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Coal and steam opens the industrial civilization,It give to mankind huge economic growth atthe same time, it brings environmental pollution problems; On the one hand, the third industrialrevolution led the humanity to a new era of information industry as the leading;on the other handput,forward severe challenges to human economic and social sustainable development.In thehigh-speed economic development at the same time, the development of mineral resources, thehuman and ask for more than the bearing load of natural resources and environment ofself-healing. Nowadays people begin to reflect on and seek new development model, to find anew mode of "system management". Ecological industrial park, the mine park, and other formsof industrial aggregation is to produce positive economic effect. Baihua Mountain is rich in highquality coal resources located most west of the capital’s. The Baihua resource utilization berecorded” take coal in the den" as far back as one thousand years ago. The Baihua distribution ofcoal resources,the production of obvious advantages. But to the clear water,blue sky of Beijingat the turn of the century, the government firmly closed all coal mines,represented by theBaihua.The successful transformation to the world of the Ruhr, Germany announced theindustrial sites of historical and cultural value,Industrial relics tourism walked onto the newenergy industry stage as a new mode of enterprise resource regeneration with the race for the newtime.The Baihua mining area is the epitome of the coal industry of Beijing,Its history humanisticvalue is indispensable important part of Beijing world city construction. The importance of theBaihua national mine park and cultural value, far beyond the influence of the traditionalindustrial base in general. In this paper, by analyzing the establishing background of the Baihuanational mine park,significance and the economic and social effect,expounds the project set upby the historical inevitability. By comparing to the development of the national mine park at homeand abroad, the overall planning and industrial design must follow the principles and laws andregulations.” The Industrial park conservation park" management idea is put forward. It works outa reasonable overall planning and industrial layout scheme on the basis of the traditional andemerging resources in the park. Through the establishment of five major industrial park to operateefficiently, feedback park management, maintenance and development of the park healthy andsustainable development goals. Put forward and demonstrates the establish the Baihua eco-tourismindustry base and the third largest lavender ornamental and household industry base; Put forwardand demonstrates the herbals herbs planting of holy lotus is set up, fresh medicine yinpianprocessing and clinical experience industry base; Put forward and proved to build the Baihuapharmaceutical and health industry base; Put forward and demonstrates the establish the Baihuaorchards leisure industry base, build the Baihua core industry value chain. Analysis of theIndustrial base of Baihua national mine park by diamond model. And establishing new industrysystem,on the basis of upgrading traditional industries; Using the Baihua quality, clean soil andmountain spring, climate resources, establish the Baihua green agricultural leisure experiencebase; First put forward to build a12MW coal underground gasification combined cycle powergeneration (UCG-IGCC) project as one of the five pillar industries in the Baihua national minepark,achieve the overall business objectives.
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