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The location of underground mining is difficult to be monitored automatically and real-timebased on the technology at the present time, that results in some small coal mines ming beyond oftheir mining area in profit-driven causing a series of major production safety accidents. In view ofthis situation, the real-time monitoring and positioning system for underground blasting source isdesigned to achieve the monitoring of underground mining location in this paper after researchingthe production field. The blasting vibration signal detected by the acceleration sensor distributedin the surface of the mine is sent to the corresponding signal acquisition sub-stations. The initialtime of the blasting vibration wave to the sensor is sent to the host computer through the CAN busby the signal acquisition sub-stations after the blasting vibration signal is wavelet de-noisingprocessed and identified the phase. The source location is calculated using a linear equationaccording to the spatial coordinates of the sensors and the initial time of the blasting vibrationwave to the sensor and transferred to the main control computer via GPRS by the host computer.The source location on the mining map is visualized by means of LZ-TIP mining softwaredevelopment platform. The system is conducted experments in the coal mines on the basis of thetheoretical analysis and laboratory experiments.The results show that the reliability and accuracyof the sysetm meet the practical requirements. The system has laid a solid foundation for the coalsafety production in the future.
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