system, a long time, oil production plant production and operation that exist within the reality of two lines. In this case, it is extremely difficult to achieve shoulder the dual task for oil production plant. So, this paper puts forward integrated management of production and operation model innovation, following the implementation of the "node innovation, system optimization, level interaction, vertical and horizontal links, overall growth and harmonious development" integrated management in the Oil Production Plant. The core of the Integrated management of production and operation model innovation are the standard process management that accords with actual condition of the Oil Production Plant, the standard cost management based on activity flow, and supporting the performance appraisal system. It also launches a series of safeguards.
     Based on studying the basic theories in depth, this paper first expounds basic practices and content of management from two aspects of setting up standardization of business processes and production monitoring system in the part of business process management based on the production process control specifically, and in regulating the standardization of business processes, propose normative standards from two angles of standard operate business processes and business processes of cost items. It provides a basic guarantee for the effective implementation of the integrated management mode of production and operation; Secondly, in the part of producting the standard cost management system based on activity flow, from the manufacturing process and determining the methods of the standard cost based on the activity flow, to the establishment processes of the standard cost management system are to be discussed in detail, and it analyzes and sums up the specific effect of the implementation to business process management based on the production process control and producting the standard cost management system based on activity flow; thirdly, in the implementation of the performance appraisal system, this paper analyzes the principles and methods of performance appraisal, and the specific implementation of the process of performance appraisal respectively; Finally, the paper proposes safeguards from five areas, such as the unity of thinking, full participation, adjusting to set up the organizational structure, establishment a long-term cost management mechanisms in oil production plants, increasing the supervision of the internal control and adhering to management and technology innovation, etc. They play a great role in the protection and promotion for the effective implementation of the integration management of production and operation.
     Bringing forward the integrated management of production and operation model innovation in the Oil Production Plant further promotes the effective integration of production and operation, so that the Oil Production Plant realizes standardize management, feedbacks of production and operation are more timely and accurate, and operation management system run more smoothly, enterprise risk is controlled, the processes run effectively, and the system is tightly linked. This system enables workers to do acts of evidence-based, operate more standard, so that they work well-targeted, work with clear ideas, and ideas have changed considerably and the quality of thinking of technology improved greatly, to initiative to word from passive implementation, fully embodies management system of the fining and scientific characteristics. It varies after controlling for pre-control and cost control of the process, achieves a systematic, comprehensive, continuous, efficient, standardized operation and management, protects the progressive realization of low cost strategy for the enterprise, and has an important practical significance for further enhancing the overall strength of the Oil Production Plant.
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