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    第二章着重分析了我国住宅抵押贷款保险市场发展和完善的可行性。首先从风险角度分析了我国住宅抵押贷款保险市场的基础。住宅抵押贷款业务中产生的风险是住宅抵押贷款保险市场产生和存在的基础,也是其发展和完善的基础。其中,贷款银行方面需要考虑的风险有:⑴ 购房者的信用风险;⑵ 抵押物风险;⑶ 担保者资格和能力风险;⑷ 购房者的行为风险;⑸ 购房者的道德风险。购房者需要考虑的风险有:⑴ 抵押房屋毁损风险;⑵ 支付风险;⑶ 交易风险。房地产开发商需要考虑的风险则主要存在于投资开发房地产的循环过程
    第三章对西方保险发达国家的住宅抵押贷款保险市场进行了比较分析。首先介绍了美国的住宅抵押贷款保险市场,其特色是建立了公营与私营抵押贷款保险相结合的住宅抵押贷款保险机制的混合模式。这种混合模式的优势在于:⑴ 提高了居民购房的支付能力;⑵ 提高了住宅抵押贷款金融机构抵抗风险的能力;⑶ 为住宅抵押贷款证券化提供了坚实的基础;⑷ 公营与私营保险并存,形成了一种既有分工又有合作,能够覆盖全社会的住宅抵押贷款保险机制。其次
The commercial banks of our state has tried to engage in personal housing mortgage loan since 1980, and there were no insurance companies developing their business in this area until Hua Tai property insurance company started to sell an insurance product named "Personal Guarantee Insurance" in 1994. The personal housing mortgage loan business has taken mark achievement in our state, at the same time, the personal housing mortgage loan insurance market is still in elementary stage. Our commercial insurance companies are trying to find a way to develop their business of personal housing mortgage loan insurance well.
    The dissertation starts from the present situation of the personal housing mortgage loan insurance market, comparing and researching the markets of developed countries and using their experience for reference, putting forward some rationalization proposal and constructive suggestions in order to develop and perfect the personal housing mortgage loan insurance market of our state.
    The dissertation consists of four chapters.
    Chapter One studies the necessity to develop and perfect our state's personal housing mortgage loan insurance market. First, the dissertation illustrates the concept of personal housing mortgage loan insurance and its function for the economy. Second, it introduces the present situation and prevailing problems in the personal housing mortgage loan insurance market of our state. Third, to develop and perfect the personal housing mortgage loan insurance market has been of momentous current significance. It can not only promote the insurance industry's progress, but also bring a favorable action on building construction and accelerate the national economy.
    Chapter Two studies the feasibility to develop and perfect our state's personal housing mortgage loan insurance market. First, the existing risks are the foundation for the existing and developing of the insurance industry.
    Then, the existing risks in the business of personal housing mortgage loan are the foundation for the personal housing mortgage loan insurance market. There are many risks in the business of personal housing mortgage loan, some of them can be managed by insurance companies. Second, the central and local governments have recognized the importance of the personal housing mortgage loan insurance market and promulgated some orders and measures to manage the market, which lay a solid foundation to develop and perfect our state's personal housing mortgage loan insurance market. Third, according to the theory of insurance market, the system of personal housing mortgage loan insurance market has been built up to some extent, which provides good condition for the developing and perfecting the personal housing mortgage loan insurance market of our state.
    Chapter Three compares and studies the international personal housing mortgage loan insurance markets. By providing some facts and statistics, the dissertation introduces the basic situation and characteristics of the personal housing mortgage loan insurance markets in developed countries, such as the United States, France and the Netherlands. The developed countries' advanced experience of the personal housing mortgage loan insurance markets is very useful for our state.
    Chapter Four is the keystone of the dissertation. It discusses the train of thought and tentative plan for developing and perfecting the personal housing mortgage loan insurance market of our state. First, we should accord to the actual situation of our state and follow the advanced countries' experience in this field in order to establish the ideal mode of the personal housing mortgage loan insurance market. Second, the dissertation puts forward the tentative plan to set up the personal housing mortgage loan policy insurance institution. The government should set up the personal housing mortgage loan policy insurance institution that has the responsibility to provide insurance for the house-purchasers who have medium or low income to apply for the personal housing mortgage loan.
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