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In the information age, scientific research has changed from little science to bigscience. Methods of scientific research tend to be complex in experimentation andcomprehensive in subjects combination. An advanced requirement is raised forresearchers and research managers. Scientific research teams in high school, especiallyin research universities, gradually form their own core power by their advantages intalents, subjects and resources, important part of national innovation system.
     The establishing and maintaining of scientific research competitive advantagesdepends on the knowledge managing efficiency of scientific research innovation team.Knowledge capital, realization of knowledge transferring and sharing of the team mustbe fully dug to promote knowledge creation and science research innovation in theprocess of knowledge management. At present, transmission, transferring and sharing ofknowledge in managing process are paid more attention from academic layer. However,source of knowledge management, identification, storing, accumulating and loss ofknowledge attract little attention. The relationship among research innovation,knowledge acumination and knowledge loss are not studied fully. In realistic layerknowledge loss is general. Figures show economic loss caused by knowledge loss isstriking. Knowledge storage and preserving is put forward to study in researchuniversities, in order to enrich and perfect the theories and methods of knowledge toguide specific practice for innovation teams.
     Based on the study of theoretical documents on knowledge transferring and sharing,knowledge accumulation and storage, and knowledge loss and knowledge protection,connotation of knowledge storage and preserving is elaborated, and relationships amongknowledge storage and preserving, knowledge accumulation and knowledge protectionare analyzed comparatively. Content, subject and elasticity of team knowledge areanalyzed detailed based on powerful discussion about knowledge characteristics inresearch universities.
     Team knowledge storage and preserving is the foundation of scientific research forscientific research innovation team in research universities, and is the key factor for theteam to get competitive advantage. Current situation and problems of scientific researchinnovation teams in Chinese research universities are tidied and analyzed in great detail.Effect factors of knowledge storage and preserving of Scientific research innovationteam in research universities, effect of knowledge storage and preserving on team scienceresearch innovation and their relations are analyzed with structural equation.
     Based on basic procedure and job matching of scientific research innovation team inresearch universities, from the layers of individual and individual, individual and littlegroup, and little group and team, model is established from implicit knowledge andexplicit knowledge. Realization methods of knowledge storage and preserving from alllayers are analyzed, and support mechanism of knowledge storage and preserving isdiscussed. Internal mechanism, external dynamic mechanism, technical supportmechanism and system constraint mechanism of team knowledge storage and preservingare discussed separated. Then mechanism of knowledge storage and preserving issystematically analyzed and models are constructed. Based on logistic equations for thegeneral case established the model of knowledge storage and preserving. Given the teamstability research output condition and prevent the excessive loss of team knowledgesolutions to provide practical solutions for sustainable and stable output of scientificresearch team.
     Social network of knowledge storage and preserving is established with the case ofsome research university. Structure and characters of the network are analyzed withsocial network analysis method. Based on set theory, team knowledge is framed and life-circle is divided into formation period, developing period, mature period andtransformation period. Targeted strategies are suggested combing with specific case andteam knowledge is dynamically managed pointing at different characters of teamknowledge storage and preserving in every period.
     Finally improving strategies are put forward combining with analysis of structuralequation model, support mechanism research of knowledge storage and preserving ofscientific research innovation team in research universities, social network analysis anddynamic managing study based on life-circle theory of scientific research innovationteam in research universities.
     Through the above study, theory and method of knowledge storage and preservingare filled out and developed to promote knowledge management and perfect managementtheory on the one hand; constructive ideas for the promotion of scientific researchinnovation ability are provided, in order to commonly advance knowledge use efficiencyand innovation level and guide specific practice of the team.
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