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In recent years, the medical field attracts much social concern. The health care system, including hospitals、doctors and nurses is often criticized. Nowadays,"difficult" and "expensive" medical service has been resolved to some extent. New medical reform policy has been published, but the tension between doctors and patients is even more serious. To explain the problems of the current medical organizations, we must solve two problems:In the past decades, along the process of reform, what change has been taken into the hospital and what caused its changes?
     With observation, in-depth interviews and other methods, this article examines the process and mechanism of a medical unit of a secondary hospital——Medical Unit E. We explore4facets of the running and changing of the Medical Unit:the medical profession, the structure, the distribution system and the doctor-patient relationship.
     Through the research, we found that medical unit is not a separate organization in the hospital, it is in the in a wide range of dynamic organization field. The government, the pharmaceutical market, the patient, similar medical units in other hospitals, all of them in the organizational field promotes the transformation of the Medical Unit E.
     As a subordinate organization of the hospital, the medical unit must accept the management of the hospital, but the hospital has a "dual authority" attributes. The manager does not have the ability to evaluate the professional unit and often distribute the power to the units. So the units get their own independence. The hospital management department controls the entire hospital distribution of power and manages the finance of the hospital, which makes the medical units works in accordance with the arrangements of the hospital most of the time.
     Meanwhile, the state government for health work arrangements drill through the health sector, the hospital management communicated to the units. Many national health policies are often the biggest motivation for change. National sections from a change in the way the health system inputs funding by the superior survival of functional organization, and become willing to seek their own interests with profit-making organization.
     The medical unit is facing fierce competition in the units in the process of fighting for their own resources. This competition including organizational field within the limited economic resources to compete with the different units of the hospital, and compete for patients with limited resources in the region as well as with the relevant sections of the outer court. Medical Unit E, As a secondary hospital units,whose main competitors are the municipal medical institutions. At the same time, due to the "step by step" to cure the patients,the Medical Unit E increasingly difficult to retain the critically ill patient, in practice restrict the establishmet of a doctor's experience, while located in the entire organizational environment in Medical Unit E, as below the municipal medical units of the hospital. The leaders of the Medical Unit E seek ways to resist the structured environment of this organization in the Field of medical organizations to determine their status.
     Also in this field, there are market forces. Widespread market economy on the social impact of the department volunteers staff working mentality. Narrow sense in the medical field, including medicine, medical equipment, has achieved the market and supply hospitals with the market by the right to get into the drug, and then in some units in medicine to support medical phenomenon.
     Patients, the media and other social forces prompted the department to run the external forces. Media widely reported for the medical industry in recent years makes the increase of social concern for the medical security, is also concerned about the hospital in the process of market-oriented operation, all the negative signs. The tension in the doctor-patient relationship, but also makes the department personnel had to take some effort to appease the patient suffering from anxiety and distrust. Begin to address the shortcomings of their own work, to improve their own technical standards to prevent omissions in the work.
     The various actors of the organizational field by more than one way to influence units run and change. At the same lime, we can also see that internally in the department, there is an existing structure with toughnes Individuals within the organization under the various policies of openness and forced to adjust their own behavior. Meanwhile, department members use their status and power within the organizational structure to adopt various strategies to safeguard their own interests.
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