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"How to improve the livelihood and subjective well-beings of people" are core issues of the Chinese Communist Party and government. The final goal of economic growth and public policy is to improve the people's livelihood and subjective well-beings. However, the problems of income inequality are more and more serious during the developing process of China's economy and society, Will the increasing income inequality affect on the residents'subjective well-beings and how to influence? At present, domestic researchers don't study this issue systematically. In order to demonstrate the above questions scientifically, first, this dissertation analyzes the inner mechanisms of income inequality affect the residents'subjective well-beings theoretically. And then, using the higher quality of micro survey data and empirical analysis method, we test empirically the relationship between income inequality and subjective well-beings. The main content and findings are as follows:
     The mechanisms of income inequality affecting subjective well-beings include direct and indirect. The direct influences contain:People influenced by "what matters is not wanting but unfairness" traditional ideas were born with disgust inequality, inequality damages people's subjective well-beings directly; Relative deprivation theory points out the increasing inequality will lead to rising relative deprivation, so as to reduce subjective well-beings; The income inequality is able to change expect and to promote income liquidity. There are two kinds of cases of expect changes, which can be explained by "tunnel effect" vividly. When the economy of around people gets better, they also have optimistic expectations on their own future, and which can improve their subjective well-beings, this is called the "positive tunnel effect". If the income inequality is too big, and people don't still reach their expectations, the people's optimistic expectations will disappear, instead of discontent, anger, frustration and impatience, people's subjective well-beings will reduce, this is called "negative tunnel effect". And the indirect effect mainly refers to the income inequality will bring many social problems, such as, deterioration health, violent crime, social trust crisis and so on, all of the social problems directly affect people's subjective well-beings.
     The empirical study found that the income inequality has impact on residents' subjective well-beings significantly. Specifically, we found that there is an "inverted-U" association between income inequality and SWB, and the turning point in gini coefficient is0.4, which means that SWB increases with inequality when gini coefficient is less than0.40and decreases with inequality for larger gini coefficient. There are about63.2%areas or counties with gini coefficient larger than0.4. And the "inverted-U" relationships are robust.
     We also found the "inverted-U" association between urban inner income inequality and SWB, and the same to rural. However, the tolerance of urban residents is lower than rural residents; the urban internal turning point is0.314, while the rural is0.457. There is also "inverted-U" association between the urban-rural income inequality and SWB.
     Different people have different attitudes and feelings to inequality, and these will influence the relationship between inequality and SWB. People's perception of the principles of distributive justice has a remarkable effect on the relationship between income inequality and SWB, people with the principle of equity are happier than those with principle of equality; and this conclusion is also applicable to city and country. The perception of distributive justice has impact on the SWB significantly. Under the same conditions, people with fair perception of distributive justice are high0.231units than those with unfair perception. But interaction effects of income inequality and perception of distributive justice on SWB don't exist.
     We also examine the influence of social stability and social trust on SWB and the indirect influence of the income inequality through the social stability and social trust on the residents' SWB. Social stability and social trust are important influence factors of SWB, and they are the indirect paths of income inequality affecting SWB, social unrest significantly reduces the residents' SWB, social trust increases SWB; the indirect channels through social unrest and social trust account for about5.4%and5.4%of the total effect, the direct effect accounts for84%.
     Using the world values survey data, we also analyze the dynamic changes of income inequality affecting on SWB during the China's economic and social transformation process. Using the ordered probit model and the expansion of Oaxaca-decomposition method, we found:the average level of residents'SWB in China improved from2001to2007, but the distribution of SWB are more extreme, the proportion of "very happy" and "very unhappy" both increased significantly; the influence of income inequality on SWB over the six years experiences a qualitative change, income inequality can significantly improve SWB in2001, but reduce in2007. Whether the change of the income inequality or the change of coefficient which income inequality affects on SWB, all the changes is the factor of reduction of the average level of SWB, and the influence of the change of coefficient is very large.
     Finally, we use the regression-based decomposition based on Shapley value to study the determinants of wage gap in urban labor market and income inequality in country. And we also investigate the contribution of all kinds of factors on the income inequality.
     The main innovation and contribution of the thesis contain:this is the first study of SWB from the income distributive inequality perspective; and we theoretically investigate the internal mechanisms that the income inequality influence the SWB; according to existing literatures and combining with policy that "let part of the region and part of the people get rich first, the first rich help others and ultimately realize common prosperity." We proposed an assumption that an "inverted-U" shape relationship between income inequality and SWB, and we proved this assumption using micro survey data.
③ 数据来源:2010《中国统计年鉴》。
    ④ 中国经济导报,2006年4月27日,第A01版。
    ① 数据来源:程永宏,改革以来全国基尼系数的演变及其城乡分解,《中国社会科学》,2007/04。
    ① 有兴趣的学者请参阅该著作的第三章。娄伶俐,《主观幸福感的经济学理论与实证研究》,上海:上海世纪出版集团,2010。
    ① Harry Helson, Adaptation-level theory; an experimental and systematic approach to behavior, New York: Harper and Row,1964.
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    ① 柏拉图,《理想国》,吴献书译,北京:北京理工大学出版社,2010。
    ② 本文对主观幸福感测量方法的分类介绍主要参考奚恺元等(2008)、肖仲华(2010)。
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    ② 杰文斯,《政治经济学理论》,商务印书馆,1984,P37。
    ① 这样命名的原因是该悖论起源于Richard A. Easterlin教授的奠基性研究。
    ② 关于主观幸福感影响因素的经济学研究更为详细的文献综述参见Diener等(1999),Frey和Stutzer (2002), Dolan等(2008),娄伶俐(2009),鲁元平、王韬(2010)。
    ① 国内各学科对主观幸福感研究的文献综述参见李志、谢朝晖(2006)。
    ② 原版英文著作有两个版本,其中2009年书名The Spirit Level—Why More Equal Societies Almost Always Do Better;2010又出版了更新版本,书名修改The Spirit Level:Why Equality is Better for Everyone。
    ① 出自孔子的《论语》季氏第十六篇。
    ② Elizabeth Tricomi, Antonio Rangel, Colin F. Camerer & John P. O'Doherty, Neural evidence for inequality-averse social preferences, Nature 463,1089-1091 (25 February 2010)他们通过纳入两组受试者并给其中一组一大笔钱来制造不平等现象。当两组人在关注他们的财富转移过程时,包括转移给自己或者是把自己的转移出去给别人,测量了复侧纹状体和腹内侧前额皮质的神经反应,在社会和非社会环境下,对金钱和基本回报评价时都涉及到这两个区域。与反对不平等社会偏好的模型一致,试验结果发现对“富”的实验对象来说,其纹状体和前额皮质中的神经反应在另一个实验对象得到更多钱时更强烈;对“穷”的实验对象来说,其脑中同一区域的神经反应当他们自己得到钱时更强烈。这些结果对这类模型有效性提供了直接的证据,并证明大脑的奖励回路对有利和不利的不平等都是敏感的。
    ① 结构方程模型也是学者研究幸福感的常用方法。如:孙凤(2007a,2007b),吴静(2009),裴志军(2010),吴丽民、陈惠熊(2010)等等。
    ① 王继平、陈甬军:《幸福的经济学研究:历史、现状与启示》,见陈惠雄主编的《经济社会发展与国民幸福》,浙江大学出版社2008年版,P59。
    ① 参见文献Ada Ferrer-i-Carbornell and Paul Frijters(2004); Bernard van Praag and Ada Ferrer-i-Carbornell (2004).
    ① 亚当·斯密,《国民财富的性质和原因研究》(下卷),郭大力、王亚南译。北京:商务印务馆,2003年。
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