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There are abundant copper ore resources and mineralization types of copper ore deposits in Gansu, China, but the reserves explored is not concordant with of intensity of copper mineralization, which in the providing reserves for important bases of the copper mine productions there is a serious question. It is very important that the understanding of regional metallogenic rules should be emphasized and the thinking of exploration and research opened up.
    In this thesis, mainly metallogenic types, tectonic setting, space-time distributions and the ore-controlling and metallogenic conditions for copper ore deposits in Gansu province are studied on based inducing past formation which basic theories and methods of the modern geology, mineral deposits and related learning are applied and a serious of formation synthesized throughout depending on guide of regional.-metallogenic theories. A rule of development, enrichment and regional metallogeny would be preliminary summaries in terms of analyzing mineral prospecting for Gansu's copper, gold and polymetallic minerals, and the relation between the Indosinian-Yanshan structural-magmatic activities is studied and exploration prospect and positions analyzed as well as a new countermeasure and thinking about research for minerals in this area be suggested.
    Throughout researching it has been found that three main types of copper deposits, which mafic-ultramafic rock, marine volcanic rock and porphyry, with Middle Proterozoic, Paleozoic and Mesozoic in Gansu, China. The Cu-bearing formation, deep major faults and late structural-magmatic zones formed in specific geotectonic setting are main ore-controlling and metallogenic factors for copper, gold and polymetallic minerals in this area, and their convergent positions are effective ones formed ore bodies in space. The north-eastern structural zones which become intensity from the western part to the eastern one in Gansu show a influence of marginal-west pacific Indosinian-Yanshan tectonic-magmatic belt on the western part of China's continent, and not only a important
    regional metallization had developed but also early-formed minerals were intense changed and enriched with the tectonic-magmatic activity. In the west Qinling, Qilian and Longshoushan metallogenic zones, some larger-ultra larger mineral deposits were formed throughout a model of "bearing" in long course of geological evolution. Studying their geologic setting of "formation" and condition of late "development" would help us to objectively realize rules for the metallization and enrichment and define reasonable thinking for research and plan for exploration. In this thesis a deeply arrangement of exploration and new view of search for minerals has been suggested, beneficial metallogenic zones for types of main copper deposits pointed out and prospective prognosis area divided, and the providing reserves for bases of the copper mine productions and main ways going on development for old mines has also been discussed.
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