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本论文主要探讨了利用液相化学法对氧化铟及银纳米结构材料的控制合成。分别从材料制备和表征、形成机制以及性质研究三个方面进行了论述,内容涉及双表面活性剂辅助下亚稳相(corundum-type structure)In_2O_3多级结构的制备、形成机制以及气敏性质;不同形貌的银纳米颗粒的合成及其在汞离子识别方面的应用;以及银掺杂二氧化钛在光催化方面的应用。通过以功能为导向的纳米结构材料的控制合成和性能方面的研究,探索纳米材料的尺寸、形貌等参数对器件应用方面的影响。具体归纳如下:
     银的纳米颗粒是在可溶性淀粉溶液中通过AgNO_3和NaBH_4的还原反应得到。所得银溶胶为鲜艳的黄色,其紫外可见吸收光谱显示出银纳米颗粒的吸收峰位于400nm左右的可见光区。根据朗伯-比尔定律A=Kbc计算,该银纳米粒子在400nm处的摩尔吸收系数为1.3×10~5 M~(-1)·cm~(-1),可满足比色法检测的需求。利用单质银和汞离子之间能够发生氧化还原反应的原理,室温下,在制备的银纳米粒子中添加不同浓度的Hg~(2+),进行紫外可见吸收光谱检测。随着加入汞离子浓度不断增大,银溶胶的吸光度逐渐减小。这是由于随着反应的不断进行,银颗粒不断被消耗,其浓度逐渐减小,因此吸收峰的强度逐渐降低。银纳米粒子的吸光度和加入的Hg~(2+)浓度呈良好的线性关系,其回归方程为A=1.41-5.75×10~(-4)c(A为吸光度,c为Hg~(2+)浓度),线性相关系数为R=0.9984。根据Mie理论和金属自由电子论的Drude模型,对银溶胶的吸光度和浓度之间呈现线性关系进行了公式推导。该方法对Hg~(2+)显示出良好的选择性,Na~+、K~+、Ba~(2+)、Mg~(2+)、Ca~(2+)、Fe~(3+)和Cd~(2+)等不会造成较大干扰,实现了在水相中Hg~(2+)的检测。
This paper is focused on the controlled synthesis of indium oxide nanostructures through liquid-phase chemistry routes.Investigations are based on three aspects: controlled synthesis,formation mechanism,properties and applications.The contents mainly include metastable corundum-type In_2O_3 of hierarchical nanostructured preparation,size-controlling,formation mechanism and gas-sensing properties, morphosynthesis of Ag nanoparticles and Hg~(2+) Recognition in Aqueous Media, intending to study the intrinsic controlling mechanism of the nanocrystal formation and their effects on the devices' applications.
     1.Catanionic-surfactant-controlled morphosynthesis and gas-sensing properties of corundum-type In_2O_3
     InCl_3-4H_2O was dissolved in heptane,oleic acid and laurylamine were used as the additives.After the solution was heated at 220℃for a setting time,orthorhombic InOOH is separated by centrifugation,indium oxyhydroxide dehydrated to form indium oxides hierarchical nanostructure upon heating.On the basis of the reaction conditions,it is believed that the InOOH wire-bundles in this study are formed mainly via the following sequence.At the initial stage,catanionic-surfactant was obtained by mixing laurylamine and oleic acid,which can induce bilayers due to the electrostatic and hydrophobic interactions.With the increased temperature and pressure,nucleation and growth of the InOOH crystals occur under solvothermal conditions.The surfactants will interact strongly with InOOH crystals by forming hydrogen bonds along the[001]direction,which in turn help one-dimentional growth and prevent side-ripening.Thus,with the assistance of catanionic-surfactant,bundle-like morphology based on nanowires was obtained.Finally,dumbbell-like hierarchical InOOH nanostructures were generated through the outward bending the nanowires by secondary nucleation and growth of new nanowires in each space among the as-grown bundle-like nanostructures.The results suggested that laurylamine alone had no effect on the crystal morphologies of InOOH,possibly due to the weak interaction between laurylamine and growing InOOH crystals.But laurylamine provided the necessary alkaline environment for the hydrolyzing of In~(3+) as well as promote the preferential growth of different crystal planes with the coexistence of oleic acid.
     Novel gas sensors based on the corundum-type In_2O_3 hierarchical nanostructures exhibited high response and selectivity to 2-chlorophenol at 280℃with a detection limit of about 5 ppm.The response of the sensor to other gases,such as benzene, toluene,CHCl_3,CH_2Cl_2,and ammonia under the operating temperature of 280℃was totally insensitive.So the sensor based on corundum-type In_2O_3 hierarchical structures shows an obvious advantage in selective detection of 2-chlorophenol.
     2.Synthesis of Ag Nanoparticles and Hg~(2+) Recognition in Aqueous Media
     The silver nanoparticles were obtained through a reduction reaction of silver nitrate with NaBH_4 in the presence of starch.It showed a characteristic peak centered at 400 nm in the visible light area.Calculated according to the Lambert-Beer's law,the extinction coefficients of the as-prepared silver nanoparticles is about 1.39104 M~(-1) cm~(-1)(at 400 nm),which can meet the demand of colorimetric sensing detection.The sensitivity of silver nanoparticles toward Hg~(2+) was identified by UV-vis absorption spectra in this work.The sensing begins by adding an aliquot of an aqueous solution of Hg~(2+) at a designated concentration to a solution of the Ag nanoparticles at room temperature.Various concentrations of Hg~(2+) from one stock solution were tested.The absorbance peak of the Ag nanoparticles could be depressed with the increased concentration of Hg~(2+) ion.A linear relationship(y=1.41-5.75×10~(-4)x,R~2=0.9984),stands between the absorbance intensity of the Ag nanoparticles and concentration of Hg~(2+) ion over the range from 10 ppb to 1 ppm at the absorption of 390 nm.The limit of quantification,at a signal-to noise ratio of 3,was down to 5 ppb.the selectivity of this system for Hg~(2+) has been evaluated through testing the response of the assay to various environmentally relevant metal ions,including Hg~(2+),Na~+,K~+,Ba~(2+),Mg~(2+),Ca~(2+), Fe~(3+) at a concentration of 10~(-4) M.Only the Hg~(2+) sample shows a significant fading relative to that of the blank.The facile synthesis,high stability and high water solubility of the starch-stabilized Ag nanoparticle probes allow a reliable assay performed in aqueous environments.
     3.Hollow Ag/TiO_2 Nanocomposites with Enhanced Photocatalytic Activity
     Carbonaceous microspheres,which serve as the templates,are first prepared from saccharide starting materials by dehydration under hydrothermal conditions.The surface of the spheres is hydrophilic,being functionalized with C=O groups,silver were loaded onto their surfaces by room-temperature surface reduction.The polysaccharide-like hydrophilic surface of the spheres,bearing hydroxyl roups(-OH), favored the hydrolysis of tetrabutyltitanate.Thus,a shell of TiO_2 precursor formed on the surface.The Fermi level of silver is lower than TiO_2,so a Schottky barrier formed at the metal-semiconductor interface.Investigation dicated that optimized amount of Ag deposits not only acted as electron sinks to enhance the eparation of photoinduced electrons from holes,but also elevated the amount of the surface hydroxyl,leading o the formation of more hydroxyl radicals(·OH) and then the higher photodegradation efficiency to MB solutions.
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