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Human society has entered the knowledge economy era which took knowledge as based,innovation as the soul, intelligence resources as supporting, high technology as the pillar,sustainable development as the goal. Knowledge economy is affecting and changing theexisting regional economic operation, and the regional innovation is constantly shaping thenew regional economic structure and promote regional economic development as a newimpetus and source. In such a background, a region can achieve sustained economic growth ornot, and how and when to achieve sustained economic growth, all these are new challengesand new opportunities that regional economic development is facing. Scientific andtechnological resources, human resources and industrial base in Heilongjiang Province,provide the basis for independent innovation and development conditions, but the ability ofindependent innovation in Heilongjiang Province is still relatively weak, and most companieslack core competitiveness, and innovation and supporting policy system has not beenimproved, innovative services of the local government is not strong and science andtechnology intermediary service levels are not high in many issues, all these restrict the abilityof independent innovation in Heilongjiang Province to enhance. In order to effectively guideand encourage the strengthening of the capacities of independent innovation, promoteindustrial restructuring and growth pattern, improve the capability of independent innovation,it must speed up the innovation system in Heilongjiang province.
     The paper analyzed the problems of independent innovation and the reason of currentproblems in independent innovation system, taking the analysis of the current situation ofindependent innovation system as the base in the Heilongjiang province. In the analysis in thepresent situation of independent innovation, the paper analyzing from the two aspects thatwere the overall level of independent innovation of enterprises and independent innovation ofenterprises activities. Analyzing the total level of independent innovation of enterprises fromfour aspects that were the patent number and the ratifications number, and research anddevelopment expenditures, new product development situation, and the number of technologyprofessionals, and the proportion of scientists and engineers. Analyzing problems inindependent innovation system from the aspects which were little patents, the enterprise doesnot become the main activities of independent innovation, and so on. The paper analyzed the existing problem in independent innovation from the sense of innovation, innovationfinancing, innovation environment, innovation culture, etc.
     The papers from the principle of independent innovation system, the guiding ideologyand the basic ideas of independent innovation system to study framework design ofindependent innovation system in Heilongjiang province. Firstly, the paper put forward fourmain principles that were the integration of resources, major breakthroughs, market andgovernment incentives and enterprises at market-oriented. And on this basis, the paperproposed guiding ideology, basic ideas and framework of building a independent innovationsystem in Heilongjiang province.
     In order to build a fully operable system of independent innovation in Heilongjiangprovince, the paper separately from the service system of independent innovation andindependent innovation support system for human resources, venture capital system ofindependent innovation, innovation policy and regulations built four complete independentinnovation system. In the research service system of independent innovation in Heilongjiangprovince was built by analyzing development status, problems, and development strategy. Onbasis of analyzing the status and problems of human resources, building strategy to buildhuman resources support system. Through studying venture capital role in promotingindependent innovation and improve the operation of venture capital mechanism for venturecapital to build a system of independent innovation. From the aspects of independentinnovation policy, financial policy, and intellectual property protection system to constructsystem of innovation policies and regulations.
     The paper did quantitative calculation of capacity for independent innovation andoperational capability in independent innovation system in Heilongjiang, based onrespectively analyzed the meaning of maturity of independent innovation system andoperation principle of independent innovation system. On this basis, the paper studied thematurity model of independent innovation system in Heilongjiang province, and constructedthe evaluation index system and studied the entropy weight-fuzzy comprehensive evaluationmethod, and the independent innovation system in Heilongjiang province were studiedmaturity. The paper from the creation of institutional mechanisms conducive to innovationand policy environment, the introduction of technology and improve the combined capabilityof independent innovation, enhancing independent innovation system in Heilongjiang province, taking innovation measures to enhance the independent innovation system inHeilongjiang province operational capability measures to improve independent innovationsystem and put forward the countermeasures to enhance the maturity.
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