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With the deepening of reform in electric power system, power supply enterprise are facing unprecedented challenges and opportunities. To fulfill State Grid Corporation's development strategy, i.e. "strong grid, superior assets, quality service and excellent performance", large-scale power supply enterprises urgently need to strengthen performance management.
     The purpose of this article is to develop scientific performance structure, analyze performance influencing mechanism and then provide effective resource distribution for large-scale power supply enterprises. Based on the above, the paper presents the following:
     1. G-IPO-M system framework is established. Based on former researches, the system framework expresses a casual chain relationship in the process of forming performance. All influential elements can be classified into three categories:input factors, mediate factors and moderator factors.
     2. Performance structure model is established based on ecological system theory. The structure of performance has 4-dimensions:market performance, potential performance, financial performance and corporate social responsibility (CSR) performance. Through interviewing probe, questionnaire survey and multiple statistical analysis method, the paper puts forward measuring index system of performance structure and performance influencing factors structure, which help to power supply enterprises appraise performance, thus providing pass reference for dynamic management and improvement of performance. The conclusion is of realistic significance for strengthening large-scale power supply enterprises management as well as effectively promoting State Grid Corporation's development strategy.
     3. The Influencing mechanism of performance and fit of input-regulation-performance system are analyzed. The driving relationship between influencing variables is explored through quantitative analysis. The result indicates that impact of different variables on different dimensions of performance does vary. Mediate variables such as creative ability, decisions quality, agility and quality management, have significantly indirect effect on performance. And moderator variables such as leadership, organizational climate, corporate culture and execution significantly moderate the relation between input factors and performance. The conclusions guide power supply enterprises to allocate input resources, manage intervening variables and improve enterprise performance. The studies further introduce features deviation degree to prove the significantly negative correlation between the fit of input-regulation-performance system and corporation value. These conclusions of the paper have somewhat positive reference values for enterprises' strategic investment and investment decision.
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